In ancient times, when there was no professional medicine, many people were treated with so-called folk remedies, and it helped them. Monastery ointment refers to those inventions of mankind, which treated more than one generation of people. In this article, we will tell you with all the details about the tool and its benefits.

Monastic Ointment Recipe
Today, absolutely all people know about the effect of an ointment of this nature. That is why many manufacturers have patented the manufacture of funds under their brands. That is, now people do not make the ointment themselves, but can buy it ready-made in pharmacies. In addition, many manufacturers say that a large number of ointments are exclusively natural. Some companies have proven this. On the packaging, you can read the composition of the product and make sure that its composition is natural, or vice versa.
Today, monastic ointment is not one of its kind, because technology does not stand still, but new medicinal preparations are being developed. The recipe, which was invented long ago by our ancestors, has been preserved to this day, which allowswe can buy this ointment in pharmacies or make it ourselves. Consider the recipe for monastery ointment.
You need to take lard, certainly old and s alty, including yellowed. Find a pine log or plank, as tarry as possible,and in addition, grind chaga (birch mushroom) in a coffee grinder. Prepare a wire, a vessel to collect melted fat, and also matches.
Now you can start. Preferably somewhere outdoors as the process is smoky. It is necessary to strengthen the pine chock or thick wood chips at an angle and set fire to its lower part.
Lard hold on the wire over the fire. The melted fat will flow into the fire and over the log, mixing with the seething resin, will flow into the tank. In this fat, you need to add 2-3 teaspoons of chaga per hundred grams, mix thoroughly, cool.

Applying ointment
Monastic ointment has long shown itself from the best side. It is truly healing and helps with various ailments. Due to the fact that the ointment is exclusively from natural ingredients and does not carry absolutely any chemistry, it is useful. As for the possible harm, there is none. Ointment of this type for all its existence has received quite a lot of positive reviews. Therefore, you can use it without any problems and fears.
The ointment has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. And it is used mainly as an adjunct to the treatment of diseases of bones and joints of various etiologies.

Proper use
In order for the monastic ointment to give the desired effect, it is necessary to apply it exclusively according to the rules that are advised by experts in the field of medicine. First of all, it should be noted that this ointment is exclusively for external use. It must be applied to the skin of a person in a place where this or that pain is felt. Rub the ointment into the skin should be no more than three times a day in a circular motion.
In the event that you have problems with the joints, after applying this ointment, you need to do a warm-up to the best of your ability. In this case, all positive substances will begin their action much faster.
As for the duration of the drug, this issue must be resolved with your doctor, because each person is individual, and the ointment is suitable for everyone in a certain way.
Ointment properties
An ointment of this nature can perfectly restore all tissues of the human body. It perfectly relieves this or that pain in the human body, as well as aching bones and joints. The blood flow in the body increases and becomes at the required level. Also, the ointment still has a warming effect on the place where it was applied. All sorts of inflammation or swelling are removed only after a week of using such a remedy. Tension in certain muscles is relieved, and relaxation occurs in the human body, which allows you to have a good rest. Mobility in the joints increases, and this is also a positive property of this drug. After fractures, it has a strengthening function forcertain bones.
Many doctors recommend the use of this particular type of ointment in order to relieve tension in the body and for the treatment of one or another type, which was indicated above. Monastic ointment will provide smooth skin in any case.

Monastic ointment has rather positive reviews. Let's consider them in more detail in order to know whether it is worth using this tool. Some patients say that they liked the ointment, but it is not available in the pharmacies of their city, they have to order it via the Internet and overpay for delivery.
Other users, who often leave comments on the page anonymously, say that they like the composition of this ointment and its smell. As for the effect, it is undeniable.