If a small child has a high fever, many parents, especially young ones, start to panic, try to bring it down in every possible way or call an ambulance. In this article, we will consider the main questions that parents have if their child has a fever.
How to bring down a high temperature in children?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out whether it is necessary to shoot it down at all.
What is elevated temperature? This is the reaction of the body to the processes occurring in it. In children, especially infants, it can be caused by some disease - an infection, a cold - or cutting teeth. An elevated temperature indicates that the body itself is fighting the disease by producing antibodies. Sometimes the absence of temperature can be even worse than the presence of it. In case of illness, the absence of temperature indicates low immunity and lack of body resistance. Before you bring down a high temperature in children, make sure that it is reallynecessary. It's normal for kids to get sick. This is due to the lack of immunity to many, even the simplest infections. What the body of an adult can handle effortlessly, for children will pass with a temperature.
Should I bring down the temperature of 38?
We used to think that the normal body temperature is 36.6. Putting a thermometer in the child's mouth, we see the temperature of 37 and start to panic, although his temperature is normal, but we did not take into account that it also depends on the place of measurement.
Normal temperature for different types of thermometers:
- Rectal measurement (for babies) - 37.5 degrees.
- Oral measurement - 37 degrees.
- Axillary measurement - 36.6 degrees.
Before carrying out procedures to reduce the temperature, we assess the condition of the child. When to take action to lower the temperature:
- Temperature is above 38.5 and continues to rise
- Before you bring down the fever in children, make sure that it causes discomfort to the child. For example, he refuses to eat, drink, acts up and complains of pain.
- He has pale skin and convulsions - in this case, be sure to call an ambulance.
- The high temperature has not subsided for several days.
- Baby has difficulty breathing.
In all of these cases, especially if the temperature does not go away for several days, consult a doctor to find out the causes of the disease. Remember, she is a signal of more serious problems in the baby, and it is not the consequence that needs to be treated.(temperature) but the cause of the illness.
How to bring down the temperature of a child (1 year old)?

If the temperature has risen below 39, but does not cause much concern to the child, it can be brought down by non-drug methods by 1 or 1.5 degrees. What to do:
- Give your child a lot to drink, but in small portions. The drink should be warm (5 - 6 degrees below body temperature).
- Since it is possible to bring down the fever in children without medication, try rubbing with warm water below body temperature, but not cold, you can also bathe it.
- If the baby is chilly, wrap him up.
- Do rubdowns with warm water and vinegar. Add some vinegar to warm water and wipe your palms, feet, arms, legs, chest, stomach, back, in that order. This should be done towards the heart.
If the high temperature still persists and is uncomfortable, medication can be used. Now there are many drugs that will help to gently and effectively reduce the temperature. For the little ones - these are candles, for older children - syrups and tablets. Their main active ingredient is paracetamol, ibuprofen is also very good at lowering the temperature.
Attention! Never give your child aspirin! After taking it in childhood, there is a risk of developing Reye's syndrome, an extremely dangerous condition.

After the temperature drops, be sure to find out the cause of itraises so as not to miss a really serious illness, in which the child may need urgent medical attention. You should definitely call a doctor.