The need to put a dropper from binge at home or in the clinic occurs if a person consumes alcoholic beverages for a long time. Binge is not only excessive drinking of alcohol, but also a number of processes dangerous for mental and physical he alth that occur in the body - general poisoning sets in, mental deviations can gradually develop. Return to normal everyday life can not every person who is faced with the problem of binges. If your strength is not enough, you should seek qualified help. The doctor will select the optimal composition and put a dropper, possibly prescribe a set of cleansing procedures.
Correctly and with maximum benefit
Since you feel better after a dropper from binge, but the procedure itself in the clinic costs a certain amount, many are wondering if it is possible to do everything right at home without resorting to the help of a qualified doctor. According to the official rules in force in the territory of our country, any invasive procedure is carried out strictly in a clinic. Some, however, fundamentally refuse such a service, seeking to remain anonymous and fearing that acquaintances and neighbors may find out about alcohol addiction.
When planning to apply the considered method of withdrawal from hard drinking, you need to remember some rules and restrictions. In particular, you can not put a dropper immediately, as soon as a person has drunk a new dose of alcohol. At least five hours must have elapsed since the consumption of the alcoholic beverage. During the period of acute intoxication, there will be no benefit from the procedure, but harm is possible.
Maximum Security
In order for the withdrawal from binge at home to be effective, while not associated with dangers for a person, it is reasonable to invite a professional who is able to choose the right medicines, calculate the dosage, and give the injection correctly. Qualified specialists know perfectly well how to give injections correctly. You need to understand: if the technique of administering drugs or mixing formulations is not followed, there is a high probability of severe complications. A situation of categorical contraindications to any invasive procedures against the background of hard drinking is possible. The doctor will quickly identify such a case and explain to clients why they should not put an IV.
When planning a withdrawal from binge at home, you should agree with the doctor on the composition of the funds introduced through the device. Both the dosage and the set of medicines are chosen strictly individually. This takes into account the state of the person, the duration of addiction to alcohol, the presenceconcomitant diseases, a tendency to an allergic reaction.
Poisoning and getting rid of it
Best of all, certified doctors know which droppers from binge are most effective. The most famous option is a glucose solution injected directly into a vein. It is resorted to more often than others, but you need to remember: the recipe is far from the only one, there are other options. Several combinations have been developed that are used in various conditions. Quite often, there is a need to cleanse the circulatory system from the metabolic products of alcoholic beverages. In this case, diuretics are indicated. However, cleansing is not the only purpose of the drip.
Doctors, explaining how different compositions administered through a dropper work, how they are taken out of binge, be sure to clarify: only drugs that prevent dehydration should be used. This condition threatens against the background of any intoxication, as well as the use of diuretics, and is especially dangerous for a person who is forced to fight alcohol addiction. In addition, medicines for intravenous drip are chosen so as to alleviate the poisoning of the body and normalize the balance of alkalis and acids. The task of the procedure is to stabilize metabolic processes, generally strengthen the body's strength, normalize the psyche, and prevent violations of the cellular structures of the liver. Anti-drug formulations should be used.

Sugar: feeding directly into the vein
Doctors who know which droppers are used for binge can tell: they most often useglucose solutions. This is due to the reactions that occur in the body due to ethanol poisoning: the glucose content in the circulatory system decreases, which leads to severe hypoglycemia. Prolonged heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause depletion of carbohydrate reserves in the body. The task of the drip-administered medication is to supply carbohydrates to the patient's body, from which the cells receive energy. Virtually any combined composition includes a glucose solution with a sugar concentration of the order of 5-10%. In addition, you can enter insignificant amounts of insulin. The setting of such a dropper allows you to soon feel a surge of strength and vigor, a person's condition improves noticeably.
If the need to choose a dropper for binge drinking arose against the background of dehydration, it is necessary to use a saline and glucose solution. As a rule, with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the moisture content in the circulatory system decreases, instead, fluid accumulates in the body in tissues. This condition is scientifically referred to as hypovolemia. To normalize the fluid balance, it is necessary to inject special solutions into the vein. Physiological, glucose also help with general poisoning, lowering the concentration of alcohol products in the blood.
Possible need for drugs for a drip from binge on the background of a more serious condition, for example, an alcoholic coma. In this case, it is necessary to use drugs that stimulate the activity of blood flow, increasing the pressure in the arteries. Common medicines, which include infucol. This compound has the ability to rid tissues of excess moisture, keeping fluid in the bloodstream.

