Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews
Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

In the article we will figure out what Sinaflan ointment is used for.

This drug is not intended for long-term treatment. This ointment should be used with great care and only after consulting a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe an individual dosage regimen immediately after the examination of the patient.

sinaflan ointment reviews
sinaflan ointment reviews

Medicine description

Ointment "Sinaflan" was synthesized by scientists several decades ago, but its use is still relevant in dermatology. The low content of the active ingredient makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of systemic manifestations. But at the same time, this amount is enough to quickly eliminate the symptoms of a skin disease. The presented drug can have a diverse positive effect on the condition of any layer of the epidermis. What does this helpointment? The presented medicine performs the following functions:

  • Suppresses inflammatory processes that occur under the influence of internal and external negative factors.
  • Reduces the severity of edema, preventing it from spreading to he althy tissue areas.
  • When using Sinaflan ointment, an analgesic effect is observed externally, which lasts for several hours.

The active ingredient in this medication may accumulate in inflammatory tissue. Due to this, the analgesic, and at the same time the decongestant effect, as a rule, persists for two weeks after the drug is discontinued.

Mechanism of action

So, what is the mechanism of pharmacological action of the Sinaflan ointment? It is as follows:

What is sinaflan ointment used for?
What is sinaflan ointment used for?
  • The process of inhibition of phospholipases, which is responsible for the progression of the inflammatory process.
  • Stabilization of the cell membrane along with the prevention of increased tissue swelling. What else is Sinaflan ointment used for?
  • Accelerating the metabolic breakdown of proteins.
  • Decreased migration of macrophages and leukocytes to damaged tissues.
  • Decrease in the activity of hyaluronidase enzymes, which destroy hyaluronic acid.
  • Decreased production of arachidonic acid.
  • Decrease in skin tissue demand for glucose.
  • Reduce the ability of cells to absorb calcium.
  • Retention of sodium ions in tissues andliquid.

Quick relief of inflammatory reactions with Sinaflan ointment leads to accelerated tissue regeneration. It receives biologically active and nutrients, and in addition, molecular oxygen. Elimination of the deficiency of useful compounds leads to the gradual restoration of the skin affected by the pathology.

What is the composition of Sinaflan ointment?

Forms and composition

The presented drug is produced by many domestic pharmaceutical factories. The therapeutic line of "Sinaflana" includes ointment, liniment, cream and gel. The preparations are packaged in 10 and 15 grams in aluminum sealed tubes. The ointment is a homogeneous thick mass with a yellowish tint, which does not have a specific smell. The consistency of gel and cream is more delicate, while that of liniment is dense.

In the composition of the ointment "Sinaflan", in addition to the active component of fluocinolone acetonide, there are excipients in the form of paraffin, petroleum jelly, propylene glycol, lanolin and ceresin. The secondary packaging for all dosage forms of Sinaflan is a cardboard box, which is accompanied by detailed instructions for using the drug.

sinaflan ointment analogues
sinaflan ointment analogues

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Sinaflan ointment is five years, but immediately after opening the tube it is limited to three weeks. The drug is stored at room temperature. It must be kept in a place protected from sunlight.


The instructions for use recommend usingsinaflan ointment only as prescribed by a doctor. This drug effectively eliminates any allergic rashes of various localization. This remedy is prescribed by dermatologists for uncomplicated inflammatory dermatitis.

In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, the likelihood of attaching a bacterial, viral or fungal infection increases. In such cases, Sinaflan is combined with various antibiotics, antiviral or antimycotic drugs.

This therapeutic ointment should be canceled gradually. The dosages used are reduced over several days, or the medicine is mixed with baby cream. If this rule is not observed, there are risks of exacerbation of skin pathologies.


Ointment "Sinaflan" is included in the therapeutic regimens of patients diagnosed with eczema or psoriasis. It is used for the treatment of lichen planus, erythema multiforme, and in addition, it is used for allergic rashes. This drug may also be prescribed for the following skin conditions: dermatitis, first degree burns, inflammation after insect bites, neurodermatitis, seborrhea and pruritus of various etiologies.

