Several decades ago, high blood pressure was considered a disease of the elderly. But today, hypertension can be found even in young people. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are two: a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet.
Capillaries do not have a specific thickness. Therefore, they can narrow and expand depending on the intensity of blood flow, as well as blood volume.
A slight increase in pressure can be provoked by the following factors:
- heavy eating;
- weight lifting;
- intense exercise, running;
- tobacco smoking;
- taking caffeinated drinks;
- drug use;
- nervous strain.
If a person is he althy, ten to fifteen minutes after the abolition of these factors, blood pressure should return to normal. If there are problems with the vessels - due to their low elasticity or blockage by cholesterol plaques, it becomes difficult for the vessel to restore normal blood flow. At elevated pressurepatients need to constantly measure it. In addition, the doctor may prescribe mild sedative medication if the increase is due to stress and anxiety. Otherwise, your doctor may recommend an antihypertensive medication such as Enalapril.

Dangerous high blood pressure
During vascular stenosis, the pressure on the walls increases, leading to rupture of fragile membranes and bleeding. If this happens in the brain, then partial or complete paralysis can occur, as well as serious impairment of consciousness and even death.
Reducing the volume of pumped blood leads to oxygen starvation and low nutrition of individual tissues and organs, as a result of which their functioning is disrupted.
Typically, people with high blood pressure have very thick blood and also tend to form clots. With he althy capillaries, a blood clot can move through the bloodstream without causing serious he alth problems. But, penetrating into the narrowed lumen, it can block the blood flow, which causes tissue death.
Medication Description
"Enalapril" refers to antihypertensive drugs of the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. The drug is used to eliminate pathological conditions that are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.
"Enalapril" is produced in tablet form for oral use. The main active substance of the drug is the component of the same name, its concentration in 1The tablet is 5, 10 and 20 milligrams. In addition, the composition of the drug includes additional elements, which include:
- magnesium s alt of stearic acid;
- lactose monohydrate;
- magnesium s alt of carbonic acid;
- polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- gelatin.
Pills are packaged in a blister of ten pieces.

When appointed
According to the instructions and reviews for the drug "Enalapril", indications for use are:
- Hypertension (a pathological process of the cardiovascular apparatus, which occurs as a result of a violation of the higher centers of vascular regulation, as well as neurohumoral and renal mechanisms, leading to an increase in blood pressure, as well as functional and organic changes in the heart, central nervous system and kidneys).
- Raynaud's disease (vasospastic disease, which is an angiotrophoneurosis with damage to small terminal capillaries and arterioles).
- Heart failure.
- Symptomatic arterial hypertension (hypertensive disease that occurs as a result of damage to the organs that regulate blood pressure).
- Diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage that is common in people with diabetes).
- Scleroderma (a connective tissue disease, the main manifestation of which is a violation of blood microcirculation and compaction of organs and tissues).
- Secondaryhyperaldosteronism (a disease characterized by increased production of a hormone, but not associated with a pathological process in the endocrine system).
- Angina pectoris (a pathological process that appears as a result of oxygen deficiency in the heart muscle).
- Myocardial infarction (a source of ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle, which occurs as a result of an acute violation of the coronary circulation).
After consumption, Enalapril is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream.
At what pressure is the drug used
Enalapril is prescribed to combat high blood pressure in renovascular arterial hypertension. In addition, the drug is used for the complex therapy of chronic heart disease.

"Enalapril": contraindications and side effects
There are several conditions under which it is forbidden to take the drug. These include:
- Angioneurotic edema (acute condition, which is characterized by the rapid onset of swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as subcutaneous tissue and skin).
- Bilateral stenosis of the renal arteries or stenosis of the artery of a single kidney (narrowing of the lumen of the capillaries, which is provoked by congenital causes, as well as atherosclerosis and inflammatory changes).
Are there any contraindications for Enalapril yet? The drug should not be used for:
- Hyperkalemia(a pathological disease that provokes abnormally high levels of potassium in the blood).
- Identified individual intolerance.
- Condition after a kidney transplant.
- Alcoholism.
- Pregnancy regardless of the term.
To prevent side effects from Enalapril, contraindications to use must be completely eliminated.
When using the drug, the development of negative reactions from various organs and systems is likely:
- Migraine (headache characterized by moderate to severe attacks).
- Vertigo (a condition best known as vertigo that occurs when hearing and brain damage occurs).
- Fatigue.
- Sleep disorder.
- Disbalance.
- Tinnitus.
- Faint.
- Orthostatic hypotension (a condition in which the body's ability to maintain normal blood pressure in an upright position)
- The appearance of sensations of heartbeat.
- Pain in the heart area.
- Nausea.
- Gagging.
- Dry mouth.
- Diarrhea.
- Pain syndrome in the abdomen.
- Increased bilirubin concentration.
- Hepatitis (inflammatory lesion of the liver, in most cases of viral etiology).
- Pancreatitis (a disease characterized by acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas)gland).
- Proteinuria (a condition in which there is high protein in the urine).
- Periodic dry cough.
- Neutropenia (a pathology in which the number of neutrophils in the human body is greatly reduced).
- Alopecia
- Eruptions on the skin.
- Itching.
- Hives
- Angioedema angioedema (a reaction to the influence of various biological and chemical factors, which in most situations has an allergic origin).
The occurrence of unpleasant symptoms is considered the basis for the abolition of Enalapril tablets and contacting a doctor for advice.
Methods of application and dosage
Tablets are for oral use. They are taken whole, without chewing and washed down with water. The initial pharmacological concentration of the active substance is 2.5 milligrams twice a day. Subject to the dosages and prescriptions of the doctor, as well as taking into account all contraindications, side effects from Enalapril practically do not occur.
The average therapeutic concentration of the active ingredient varies from 10 to 20 mg per day, divided into 2 doses. The course of therapy is usually long, sometimes lifelong.
Dose adjustment and determination of the duration of treatment is decided by the doctor inindividually. What are the contraindications and side effects of Enalapril?

