Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

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Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children
Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

Video: Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

Video: Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

One of the most popular expectorants of natural origin is licorice syrup, instructions for use, reviews of which are given in the article. The expectorant anti-inflammatory properties of licorice make it possible to use this remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Prescribe the drug for adults and children older than a year. Despite the fact that the instructions for use call licorice syrup a safe and non-toxic agent, it can only be used as directed by a doctor.

General characteristics

Licorice root syrup is a thick concentrate of licorice root extract. It has a natural sweet taste and dark brown color. The syrup is packaged in dark glass bottles of 100 ml. Its cost depends on the manufacturer, but usually does not exceed 50 rubles. You can buy this medicine at any pharmacy, it is sold without a doctor's prescription.

This is a herbal product. licorice root, orlicorice has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many pathologies. Official medical science has also proven its healing properties. Now it is often used to relieve coughs and treat some other diseases.

properties of licorice syrup
properties of licorice syrup

What is included in it

The main component of the drug is an extract of licorice root. It is based on ethyl alcohol, sugar syrup is also added. But these are auxiliary components, the main effect is licorice extract. Its properties are associated with a rich composition. Many different biologically active compounds are found in this plant. First of all, it is glycyrrhizic acid. It is this substance that has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, licorice root contains saponins, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, steroids, polysaccharides, essential oils, organic acids, many vitamins and minerals.

drug characteristic
drug characteristic

What effect does

Instructions for the use of licorice syrup notes that its effectiveness is due to the special composition. Due to the presence of glycyrrhizic acid and flavonoids, the drug has anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic effects. It is able to expand the lumen of the bronchi and thin the sputum, removing it from the bronchi. This makes it easier to cough up in case of respiratory diseases.

Extensive clinical experience has proven that licorice syrup improves the patient's immunity and protects the body frompathogenic microorganisms. This preparation also contains plant analogues of estrogen. Thanks to them, it normalizes the hormonal balance of women and the menstrual cycle. In addition, the instructions for use for licorice syrup notes that it has the following effect:

  • accelerates recovery from viral diseases, and is effective even for herpes;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • accelerates the recovery of tissues of the mucous membrane of the digestive and respiratory organs;
  • has an antispasmodic effect;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • prevents the development of cancerous tumors;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • calms the nervous system.
  • indications for use
    indications for use

Indications for treatment

The most commonly used cough syrup is licorice. Instructions for use notes that its properties allow it to be used as the only remedy in mild cases or as part of complex therapy. The drug is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to facilitate the expectoration of difficult-to-expect sputum. Its use is advisable for such pathologies:

  • colds and viral diseases;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • smoker's cough;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • Addison's disease.

In addition, this drug is often used during remission in diseases of the digestive system to accelerate the regeneration of the mucosa. He entersin the complex treatment of rheumatism, gout, gynecological pathologies. This drug is often chosen for debridement of the respiratory tract before and after surgery. And the feature of licorice to improve metabolic processes and digestion, as well as cleanse the body of toxins is used by some women who want to lose weight.

indications for use
indications for use

Contraindications and side effects

Instructions for the use of licorice syrup notes that this is a low-toxic agent that practically does not cause side effects and has no contraindications. Among the possible negative effects, heartburn, nausea, and abdominal pain are most often observed. Sometimes there may be indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea. And in the presence of individual intolerance, allergic reactions occur in the form of a rash, skin itching. Prolonged use of the drug or exceeding the indicated dosage may lead to hypokalemia and impaired water-s alt metabolism, resulting in an increase in blood pressure and edema.

You can not take this drug in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the remedy, as well as in children under one year of age. It is undesirable to carry out treatment during an exacerbation of gastritis or gastric ulcer, as well as in pathologies of the liver and kidneys. In bronchial asthma, syrup treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, since it cannot be prescribed in conjunction with antitussive drugs. And because of the estrogen-like action of licorice, you can not use it duringpregnancy. For the same reason, it is worth refraining from using it for men with problems in their sexual life. In addition, the presence of sugar syrup in the preparation makes it impossible for patients with diabetes to take it. In this case, you can use licorice root, but only in the form of an extract.

licorice syrup preparation
licorice syrup preparation

Licorice syrup: instructions for use

It is recommended to take the drug three times a day. The required amount of syrup is added to half a glass of water and the resulting solution is drunk. You can also immediately lick the syrup from a spoon, but you must immediately drink water. The more it is, the better the expectorant properties of the drug will manifest. Instructions for the use of licorice syrup for adults recommend drinking a dessert spoon. The course of treatment is usually 10-14 days, but it can be completed earlier if the cough is completely gone. If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, they undergo longer treatment.

If the patient also uses other drugs, the doctor should be warned about this. This drug is incompatible with diuretics, cardiac glycosides, hormonal drugs and laxatives. It is also impossible to use licorice as part of complex therapy in conjunction with other antitussives.

how to take syrup
how to take syrup

Instructions for using licorice syrup for children

It has long been proven effective in the treatment of dry and wet coughs. Moreover, positive reviews about him are left by both parents of babies and doctors. It is not recommended to only use it fortreatment of children up to a year. Instructions for use of licorice syrup draws attention not to the fact that it contains ethyl alcohol, which can harm the baby.

Babies from one to two years old are given the drug 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. They can be added to water or juice. Children aged 2 to 12 years old can already be given half a teaspoon, and at an older age - a whole spoonful. Take the syrup three times a day for 7-10 days.

application for children
application for children

Reviews on the use of the drug

Despite the fact that many modern expectorants have appeared recently, one of the most popular cough medicines is still licorice syrup. Basically, people note that this drug is effective for colds and viral diseases. Moreover, licorice syrup has been used for a long time, but even doctors still prescribe it as part of a complex treatment. People like that the drug tastes good, rarely causes side effects and is relatively inexpensive. But its effectiveness is high - it quickly helps to remove sputum, and the cough goes away.
