Effective medicines for sinusitis: comparison of the best drugs and reviews about them

Effective medicines for sinusitis: comparison of the best drugs and reviews about them
Effective medicines for sinusitis: comparison of the best drugs and reviews about them

After suffering infectious acute diseases that have arisen in the upper respiratory tract, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, inflammation of the sinuses often occurs, which is called sinusitis. The treatment of this disease is complex. Medicines for sinusitis are prescribed by a doctor. Medicines have both systemic and local effects. Similar methods are used to treat sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

sinusitis medications
sinusitis medications

Cure for sinusitis and sinusitis

In the initial stages, both tablets and nasal sprays are used in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis. They can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. These funds help to relieve the main symptoms of the disease. But they do not cure the causes. You can use the medicine for sinusitis and sinusitis on your own for no more than three days. With prolonged use, the medicine may lose its effectiveness and cause an exacerbation of the disease. If after three days the runny nose does not go away, then you need to find other medicines for sinusitis.

In treatmentsinusitis doctor prescribes antihistamines. The drug is able to block the synthesis of histamine, which helps eliminate swelling and reduce nasal discharge. But this only works if the sinusitis is allergic in nature.

From the feedback of patients it follows that antihistamines should be used with extreme caution, without violating the dosage. When interacting with other means, they are able to reduce the concentration of attention, as well as the speed of reaction.

Effective remedy for sinusitis are sprays or vasoconstrictor drops. The main active ingredients here are pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. They tend to act on the capillaries and vessels that line the sinuses. Drugs can affect blood pressure, so those who suffer from hypertension should definitely consult a doctor before using them. He will adjust the dosage or recommend an alternative.

medicine for sinusitis and sinusitis
medicine for sinusitis and sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics

If the disease persists, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment. Before this, a study of discharge is mandatory, the severity of the disease is assessed. Medicines for sinusitis in adults have a different spectrum of action.

Mild disease does not require antibiotics. If a viral infection caused a runny nose, then antibacterial drugs will be useless. If the runny nose continues for more than ten days, then most likely a bacterial infection has joined, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Whenof moderate severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes "Amoxicillin" or "Amoxicillin-clavulanate". If we compare these two drugs, then in recent years, preference is increasingly given to the latter. Due to the content of clavulanic acid, its action is more effective. Alternatives include macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines.

In severe cases, an inhibitor-protective penicillin is administered parenterally - it can be "Ampicillin-sulbactam", "Amoxicillin-clavulanate". Also used are 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins - these are Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime, Cefoperazone. If there is an individual intolerance, then beta-lactams are prescribed - "Chloramphenicol" or "Ciprofloxacin".

The treatment regimen, the full course is prescribed by the attending doctor.


medicine for rhinitis and sinusitis
medicine for rhinitis and sinusitis

In the complex treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis, inhalations are widely used. This method alone is not able to cope with the disease. Inhalation helps to eliminate only local symptoms of the disease, it does not eliminate the focus of infection. There is a high risk of the disease becoming chronic, so sinusitis medications should be used both locally and in combination.

For inhalations, infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants are most often used. If we consider the reviews of patients, then we can judge that eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, thyme, St. John's wort are considered the most effective. They have bactericidal properties, have mucolyticand anti-inflammatory action. Herbs are used both individually and in collections.

If the patient does not suffer from allergies, then essential oils and propolis can be taken for inhalation. Inhalation of vapors has a tonic and bactericidal effect on the body during sinusitis.

You should be aware that large accumulations of mucus in the nasal passages prevent the entry of healing vapors. If the nose is very stuffy, drops or vasoconstrictor tablets should be used before the procedure.

Contraindications for inhalation

It is worth considering the contraindications that exist for inhalation:

  • Severe general condition.
  • Heat temperature.
  • Children under 5.

  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Asthma.
  • Circulatory disorders.

A nebulizer is used for inhalation at home. In it, the medicinal liquid turns into vapor. In the nebulizer, you can fill the capsules with the drug, decoctions of herbs. Essential oils cannot be used in this device. If inhalations are carried out in a hospital, it should be remembered that after the procedure it is undesirable to go out into the open air for an hour. If inhalations are indicated for sinusitis with a nebulizer, what medicine to carry them out with, the doctor will recommend.

If we compare drugs for inhalation, then according to patients' reviews, we can judge that the most popular are drugs in capsules. Ease of use and correctcalculated dosage lead to effective results.

medicines to treat sinusitis
medicines to treat sinusitis

Correct inhalation

In order for inhalation to bring maximum benefit, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before the procedure, clean your sinuses well.
  • Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.
  • Inhale the medicinal vapor carefully so as not to harm the mucous membranes.
  • The procedure is carried out twice: in the morning and in the evening.
  • The average course lasts from 7 to 10 days.

