Why sulfuric ointment: indications and instructions for use

Why sulfuric ointment: indications and instructions for use
Why sulfuric ointment: indications and instructions for use

Let's figure out what sulfuric ointment is used for. Skin diseases are a reality that even in the 21st century people often face, regardless of age, gender and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Several centuries ago, dermatological diseases arose as a result of poor quality and irregular hygiene procedures.

In the current era, a variety of cosmetic, allergic and environmental causes can be added to the listed factors. However, there are few time-tested remedies for combating skin diseases, as it might seem at first glance. One of these medicines is sulfuric ointment. What it is for, not everyone knows. This is a popular and quite popular medicine for such problems as dermodecosis, acne, psoriasis, etc.

what is sulfuric ointment for
what is sulfuric ointment for

General characteristics of the ointment

Sulfur ointment is a common and well-known medicine in pharmacology. It is considered a universal drug that not only eliminates the signs of the inflammatory process,but also disinfects, heals and restores the skin.

The use of sulfuric ointment is a safe, affordable and effective way to get rid of a variety of dermatological pathologies. Paradoxically, few people know how to properly use this powerful remedy for a particular skin problem.

Let's talk more about a simple sulfuric ointment, from which it helps best. To form a general idea of this medication, it is important to determine what is the reason for its high efficiency. This is a medicinal preparation with pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties.

Liniment is prescribed for the treatment of most dermatological ailments. The effectiveness of sulfuric ointment is due to the ability not only to stop unpleasant symptoms, but to fight the root cause of the disease itself. Sulfur ointment strongly inhibits the activity of pathogenic microflora on the skin.

The first mention of the use of sulfuric ointment for skin treatment dates back to the medieval era. Today, the 16th element of the periodic table has gained immense popularity not only in medical practice, but also in cosmetology. This mineral is now found in many soaps, lotions and creams.

Pharmacological properties

To understand why sulfuric ointment is prescribed, consider its pharmacological properties.

sulfuric ointment simple from what it is
sulfuric ointment simple from what it is

The drug belongs to the category of disinfectants and antiseptics. Liniment is highly active againstmost pathogens, has no selective action. Used externally, locally.

This medical product is characterized by a pronounced antiparasitic, keratolytic and antifungal effect on the surface of the skin, due to which the healing properties of the sulfur-based ointment are provided. In addition, sulfuric ointment normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which it dries the skin, making it less oily and susceptible to the penetration of microbes.

Principles of pharmacological action:

  1. After applied to the surface of the affected skin areas, the components of the drug react naturally with some organic substances, forming sulfide compounds and pentotenic acid.
  2. The above elements and other derivatives have a directed effect on the harmful microflora, effectively suppressing its vital activity.
  3. Active substances in combination with sulfides activate the biochemical processes of the natural restoration of the epidermis.
  4. Pantothenic acid and sulfides inhibit the vital activity of skin parasites, scabies mite.

The main active elements of the ointment are not absorbed into the general bloodstream. Due to this, liniment is considered safe for the human body. The only condition is that such a remedy should be used only as prescribed by a specialist and in the recommended dosages.

Composition and release form

A topical issue is also what sulfuric ointment is made from and inwhat dosage forms it is produced.

sulfuric ointment for demodicosis
sulfuric ointment for demodicosis

The main active element of all ointments with sulfur is sulfur. The drug contains this substance at a concentration of up to 33 percent. If the composition of the ointment is pure, then it does not contain additional active ingredients. If the drug is combined, then some additional therapeutic elements may be included in its composition, which, in the process of interaction with sulfur, can enhance one or another property of the drug.

The composition of the traditional ointment, in addition to sulfur, contains some auxiliary ingredients: purified water, petroleum jelly, emulsifier.

In the list of ingredients of the ointment there are no substances that cause allergic reactions, which significantly reduces the range of contraindications to the use of this medication. The ointment is allowed to be used even in childhood, as well as for people who are prone to skin manifestations of allergies.

