Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews

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Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews
Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews

Video: Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews

Video: Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews
Video: Pulmonary Embolism - Overview 2024, July

For the treatment of hemorrhoids occurring in the initial stage, patients are often prescribed homeopathic medicines. It is to these that the Esculus ointment belongs. This drug has been widely used in proctology. It is used as a remedy that effectively copes with clogged veins and also eliminates blood stasis.

ointment esculus
ointment esculus

Components of composition

What is Esculus homeopathic ointment made from? For the preparation of such a drug, horse chestnut is used. The basis for the ointment is lanolin and petroleum jelly.

Esculus ointment is a fairly thick homogeneous mass, which is characterized by the smell of beeswax and a yellowish tint. What is included in its composition? 100 grams of ointment contains approximately 10 grams of tincture prepared from horse chestnut fruits.

The active substance of this drug has unique properties. It activates the processes associated with tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has a venotonic effect. In other words, horse chestnut tincture increases the tone of the walls of venous vessels, reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries. In addition, the ointment does not allowfluids accumulate in tissues. All this is achieved due to the presence of flavonoids in the preparation. Their action is close to that of escin, saponin and rutin.

esculus ointment reviews
esculus ointment reviews

For what diseases is it prescribed?

Esculus ointment is widely used not only in proctology, but also in cosmetology (reviews confirm this). This can be explained by the unique properties of the drug. Thanks to them, the drug allows you to overcome diseases such as:

  • Varicose veins.
  • External and internal hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by stabbing and burning pains, swelling of tissues and in the presence of an inflammatory process. With this disease, the patient may be sensitive to contact and suffer from light bleeding.
  • Thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.
  • Violations of elasticity and vascular permeability.
  • Arteritis.
  • Thromboembolism of small vessels.
  • Arteriosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is a violation of the peripheral arterial circulation.

The drug is often prescribed in the postoperative period for therapy, as well as to prevent the development of thromboembolism, inflammation, post-traumatic edema and thrombosis.

esculus ointment instruction
esculus ointment instruction

How does the drug work?

Esculus ointment contains natural ingredients with many properties. This drug is often used as a dermatotonic, venotonic, anti-inflammatory andpain reliever. In addition, the ointment can improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels. This is achieved thanks to a vegetable basis.

The combination of components ensures high bioavailability of the active substance. At the same time, tropism to the integumentary tissues of the body improves. Due to this, the active substance is able to penetrate deep enough and have a therapeutic effect at a high level. Judging by the reviews, the ointment acts very gently, eliminating the inflammatory process in the tissues, accelerating their healing and providing an antiseptic effect.

esculus ointment reviews for hemorrhoids
esculus ointment reviews for hemorrhoids

"Esculus" (ointment): instructions

Prescribe this drug only at the initial stage of the disease. With a more serious course of the disease, it may not have the desired effect. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and study all contraindications. Do not use ointment without consulting a proctologist.

Before applying the drug, experts recommend completely emptying the intestines. The toilet of the perianal area in this case should be carried out exclusively with warm water. At the same time, it is not recommended to add soap to the liquid. It is necessary to make a tampon from gauze and apply a small amount of ointment to it. After that, you should enter it into the anus. The procedure is recommended to be carried out up to 2 times during the day.

The drug can also be used externally. In this case, Esculus ointment is applied to damaged tissues: skin areas on the lower extremities, the anus area, and so on. It is necessary to carry out the procedure several times during the day. The course of such therapy is determined individually. On average, treatment can take from 1 to 2 weeks.

Side effects and contraindications of Esculus (ointment). Reviews

With hemorrhoids, this medicine should not be used only by those who have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Experts recommend a small test before use. To do this, apply a little ointment to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If there is no irritation, hives and itching, then you can use the drug without fear.

Are there any side effects? Patients say that in some cases, with increased sensitivity, an allergic reaction may occur, as well as slight itching in the area of application. No other side effects were identified.

Use during pregnancy

For pregnant women, doctors prescribe Esculus ointment with caution, as there are no clinical data on the safety of this product. The use of the drug is allowed only in cases where the approved drugs cause an allergic reaction in a woman and other side effects. In this case, the doctor must evaluate the potential risk to the child and the benefit to the mother.

Shelf life and release form

"Esculus" (ointment, reviews of which are mostly positive) is available in tubes of 15, 30 and 50 grams. In addition, you can buy the drug in a glass jar. The volume of such a container can be 25 and 40 grams.

Esculus homeopathic ointment
Esculus homeopathic ointment

As for the shelf life, this figure is 2 years, provided that all the rules are followed. The drug should be kept in a dark and inaccessible place for children, where there is no moisture, as well as extraneous odors. In this case, the temperature in the room should be no more than 15 ° C. After the expiration date, the use of the drug is prohibited, as this can aggravate the patient's condition and cause serious consequences.