Sinaflan ointment externally
Sinaflan ointment externally


The drug "Sinaflan" is not intended for the treatment of skin tuberculosis and syphilitic manifestations. This ointment is not used for the treatment of acne and trophic ulcers. Do not apply this medicine to skin with open wounds. One of the strictestcontraindications to the use of this therapeutic ointment are various tumors, regardless of their good quality.

Method of application and dosage of ointment

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician, who selects the dosage individually for each patient. The drug "Sinaflan" is undesirable to use for more than five days. Treatment can be extended up to ten days if there is an urgent need. A single dosage corresponds to three centimeters of a strip of an external agent. The medicine is applied to the affected areas four times.

The ointment should be lightly rubbed into the skin. Dermatologists recommend that you pre-treat the skin with antiseptic solutions, for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or Furacilin is suitable. This will certainly enhance the therapeutic effect of the ointment and will reduce the overall duration of the course of therapy. Do not apply under an airtight dressing.

Analogues of Sinaflan ointment will be presented below.

Side effects

Belonging ointment to hormonal drugs determines a wide list of its possible side effects. Sometimes there are local reactions, especially when the dosage regimen is violated. Clinically, they may manifest as follows:

  • Following the application of the ointment, burning, itching, swelling and redness increase.
  • Small rashes appear on the skin, and in addition, steroid acne and papules.
  • The upper layer of the epidermis is intensively flaky, discolored areas appear.
  • Hairbegin to fall out profusely.
  • sinaflan ointment for children
    sinaflan ointment for children

If the duration of therapy recommended by the doctor is exceeded, systemic side effects may occur. Hormonal drugs have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa and provoke its ulceration. Various forms of ulcers and gastritis may occur. The functions of the adrenal glands are disturbed, the level of glucose in the urine increases, and steroid diabetes develops. In particular, the use of local hormonal drugs affects the immune system:

  • Reduces resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  • Repair of damaged tissue slows down.
  • Various chronic pathologies are getting worse.

People suffering from arterial hypertension should use this ointment with caution in the treatment. Prolonged application of Sinaflan ointment, according to reviews, often provokes a rise in pressure.

When Pregnant

The use of almost all hormonal drugs is prohibited during gestation. Doctors prescribe Sinaflan ointment during pregnancy only after a preliminary comparison of the possible harm to the child with the benefit to the mother. In such cases, women are advised to use the ointment in the minimum dosage.

Hormonal ointment is also not used during periods of breastfeeding. The active component of the drug passes into breast milk, and then is in the body of the child. It can cause a neurological disorder.

If necessary usethis drug, breastfeeding is stopped for a while. Doctors often replace Sinaflan with safer non-hormonal analogues. For example, Fenistil does an excellent job with neurodermatitis.

sinaflan ointment composition
sinaflan ointment composition

Sinaflan ointment for children

The drug is not allowed to be used in the treatment of children until they are two years old. Treatment of a child with hormonal drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. In children, vascular permeability is significantly increased, so the probability of the main substance entering the blood is very high. This can have a very negative impact on the child's still incompletely formed immune system.

Children ointment "Sinaflan" is often prescribed for use only in combination with a fat cream. The ointment in such situations is mixed in a one-to-one ratio, and the resulting product is lightly rubbed into the skin of the child.


All dosage forms of this drug are released from pharmacies, subject to the presentation of a medical prescription form. The minimum cost of this ointment is twenty-three rubles.

Analogues of Sinaflan ointment

Analogues of this ointment are prescribed to patients suffering from individual intolerance to its components. For this, Flucinar is perfect along with Uniderm, Triderm, Belosalik, Celestoderm and others.

Sinaflan ointment during pregnancy
Sinaflan ointment during pregnancy


As people write in their reviews, Sinaflan ointment always saves them in the presence of exacerbations of neurodermatitis. She's enoughwell eliminates itching along with swelling and redness of the skin. Some complain about the inconvenience that during lactation, doctors categorically forbid its use, which should be borne in mind by lactating women.

Also in the reviews, people write that if you do not abuse Sinaflan, then no adverse reactions occur. People praise this medicine for its help in relieving the symptoms of contact dermatitis on the background of relapses. It is noted that itching along with burning, swelling and rashes disappear after the first application of the drug.
