The eyes are a sensitive organ. It is easy to break his work. Every day, a person is faced with the negative impact of environmental factors. Chemicals, computer screen radiation, adverse climatic conditions can worsen the condition of the eye apparatus. As a result, vision may be impaired. To avoid this, many use goggles and eye drops such as Systane Ultra.
General product information
Almost everyone knows the feeling of discomfort in the area of the eyeballs, which is observed after a hard day at the computer, long reading, exposure to cosmetics, household chemicals. There are many remedies that eliminate the feeling of dryness and improve the condition of the organs of vision. They contain substances similar in composition to the liquid produced by the lacrimal glands. These solutions help moisturize the cornea and relieve unpleasant symptoms. One of these medicines is "SystaneUltra". The drug has no therapeutic effect and almost no effect on the body. In the process of applying the drops, you can not remove contact lenses from your eyes.

The medicine belongs to the premium class, and the price is quite high. The average cost of a drug is 750 rubles.
What are the components of the drug?
Drops "Systane Ultra" is a solution that provides moisture to the mucous membrane of the organs of vision and eliminates the feeling of burning and dryness.

Such signs appear under the influence of negative factors, both external and internal, as well as in the process of long-term wearing of contact means for vision correction. The drug looks like a liquid that has a transparent hue and does not have a specific odor. Drops "Systane Ultra" contain the following components:
- Sorbitol.
- Sodium compounds.
- Boric acid.
- Purified water for injection.
- Propylene glycol.
- Potassium chloride.
The drug is available in packs. Each pack contains a bottle of 10 ml solution.
Means that have a similar effect
Some customers prefer other drugs that have a similar effect. Pharmacies offer a fairly large selection of such drugs. As analogues of the drug "Systane Ultra" you can list the following:
- "Oxial".
- "Vidisik".
- "Vizin".
- "Inoksa".
- "Ophtagel".
- "Likontin".
Useful qualities of the drug
Many users who regularly experience eye discomfort have tried this medicine. The action of the solution is aimed at relieving the following symptoms:
- Discomfort (stinging, burning and itching).
- Redness of the mucous membranes of the organs of vision.
- Feeling dry.
What explains the moisturizing effect of Systane Ultra? Eye drops form a special layer on the surface of the organs of vision. It covers the cornea of the eye and provides protection from adverse external factors, for example:
- Dust that is present outdoors and indoors.
- Substances that can provoke individual intolerance (pollen, fur and undercoat of pets).
- Harmful microorganisms.
- Smoke, air-conditioned dry air.
- Cosmetics (mascara, shadows, powder).
- Household chemicals.
- Bright lighting.
- Cold wind.
- Emission from computer and TV.
- Hair care products.

How to use Systane Ultra correctly?
The instruction indicates that the medication can be used at any time of the day, as needed. One or two drops of the solution are injected for eacheye.

After applying the product, it is recommended to blink quickly and often for several seconds so that the medicine moistens the surface of the cornea well. The break between such procedures should be at least fifteen minutes. "Systane Ultra" is a drug that is not recommended for use in conjunction with other medicines that have a similar effect.
When is it undesirable to use the product?
Experts say that periods of gestation and lactation are considered contraindications to the use of drops. This prohibition is explained by the fact that there is no information on the effect of the drug on the development of the fetus and the composition of breast milk. In addition, persons under the age of 16 are not recommended to use Systane Ultra. Instructions for use indicate that the medication may provoke individual intolerance.
Consumer Opinion
Customer reviews about the effectiveness of this drug are mixed. There are people who are satisfied with the action of the drug. They say that the drug "Systane Ultra" helps to cope with discomfort in the area of the eyeballs, moisturizes the mucous membranes. In addition, it eliminates the discomfort associated with wearing contact aids for vision correction. The medicine relieves fatigue well. However, it is not intended for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Some buyers were disappointed with Systane Ultra. Eye drops,those containing more hyaluronic acid, in their opinion, work better.