In addition to the usual sulfuric ointment, several combined preparations are also produced. So, for example, there is a sulfur-salicylic ointment, which contains salicylic acid, which is why such an agent is often used to eliminate age spots. Sulfur-zinc and sulfur-tar ointments are also produced. Previously, mercury-sulfur ointment was also used in medicine, but now pharmaceutical companies no longer produce this type of medicine.

Sulfur ointment has a loose consistency, medium density, a characteristic pungent odor and yellow color withminor inclusions. This medication is packaged in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes. Without fail, instructions are attached to them with the rules of use and basic information about the medicine.

Terms and conditions of ointment storage

The shelf life of the product is 24 months. Ordinary sulfuric ointment (33%) is stored for no more than 1 year from the date of issue, which is indicated on the package. To preserve the main therapeutic properties of the drug, it is important that the aluminum tube remains sealed and the original packaging is not damaged. Requirements for external conditions: temperature up to +15 °C (storage in a refrigerator), no direct contact with a source of moisture and ultraviolet rays. How to apply sulfuric ointment, it is important to find out in advance.

application of ointment
application of ointment

Terms of Use

According to the information from the instructions for use, sulfur-based ointment is used locally on problematic skin areas, and only externally. This remedy should be applied to previously cleansed and dried skin. It is forbidden to treat the scalp with ointment, as well as large areas of the face. The duration of treatment procedures and the frequency of use are set for each patient individually.

As the instructions for use indicate, sulfuric ointment for the face and body is used for a long time, so it is important for patients to prepare for long-term therapy. This is due to the fact that dermatological diseases often recur and acquirechronic manifestations.

For the most effective treatment of such ailments, it is important to be constantly monitored by a dermatologist. Only a specialist will determine the appropriate dosage in a particular case based on the clinical condition of the patient, the severity of the development of the pathological process. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the disease, the occurrence of numerous side effects and allergic reactions.

Indications for prescription

Let's continue talking about a simple sulfuric ointment. What is she from? The considered medical preparation is used in the treatment of dermatological pathologies of bacterial, fungal and parasitic etiology. The effectiveness of this tool is due to the increased activity of its components against various pathogenic microorganisms.

Indications for the use of sulfuric ointment are:

  • lichen;
  • fungal infections of nails and feet;
  • psoriasis;
  • scabies;
  • seborrhea;
  • pimples, blackheads and comedones;
  • pigmented neoplasms;
  • acne;
  • demodecosis, etc.

Such a variety of skin pathologies are treated effectively and quickly, with the condition of timely access to a doctor, the appointment of an adequate therapeutic regimen. In some cases, complex treatment with the simultaneous use of several medications is recommended. The price of sulfuric ointment is quite acceptable.


Despite the fact that sulfur-based products are considered safe and gentle in medicine, some patients do not use themrecommended. In particular, we are talking about patients with a high sensitivity of the body to the main or auxiliary elements of sulfuric ointment, or sulfur intolerance. Before applying this medicine to the skin, it is necessary to test it on a separate area (the wrist will do) to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

So, how to use sulfur ointment correctly?

sulfuric ointment instructions for use for the face
sulfuric ointment instructions for use for the face

Doses and method of administration

The use of sulfuric ointment for the treatment of skin diseases in each case varies, which directly depends on the characteristics and stage of development of the pathological process.