When sinusitis should not do inhalation without the advice of a doctor. The doctor will determine if there are any contraindications to the procedure, prescribe the necessary medication.

Sinusitis: nebulizer inhalation (medication)

When inhaled with a nebulizer, the medicine, breaking down to the smallest particles, can get into the most distant departments. Various drugs are used. We list the most popular sinusitis medications according to patient reviews:


  • "Tonzilong N" - anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • "Rinofluimucil" is a vasoconstrictor and secretolytic property. Accelerates the recovery of mucous membranes.
  • "Polydex" - in comparison with the listed drugs contains a hormonal part (dexamethasone), as well as two antibiotics. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and at the same timevasoconstrictor action.

Topical antibiotics:

  • "Gentamicin".
  • "Bioparox".
  • "Isofra.
  • "Tobramycin".
  • "Streptomycin".
  • "Dioxidine".


  • "Derinat".
  • "Interferon".
medicines for sinusitis in adults
medicines for sinusitis in adults

Instructions for conducting

Before inhalation with a nebulizer, it is necessary to fill in 2 ml of the solvent. After that, take the medicine for sinusitis and add as many drops as recommended by the doctor. Do not use distilled water as a solvent, it can cause coughing fits. It is better to take saline (saline solution) and warm it up to 18-19 degrees.

You can carry out the procedure two hours after any physical activity. Before the procedure, it is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol. If expectorants have been prescribed, it is necessary to stop their use. During the procedure, you need to breathe slowly and evenly.

Medicated treatment

What drugs to treat sinusitis in complex therapy? Here, medications have a different effect. And how patients respond, complex therapy, in comparison with local exposure, fights the disease much more effectively.

Mucolytics thin clots in the maxillary sinuses andstimulate the discharge of mucus.

Antimicrobial agents actively fight pathogens.

Corticosteroids are used for severe disease when other remedies fail.

Antihisamine drugs relieve swelling, itching, and other symptoms of an allergic nature.

Moisturizers prevent dust and other contaminants from sinus infections.

sinusitis inhalation nebulizer medication
sinusitis inhalation nebulizer medication


Mucolitic drugs for sinusitis:

  • "Fluditec".
  • "Mukodyn".
  • "Fluimucil".

Preparations are available in the form of a suspension or sweet syrup for children. For adults in the form of capsules, tablets, effervescent soluble tablets. Calculate the dosage, taking into account the age and weight of the patient.

Complex drug "Sinupret", which received many positive reviews, has a complex effect, including mucolytic. It relieves pain, fever and inflammation. It is based on herbal ingredients.

Treatment with antihistamines should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The drugs effectively remove the symptoms of allergies, but at the same time thicken the mucus and dry the mucous membranes.

Anti-sinusitis drugs - corticosteroids - are effective in the most severe forms. To relieve side effects, hormonal drugs in the form of nasal sprays are used. Common are means containing in their compositionbeclomethasone.

Many patients, inspired by advertising, are actively used in the treatment of sinusitis "Nasonex". But it is worth noting that, in comparison with other drugs, this remedy only helps with a runny nose, which is allergic in nature. If the disease is bacteriological, then Nasonex only temporarily eliminates the symptoms.

Complex treatment

Modern pharmaceuticals presents a variety of remedies for the treatment of the common cold. Given the course of the disease, its degree of complexity, only a doctor can correctly prescribe a cure for rhinitis and sinusitis. The treatment can be used as one or a number of drugs.

Vasoconstrictors. The most popular and necessary drugs. Quickly eliminate congestion, restore patency and ensure the outflow of mucus. Such remedies do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only bring temporary relief. It is not recommended to use ointments, sprays, drops for a long time. May be used for 3-5 days 2-3 times a day. After that, a break is needed.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for systemic or local action. Eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses and larynx. These include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. The simultaneous use of anti-inflammatory drugs from different groups is not recommended. In each case, the doctor chooses which medication is best to use.

Secretomotor and mucolytic drugs are combined. Under the influence of these drugs, the activity of the ciliated epithelium is enhanced. ithelps to clear the nasal passages from accumulated mucus.

Antibiotics are not used if sinusitis, sinusitis is not purulent. In this case, while benefiting the condition of the nasal passages, antibiotics can harm other organs, so the drugs should be used with extreme caution.

what medicines to treat sinusitis
what medicines to treat sinusitis


A special word should be said about the drops, since for sinusitis, sinusitis, it is in this form that drugs are used most often. Compared to tablets, drops have many advantages. They act locally and bring a feeling of relief fairly quickly. A minimum of active components enters the bloodstream. Side effects are extremely rare.

But the main remark is that addiction to vasoconstrictor drops comes very quickly, after 3-5 days. Therefore, along with drops, it is necessary to use drugs of a longer, albeit slow, action. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

The most common drops: Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Galazolin.