S alt balance
Among the medicines for droppers from binge, special attention should be paid to the means that help to normalize the content of s alts and various mineral complexes in the circulatory system. Against the background of prolonged use of alcohol, potassium and magnesium compounds are washed out of the body, which greatly affects cardiac functionality. Other metabolic processes in which mineral compounds participate are disrupted, which leads to a violation of functionality up to its complete loss by various systems and organs.
In order to correct the lack of mineral compounds, it is necessary to use crystalloid polyionic solutions. According to reviews, a binge drip with repolarizing components is another reliable and effective option. Such a solution includes glucose, insulin, potassium chloride, magnesium. You can use the drug "Panangin", which contains easily absorbed by the body magnesium, potassium.
Alkalis and acidity
If you need to put a dropper from binge, you can buy suitable formulations for this in a pharmacy, aimed at correcting the acidity of the environment in the body. Penetrating into the circulatory system and organ tissues, ethanol is transformed, which leads to the appearance of acetaldehyde, which provokes a feeling of a hangover. It is because of this compound that the balance of alkalis and acids suffers. Violationthe level of acidity initiates a failure of biochemistry, which leads to acute acidosis. To correct this condition, it is necessary to put the patient on a drip with sodium bicarbonate. As a rule, a four percent solution is used.

Cleansing the body and normalizing vitamin balance
The doctor, explaining what is included in the dropper from binge, what benefits this or that component should bring, will surely pay attention to tricarboxylic acids. In medicine, two types have found distribution - amber, fumaric. Both of them are effective if it is necessary to deal with the consequences of general poisoning of the body. Sometimes the effect is enhanced by including Reamberin, Trisol in the solution. You can use unithiol and sodium thiosulfate. Doses and frequency of application are chosen by the doctor, focusing on the severity of the patient's condition, his weight and the presence of individual characteristics.
Drugs used to put a dropper from binge may contain vitamin compounds. As a rule, they resort to substances of group B, which normalize metabolic processes. It is allowed to introduce drops into a vein of a solution containing ascorbic acid, vitamin E. These substances are antioxidants that prevent cell destruction and also stimulate adrenal activity. Vitamin combinations help to cope with tremors, pain in the head and muscles, relieve irritability.
Protecting the liver
It is best to choose the right drug for a doctor who knows what is most effective when administered with a dropperfrom drinking. The compositions selected by professionals help to stabilize the liver at the cellular level. This organ suffers most severely during alcohol poisoning, since blood passes through it, being cleansed. To restore cellular structures, it is necessary to use hepatoprotectors. Such phospholipids help start regenerative processes.
Options: what will help?
Alcohol poisoning can cause respiratory problems. There is a risk of a complete stop of the activity of the respiratory center. This effect is associated with the effect of ethanol on brain receptors. Drugs administered through an IV may contain opioid antagonists, which are the most effective in deactivating dangerous compounds.
You can use medications to help get rid of alcohol transformation products faster - special formulations have been developed for this. A binge drip may include an isotonic liquid, metadoxil. Under the influence of the drug, ethanol breaks down faster, the blood is cleansed, liver cells face a minimal negative load.
It will not be superfluous to use compositions intended for general strengthening of the body. A dropper from binge can be placed using "Piracetam", "Actovegin". Mildronate has a good reputation.

