What kind of wart ointment to use: doctor's advice

What kind of wart ointment to use: doctor's advice
What kind of wart ointment to use: doctor's advice

Warts on the human body can cause a feeling of disgust in others. Indeed, the appearance of such neoplasms in many is associated precisely with uncleanliness. Warts are small growths that form on the skin. Outwardly, they are very similar to a tumor, the diameter of which is no more than a centimeter. However, there are exceptions in some situations.

ointment for warts
ointment for warts

Varieties of warts

For the treatment of such neoplasms, an ointment is usually used. There are many remedies for warts. But before embarking on therapy, it is worth finding out the main reason for their appearance. Not so long ago, warts began to be divided into several types:

  • senile, which appear in a person as a result of age-related changes.
  • Genital warts. This type of wart is usually located in the genital area, as well as on the genitals.
  • Flat.
  • Solar.
  • Common.

Main reason

Many years ago, scientists found that in most cases warts appear as a result of the development of the human papillomavirus. It can penetrate through minor injuries and scratches on the skin. However, in some cases, warts occur in people who wear tight shoes, as well as in those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet.

Experts recommend carefully monitoring personal hygiene for prevention purposes. This will prevent the formation of warts only on the feet, but also on other parts of the body. In addition, special attention should be paid to the state of the immune system.

oxolinic ointment for warts
oxolinic ointment for warts

Will Viferon help

Wart ointment should be gentle yet effective. Not so long ago, scientists have created a unique drug. The human body produces interferon. It is a protein that helps the body resist the effects of various viruses. Specialists synthesized it in the laboratory. This substance perfectly copes with the simplest bacteria and viruses of various forms. At the same time, resistance to interferon does not develop, even if the drug is used for a long time.

Ointment for warts "Viferon" is a drug that perfectly copes with the tasks. After all, interferon protein is taken as the basis in the drug. In addition, the ointment contains vitamin E and peach oil. These substances have not only anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They are able to accelerate the processes of regeneration of the skin. The ointment base allows the drug to be easily and quickly absorbed on any part of the skin.

How to use the drug "Viferon"

Ointment for warts enougheasy to use. It is enough to apply the drug to the affected area of the skin. You can carry out the procedure up to four times during the day. The drug has no age restrictions. It can be used by both adults and children.

The course of such therapy depends on the result and can last from 5 days to one month.

wart ointment reviews
wart ointment reviews

Drug "Panavir"

Surgical removal of neoplasms on the skin does not always give a positive result. Over time, small growths may appear again. After all, the human papillomavirus can be located quite deep. In this case, it is better to use an ointment from the wart for therapy. The remedy "Panavir" is considered quite effective. The drug is more like a gel. The drug acts directly on the virus.

It is worth noting that this wart ointment has a natural composition. "Panavir" has an antiviral property. The drug can significantly improve the functioning of the immune system. And this, in turn, stimulates the production of a protective protein - interferon.

viferon ointment for warts
viferon ointment for warts

What is the result

Ointment for warts "Panavir" is recommended to be applied to the affected area for 10 days several times a day. Scientists have conducted research in the field of venereology and dermatology. They showed that the drug perfectly fights not only with the external manifestations of the disease, but also with the virus itself, which is located in the deep layers of the skin.

Besides, wart ointment is much more convenientuse than different solutions. According to reviews, the drug "Panavir" has many advantages:

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Does not cause pain after application.
  3. Due to the unique composition, it is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Does not wash off for several days.
  5. Can be used as a scar preventative.
  6. Does not cause allergic side effects.

Use the Panavir wart ointment only after consulting your doctor. After all, the drug, like many drugs, has contraindications.

Oxolinic ointment for warts

The action of this drug is based on its antiviral properties. The drug can disrupt the development processes, as well as the reproduction of viruses inside cells. A similar drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. However, before using it, you should consult a specialist for a complete examination. After all, the cause of the formation of growths can be reduced immunity.

How to use the ointment correctly

Oxolinic ointment for warts, as a rule, is applied to the affected areas of the skin. As the reviews show, the procedure should be carried out up to three times during the day. The course of therapy can last from several weeks to two months. To get rid of warts on the hands, you can use 3% ointment.

Often neoplasms appear on the legs, or rather on the soles. Ointment for wartsThe foot is best applied before going to bed. The affected area should be well steamed before treatment. This improves the effect. If necessary, dead skin cells can be removed. Oxolinic ointment after such procedures penetrates into the body much faster.

foot wart ointment
foot wart ointment

In conclusion

At the moment, many drugs have been created that allow you to get rid of the human papillomavirus. Because of this diversity, many have the question: "How to choose an ointment for warts?" Reviews show that each of the drugs has its own disadvantages and advantages. To choose the right medicine, you should contact the experts for advice.