Why the drug and alcohol are incompatible
This medication is prescribed by a specialist who determines the method of therapy and dosage. Taking alcoholic beverages with medicine, a person enhances the effect. This can lead to weakening of the body.
According to the instructions, a contraindication to the use of Enalapril is the intake of alcohol. This is due to the fact that the drug lowers blood pressure, and strong drinks only increase the effect of the drug.
Some people who took Enalapril at the same time with alcohol claim the opposite, explaining that blood pressure drops faster, and this condition remains for a long time. In reality, when the drug is used together with alcoholic beverages, a person can significantly lower blood pressure, which leads to serious he alth problems. In addition, Enalapril increases intoxication, and this adversely affects the functioning of internal organs.
According to reviews and instructions for Enalapril tablets, a contraindication to the use of the drug is withdrawal symptoms. In this situation, the constant abuse of strong drinks dilates blood vessels, and the absence of alcohol leads to an increase in pressure.
The drug in this situation will not help, but will only worsen the condition and may lead toheart and liver diseases.

The following manifestations are considered the result of taking alcohol, even with a low content of ethanol, with Enalapril medication:
- rapid breathing;
- increased drunkenness;
- hoarseness;
- tinnitus;
- appearance of a veil before the eyes;
- discoordination;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- convulsions;
- lack of appetite;
- depressive disorders;
- diarrhea;
- rare urination;
- deceleration of blood microcirculation in the brain, which leads to stroke and heart attack;
- overexcitation of the central nervous system.
If you experience such unpleasant symptoms after the simultaneous use of alcohol and medication, you should immediately consult a doctor. In case of deterioration of he alth, it is necessary to provide absolute rest to the patient and call a doctor. As previously stated, alcohol intake is a contraindication for Enalapril Hexal.

The use of the drug with alcohol can provoke postural hypotension. This violation occurs due to poor blood flow in the heart, with a significant decrease in pressure. The brain does not receive the necessary concentration of oxygen, which leads to a fainting state and, as a result, fainting.
Some people use the drug after drinking alcohol toelimination of a hangover syndrome. This is categorically contraindicated, since the effect of Enalapril can turn the other way and adversely affect human he alth.
There are some patients who manage to take drugs with alcohol. As for Enalapril, this is a gross mistake. Firstly, blood pressure can drop significantly, and secondly, a heart attack can occur. Side effects are not long in coming, up to the point that a fatal outcome occurs.
As part of "Enalapril" there are components that contribute to the expansion of capillaries and reduce blood pressure. Alcoholic beverages in themselves have a negative impact on he alth, and taking it at the same time with this drug leads to the following pathological processes:
- Red blood cells accumulate and form dense growths. These formations settle on the walls of the capillaries, contributing to the development of blood clots.
- Impaired functioning of the heart. The elasticity of the myocardium worsens, the necessary substances enter in a small volume. This leads to a stroke or heart attack.
- Deterioration of liver function. Each medication has a detrimental effect on this organ, but in combination with alcohol, it has a toxic effect. Liver cells are destroyed, fatty deposits appear in their places. This interferes with blood filtration, which impairs the release of toxins.
How to take Enalapril after alcohol
If it happened that the patient drank alcoholdrink, but there is a need to use the drug, proceed as follows:
- For three hours, you need to drink a lot of water. This will help to remove ethanol from the body faster.
- If a person took Enalapril with alcohol for the first time, the likelihood of adverse reactions is small.
- When using the drug for a longer course, alcohol is prohibited from three to thirty days. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
- After using the drug, you must withstand at least one and a half days, after which you can drink alcohol. Drug substances are excreted from the body in different ways. The representatives of the beautiful half for thirty-two hours, for men - no more than a day.
- If a solemn event is planned, it is better to replace Enalapril with other antihypertensive drugs that have an instant effect. These medications are better excreted from the body and do not have serious restrictions, as well as side effects.
The use of Enalapril along with alcohol will not only cause negative effects, but sometimes even death.
Before the Enalapril therapy, the specialist warns the patient about the presence of certain features of the use of the drug:
- If you take the drug for a long time, regular medical blood control is required.
- With extreme caution, Enalapril is prescribed to patientswith diabetes mellitus, as well as autoimmune pathology, severe aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Surgery while taking pills may require blood pressure adjustment as hypotension may occur.
- The drug is prohibited during lactation and pregnancy.
- The drug may interact with the means of other pharmacological groups, so the specialist must be warned about their use.
- When using the medicine, activities that require increased attention are excluded.
In pharmacies, "Enalapril" is dispensed strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

In terms of composition and pharmacological actions, analogues are:
- "Noliprel".
- "Captopril".
- "Indapamide".
- "Losartan".
- "Lozap".

The shelf life of tablets is 26 months. The medication should be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature of fifteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius.
The average price of Enalapril varies from 70 to 100 rubles.
Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of Enalapril. The drug lowers blood pressure, but also has a number of limitations and adverse reactions,eg cough. Doctors' reviews boil down to the fact that this is an effective, high-quality medication for blocking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
According to the reviews of patients who suffer from hypertension and take Enalapril, it is known that the drug is well tolerated, quickly reduces blood pressure. To maintain the pressure at the required level, the medication should be taken continuously.
Some people forget to take their prescription medication. Patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus have cited examples of a persistent increase in blood glucose levels with prolonged use of the drug. Most people have reported using Enalapril for years without any side effects.