Options and effectiveness
In the case of a pronounced dependence, it is necessary to simultaneously use regenerative drugs, general strengthening, therapeutic, designed to alleviate the condition. They choose sedatives, tranquilizers and agents that stimulate the functionality of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. The use of sensitizing compounds, substances that inhibit the activity of the vomiting center, as well as antihistamine and angiotensin drugs is common. Seizure medications may be used.
The volume of the injected solution is selected by the doctor, focusing on the patient's condition. Usually enough 0.4-0.5 liters. Increased portions are allowed if the condition of the kidneys requires it.
Some believe that putting on a drip can cure alcohol addiction. In fact, the procedure is necessary to alleviate the condition of a person and help him get out of a difficult condition, to ease a hangover. Such a measure cannot cure addiction.
Solutions and recipes
The basic substance for injective administration is a glucose solution. Usually they take a five percent liquid in an amount of 0.4 liters. In the circulatory system, glucose is converted into liquid and carbon dioxide, the reaction proceeds with the release of energy, which makes it possible to provide the cells with the necessary nutrition. Glucose solution is the basic diluent for other medications. The substance helps relieve symptoms, but is not considered a cure for alcoholism.
In the pharmacy you can buy "Atsesol", "Disol". These drugs are water-s alt combinations that protect the liver and supply antioxidants to the body. They are useful for the liver and brain, stimulate the work of the cardiac system, fat oxidation, and metabolism. This therapy allowspronounced antihypoxic effect.

Responsible behavior
It is strongly not recommended to put a dropper at home on your own. If for some reason the patient cannot or does not want to go to the clinic, a professional should be invited to the house. It is forbidden to independently select the compositions and introduce them - you can introduce an infection or face other undesirable consequences. Before the first use of the selected medicines, the doctor tests the tolerance, identifying possible allergic reactions.
Without tests, you can put a dropper with glucose, saline. With an alcoholic coma, infucol is administered. Other drugs are used only with a preliminary study of the patient's condition.
If the state allows such an approach, apply "Mathusol". Under this name, a medication is produced to activate blood flow against the background of the excretion of increased volumes of fluid from the body. The antioxidant drug shows an effect similar to the popular Reamberin.
Drip and pills: is there an alternative?
A wide variety of tablet preparations are on sale in pharmacies, including substances used in the setting of a dropper. You can buy tablets with succinic acid and medicines to protect the liver, vitamin complexes. The doctor may recommend sedatives ("Seduxen"), means to alleviate the hangover syndrome ("Proproten-100").
Mexidol and Pantogam show good results. However, the most affordable option is succinic acid. It is inexpensive, effective, but prohibited for ulcers, gastritis. The drug is effective in acidosis, relieves symptoms of poisoning. Similarly, honey, lemon juice help.

Classic cast
In addition to the soda solution and glucose solution with the addition of insulin, 350 ml of "Disol" can be administered to the patient. It is allowed to use "Hemodez", "Gelatinol" in the amount of 400 ml as the base substance for injection.
If the picture of general poisoning and hangover syndrome is not clear enough, or the patient has acute, chronic pathologies, it is necessary to use the basic component to set up a dropper in a smaller volume. Up to 250 ml of liquid is poured into a vein. As a stable course of procedures continues, the volumes are gradually increased to 500 ml.
Additional substances
To normalize the pressure indicators, to calm the patient, dilate the blood vessels of the circulatory system, you can use magnesium sulfate. This substance fights the convulsive state. Sometimes thiamine is administered through a dropper, which is useful if it is necessary to eliminate the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. This vitamin helps prevent neuropathy associated with alcohol addiction.
To protect the liver, can be included in the stock solution for infusion "Essentiale". The drug is strong enough, effective as a preventive measure with a high probability of cirrhosis. It has the ability to stabilize hepatic activity. Ascorbic acid is included insolution for administration through a dropper in order to improve the immunological status of the patient. Ascorbic acid normalizes the activity of the pancreas and thyroid glands.

Safety and Responsibility
If, against the background of addiction to alcohol, it becomes necessary to set up a dropper, you should resort to the help of a qualified doctor. It is absolutely impossible to choose a specific composition and volume of medicines on your own, the probability of harming yourself is too high.