Recommendations for the use of sulfuric ointment for various dermatological diseases:

  1. With lichen. 1.5-3 g of liniment should be applied to the skin pre-treated with an antiseptic agent. In this case, the ointment is evenly distributed over the affected area, after which it is gently rubbed into the epithelial layer with massaging movements. The treatment procedure should be repeated 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Sulfur ointment for scabies helps a lot. The considered pathology of the skin is due to the activity of the scabies mite, and is often accompanied by increasing pronounced itching of the skin. Sulfur-based liniment is recommended to be applied to the affected areas before going to bed, after taking a shower. The ointment should be on the skin for at least 24 hours, that is, for scabies, apply sulfuric ointment once a day. It is important to change bed linen every day.
  3. How to apply sulfuric ointment for demodicosis? This disease is characterized by damage to the skin by the Demodex mite. Sulfur ointment is used as one of the components of combination therapy. It is often supplemented with zinc paste and salicylic acid. The dosage and duration of treatment procedures are determined individually, after examination by a dermatologist.
  4. Is sulfuric acne ointment also effective? The tool effectively eliminates inflamed acne and acne. In cosmetology, sulfur-based creams are actively used, since this substance is able to inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Sulfur ointment not only enhances the regeneration of skin tissues, but also deeply cleanses clogged pores, stabilizes the sebaceous glands. The medicine is applied pointwise to problem areas, 2-3 times a day, for up to 7 days of therapy.
  5. With fungal infections of nails and feet. For the treatment of pathologies of a fungal nature of origin, sulfuric ointment with a percentage of 10 is used, which is applied to skin that has been cleansed and treated with an antiseptic solution. It is recommended to pre-steam it, which will significantly increase the intensity of absorption of the active substance. Procedures are carried out 2 times a day, 7 days.
  6. Sulfur ointment for psoriasis is used in high concentration (33%). Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is individual.

During the main treatment course, it is important to carry out preventive measures, which will help ensure a sustainable effect and levelthe likelihood of recurrence of the pathological process on the skin

what helps sulfur ointment reviews
what helps sulfur ointment reviews

Adverse reactions

Sulfur ointment practically does not cause negative responses from the body. In rare cases, it can provoke an allergy, in the form of skin rashes or redness of some of its areas.

If you use sulfuric ointment in high dosages, without the consent of a specialist, after applying the medication, the patient may experience dizziness, headache, burning, local swelling or urticaria. These reactions usually do not require treatment and disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

Special Recommendations

Sulfur ointment is easily removed from the surface of the skin with steamed vegetable oil. Long-term treatment with ointments containing sulfur is not recommended, since the element in question can accumulate in organs and blood. In the future, the substance becomes the cause of the development of concomitant complications.

During pregnancy and lactation

Problems of safety of sulfuric ointment for pregnant women have not been studied, experimental studies have not been conducted. Doctors recommend getting an official appointment from a specialist, using the ointment strictly according to his instructions. There is no confirmed information about the negative effect of the drug on intrauterine development.

As for the lactation period, the use of sulfuric ointment is allowed, since its main elements are not absorbed into the blood,therefore unable to pass into breast milk.

Use in children

Treatment with sulfuric ointment is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age due to slight toxicity. In children, it is recommended to use this pharmaceutical product only after consulting a doctor.

Drug Interactions

It should be noted that the active substance of the ointment enters into a chemical reaction with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. The simultaneous use of these external agents is prohibited. In this case, there is a high probability of a chemical burn and aggravation of the patient's condition.

In addition, sulfur ointment is not recommended to be used simultaneously with other external medicines.

Price of sulfur ointment

Sulfur-based drugs are available without a prescription. The average cost of sulfuric ointment 33% is 30 rubles.

sulfur ointment price
sulfur ointment price


Let's find out what sulfur ointment helps from reviews. Patients who have been prescribed this remedy for the treatment of dermatological diseases note that it is quite effective in solving minor skin problems. Such an ointment can treat acne, pimples, acne, various abrasions and cuts, however, to eliminate serious pathologies, such as scabies, demodicosis, etc., complex therapy is required, that is, it will not be possible to get rid of such diseases with sulfuric ointment alone.

If you use sulfuric ointment in the treatment of acne, then, according to patients, you can achieve good results. Of course, the medication will not immediately eliminate the problem, butpathological rashes will become less painful and inflamed. The ointment is usually well tolerated, side effects are not described in the reviews about it. Now you know what sulfur ointment is used for.
