In recent years, a lot of electronic devices have appeared: tablet PCs, laptops, touch cell phones, etc. They take up little space and are very convenient to use, but they put a lot of strain on the organ of vision. Constant exposure to radiation from office equipment, active use of contact lenses, etc. provokes the occurrence of such a pathology as “dry eye syndrome”.
To combat this problem, various medications are used to moisturize the conjunctiva. An example is the drug "Systane Balance". This drug helps to restore the production of natural lacrimal fluid, preventing the appearance of "dry eye syndrome". The drug is considered a substitute for natural tears.
Systane Balance eye drops: instructions for use
The drug is available as an oil-based solution. The composition of the medicinal product includes the following components:
- Propylene glycol is a chemical that has the ability to retain fluid on the surface of the conjunctiva.
- Hydroxypropylguar is a compound made up of polymers. This component is necessary to stabilize and thicken the lipid layer of tear moisture.
- Sorbitol.
- Mineral oil.
- Hydrochloric and boric acid.
- Purified water.

There is no definite frequency of drug use during the day. It is used when dryness in the eye, a sensation of a foreign body, sand begins to be felt. At such moments, it is necessary to apply 1-2 drops of the medicinal solution. If a person wears contact lenses, then the drug is used before putting them on and after removing them. The medicine must be used as prescribed by a doctor, as it is contraindicated in children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
How does the drug work?
The cornea of the eye has a lipid layer on its surface, on which the lacrimal fluid is located. Normally, the organ of vision should be constantly moistened. But due to adverse environmental influences, as well as various interventions (vision correction, wearing lenses), the lacrimal fluid begins to evaporate from the surface of the lipid layer. Eye drops "Systane Balance" have special components due to which the cornea is moisturized. The substances that make up the drug lead to the stabilization of the lipid layer of the tear film, which contributes to less evaporation of moisture from the surface of the cornea. Thus, the drug provides a softening and moisturizing effect, and "dry eye syndrome"docked.

Ophthalmic drug "Systane Balance": reviews
"Dry eye syndrome" is considered a manifestation of many different diseases. Among them are endocrine, renal and autoimmune pathologies. It can lead to scars on the cornea, frequent exacerbations of conjunctivitis and other ophthalmic diseases.
The frequency of the syndrome increases with age. People who use Systane Balance drops notice noticeable improvements. Patients cease to be disturbed by dry eyes, a burning sensation and pain, sensations of a foreign body. Doctors recommend drops "Systane Balance": reviews about the drug are left not only by patients, but also by ophthalmologists from many countries of the world. Side effects of the drug are rare, so almost all patients are satisfied with the effect of the drug.
What can replace the drug?
Currently, there are many medicines that are designed to moisturize the cornea. In the absence of a drug in a pharmacy or the inability to buy it, you can replace the Systane Balance eye drops. Analogues of the drug act on the same principle, that is, they contribute to the removal of the “dry eye syndrome”. Among them are the medicines "Systane Ultra", "Vizomitin", "Inoksa" and other drops to moisturize the cornea. All of them are actively used in ophthalmic practice. The difference between the drug "Systane Balance" is the presence of a specially designed LIPITECH system, which consists in stabilizing the tear film.
Specialinstructions for use of the drug

The use of the medication should be started only after confirmation by an ophthalmologist of the presence of "dry eye syndrome". The drug solution is sterile, so touching the pipette should be avoided, as this can lead to infection in the organ of vision.
The medicine has a 2-year shelf life, but it cannot be used if more than 6 months have passed since the day the vial was opened. If during the use of the drug there is pain in the eyes, lacrimation or hyperemia, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate an allergy to the components of the drug.