Drotaverine has been in high demand among patients for a long time. The effective work of the drug, proven in multiple clinical trials, allows it to be used as a fast-acting and easily accessible drug. Means "Drotaverine" - injections or tablets - can be used both once and as part of a course of therapy for many diseases.

In 1961, a derivative of "Papaverine" was developed - the remedy "Drotaverine". In the course of clinical and pharmacological studies, the more effective work of the drug "Drotaverine" relative to its predecessor has been proven.
The drug "Drotaverine" with its main metabolites is a powerful selective inhibitor of smooth muscle tissue cells, thanks to which they not only get an analgesic effect, but also achieve a reduction in inflammation andswelling of damaged tissues, in general, receiving a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Many patients ask themselves: "Drotaverin tablets - is it" No-shpa "?" Yes, the drug "No-shpa" is its analogue, also the drug "Drotaverine" can be replaced by many more similar antispasmodic drugs.
Means "Drotaverine": what helps
Elimination of spasm is the main function of the drug, however, since pain is only a symptom characterized by physiological and pathological muscle contraction, accompanied by some diseases, it means that Drotaverine is prescribed along with other drugs. The deterioration of the blood circulation of the damaged area can serve as the beginning of the pathological process.
Medical practice has a number of cases in which it is necessary to use Drotaverin, but the main directions are:
- As a preparatory agent for patients referred for various procedures such as ureteral catheterization.
- As a symptomatic therapy, in the case when pain is the main characteristic accompanying manifestation of the disease, but does not play a leading role in its pathogenesis.
How the drug works
The therapeutic efficacy of Drotaverin is based on the effect on the mechanisms of muscle contraction. When smooth muscle cells relax, the tension (tone) of the walls of the female genital organ decreases, pain during menstruation is significantly weakened or completely eliminated. Thanks to the successfulthe relief of pain improves the blood supply to the walls of the organ.
Unlike other analgesics, Drotaverine does not erase the symptoms of the disease. The drug "Drotaverine" does not require a prescription for its purchase, it can be presented in several forms, the appointment of which should be decided by the attending physician:
- 2 ml ampoules contain 40 mg of the active ingredient Drotaverine.
- 40mg tablets.
- Forte tablets with an increased dosage of 80 mg of the substance.

Means "Drotaverine": the main directions of the drug
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug "Drotaverin" has a rather positive effect on the body, which weakens smooth muscles and relieves spasms. The remedy can greatly help with the following ailments:
- Colitis.
- Pancreatitis.
- Sphincter of Oddi dysfunctions.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Not ulcerative dyspepsia.
- Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
- Papillitis.
- Cholangitis.
- Pericholecystitis.
- Cholecystitis.
- Cholelithiasis.
Research results have shown…
The drug "Drotaverine": why is it so useful, and what is its advantage among other drugs? During testing of the drug and clinical studies aimed at studying the effect of the drug on patients diagnosed with stenosis of the sphincter of Oddi, a significant weakening of the syndrome was noted in 60% ofall test subjects. In this case, the more effective effect of the drug "Drotaverin" relative to other analgesics was proven.
In patients suffering from intestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, during drug trials, a positive dynamics of the effect of the drug was similarly noticed. The study involved 62 patients suffering from constipation and IBS. Every day for 2 weeks, the subjects noted their complaints before the start of the treatment itself, then for 2 months taking Drotaverin tablets 3 times a day. With active treatment, there was a reduction in abdominal pain in 47% of patients. When taking the drug "Drotaverin", other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction also decreased.

The action of the drug "Drotaverine" on the systems and organs of the human body
As mentioned above, the remedy "Drotaverine" does not help from anything, it can be used for many diseases.
- It has a moderate sedative, anti-ischemic and coronary dilating effect. It has an advantageous difference from Papaverine, as the latter can reduce tone, helping to lower blood pressure, dizziness and hyperventilation.
- It increases blood flow and greatly reduces vascular resistance.
- Does not affect the heart rate index, practically does not change blood pressure. Moderate hypotension may persist for half an hour after ingestion, no more.
- It does not affect the vegetativenervous system. Due to the direct effect of Drotaverin on smooth muscles, it can be used as an anesthetic in cases where the use of anticholinergics is contraindicated - with prostatic hypertrophy or glaucoma.
- After internal administration, the drug begins to act after 2-4 minutes, the maximum effect of the drug is observed after half an hour.
- Also, the drug "Drotaverine" is an active element in chronic lung diseases, hemodynamics, has a positive effect on the normalization of the functional state of myocardial contractility.
- It can improve the blood supply to tissues, as it has a vasodilating effect.
In the absence of the drug "Drotaverin" in the pharmacy, its analogues can be selected as follows: "Spakovin", "Spazoverin", "Spazmonet Forte", "Spazmol", "Ple-spa", "Nosh-bra", " No-shpa.”

Side effects of the drug
In the cardiovascular system:
- Increased heartbeat.
- Feeling hot.
- Intravenous administration may lower blood pressure.
- Development of AV block.
- Arrhythmia.
In the respiratory system:
With intravenous administration, depression of the respiratory center was noted
Among others:
- Increased sweating.
- Dizziness.

Who should not take it
The drug "Drotaverin", from which itonly does not help, but in some cases, the doctor may prohibit its use. Contraindications to the use of the drug "Drotaverine" are the period of pregnancy and lactation. Also, the drug is canceled if hypersensitivity to the components of the composition is detected.
The presence of any effect of the drug on a pregnant woman has not been established. The appointment of "Drotaverin" is possible only after a medical assessment of the potential risk to the fetus and a positive effect for the mother. Clinical studies in the lactation period have not been conducted, so the prescription of the drug during breastfeeding is undesirable.

When taking the drug above the established norm, an overdose may occur, accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Cardiac arrest.
- Paralysis of the respiratory center.
- AV block.
- Vascular insufficiency.
- Respiratory depression.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Excessive sweating.
- Pale skin.
If you experience any or all of the above symptoms, call your doctor immediately.
Can it be given to children
Single oral dose is 10-20mg for children under 6 years old, 20mg for children 6-12 years old, with a frequency of applications 1-2 times a day.
With increased caution, the drug should be taken with arterial hypotension. During the intravenous administration of the substance, the patient must certainly be in the supine position, due to the dangercollapse.

Other benefits of taking the drug
An advantage can be considered that when taken internally in a therapeutic dose, it is in no way an obstacle to driving a car or any other potentially dangerous activity. However, after intravenous administration of the drug, it is still recommended not to drive a vehicle for some time, approximately within 1 hour.
The published research data and the doctors' own observations prove that the drug "Drotaverine" is a highly effective antispasmodic, suitable for extensive use in various therapies. Depending on the dosage and form of release of the drug "Drotaverin", the price can vary from 10 to 50 rubles.