Treatment with medicinal plants has not lost its popularity even with the current level of development of medicine. For the treatment of various diseases, drugs based on plant extracts are used. One of the most commonly used is licorice root. A syrup from it is sold in any pharmacy. It is often prescribed by doctors for colds and coughs, even for young children. This drug is one of the most common expectorants.
General characteristics
The root of the plant known as licorice or licorice has long been used in folk medicine. It is considered the best expectorant and is also valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. On sale, you can purchase a dry extract of the plant and use it to prepare decoctions. But the most commonly used syrup is licorice root.
It comes in 50mg and 100mg vials. The syrup is a thick brown liquid of sweet taste with a peculiarsmell. The basis of its composition is sugar syrup, which contains 86%. 10% is alcohol, and only 4% is a thick licorice extract.
The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the substances contained in this plant. First of all, it is glycyrrhizic acid. This substance is similar in its properties to steroid hormones. In addition, licorice root syrup contains essential oils, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, resins, organic acids, coumarin. Due to this composition, the drug has expectorant, laxative, antispasmodic and regenerating effects. Therefore, it is used for a variety of pathologies.

What effect does it have?
The widespread use of licorice root syrup in medicine is due to its unique properties. Glycyrrhizic acid, the main active ingredient of the drug, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In this it is similar to steroid hormones, such as cortisone. Licorice root relieves inflammation and swelling, but mainly affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. When used internally, the drug has the following effect:
- helps thin and clear phlegm from the respiratory tract;
- cleanses the intestines and helps relieve constipation;
- relieves headaches from colds;
- relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
- stimulates regeneration processes, restoring the cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and skin;
- clears the respiratory tract from viruses and bacteria;
- lowers cholesterol;
- improves the elasticity of vessel walls;
- prevents tumors.

Indications for use
Licorice root syrup is better known as an expectorant. It is most often prescribed for colds to mitigate dry cough. Moreover, it is no less effective than expensive modern drugs. And they prescribe it even to small children, since it practically does not cause side effects. But the use of licorice root is not limited to the treatment of colds. The medicinal properties of the drug allow it to be used in the complex treatment of many pathologies:
- for influenza, SARS;
- for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
- with tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
- with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer outside the period of exacerbation;
- for constipation and decreased bowel function;
- for chemical poisoning;
- for parasitic infections;
- with pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis;
- to strengthen immunity, improve metabolic processes, increase efficiency;
- externally to remove age spots and whiten the skin.

For some reason, it is believed that all herbal preparations are absolutely safe. But it's not. Despite the many benefits of licorice root syrup, the instructions warn against its use in such cases:
- diabetes mellitus cannot be used due to the presence of sugar in the preparation;
- during pregnancy, it can cause hormonal disruptions, increased uterine tone and bleeding;
- in case of hypertension, it can lead to an increase in pressure, as it has a tonic effect;
- with individual intolerance, it can cause a severe allergic reaction;
- if it is necessary to use diuretics, potassium may be washed out of the body.
Contraindications include: bleeding disorders, serious liver disease, hypokalemia, heart rhythm disturbances. But negative effects can be avoided if you take the drug as prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects
Adverse reactions after using licorice root are rare. If you take it as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications and the age of the patient, then the treatment takes place without side effects. But allergic reactions may occur in the form of itching, rash, redness of the skin. Sometimes heartburn, nausea, and indigestion also occur. Long-term use of the drug or its overdose can cause hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, heart pain, and edema. It can be especially dangerous when taking diuretics, as this leads to a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood. In addition, licorice root syrup should be used with caution in men. It contains estrogen-like substances, so it can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Instructions for using licorice root syrup
The drug has a pleasant smell and sweet taste. Therefore, its use usually does not cause problems even in children. But some people cannot swallow sweet syrup because they do not like its specific taste and smell. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute the prescribed dose in half a glass of warm water or tea. Usually the dosage is prescribed individually depending on the patient's condition. Instructions for licorice root syrup recommends taking it 5 ml three times a day. It's about 1-2 tablespoons. It is best to take the medicine after a meal with plenty of water, or half an hour before a meal. It is especially important to drink plenty of fluids when treating a cough, as it helps to expel phlegm. The course of treatment with licorice root syrup is usually 1-2 weeks. It is not recommended to take the drug longer. If there is no improvement, more serious drugs should be prescribed.

Using licorice root syrup by children
This drug is most often used to treat colds in children. It is the form of syrup that is especially convenient for the child because of its sweet taste and ease of dosage. After all, not all children can swallow a pill, especially when they have a sore throat. And this drug can be diluted in juice, tea or just in water.
In the instructions for the use of licorice root syrup, children are advised to give 2.5 ml, that is, about a teaspoon. The drug is diluted in 50 ml of liquid andgive the child a drink 3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually a week.
But this dosage is acceptable for a child over 3 years old. After all, the instruction does not recommend the use of licorice root syrup for younger children. Although pediatricians often prescribe the drug even to infants. But this requires an individual dosage in drops. Usually give the child 1-2 drops of syrup diluted in a spoonful of water.

Licorice Root Syrup quickly helps to get rid of cough and relieves the condition with colds, bronchitis. The reviews note that this remedy even relieves the smoker's cough, helping to expel sputum. Licorice also alleviates the condition of allergic diseases. Moreover, the drug is inexpensive - from 25 to 50 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, instead of expensive modern medicines, which also often cause side effects, many people buy licorice root. And with colds or bronchitis, even doctors prescribe it. But it is worth remembering that it is better to use the drug as part of a complex treatment. And if there is no improvement after a week of therapy, you can no longer drink it, since the effect should come almost immediately.