Candida infection of the vagina is a common problem among women of all ages. In some cases, it is possible to achieve a complete cure, but more often - only remissions for a period of several months. In order to minimize the symptoms of candidiasis, candles are used to treat thrush in women. A list of the most effective vaginal suppositories is presented in this article.
Causes of vaginal candidiasis
The most common causes of symptoms of vaginal candidiasis:
- Weakened immunity always accompanies the disease. In a he althy woman with strong immunity, the Candida virus almost never makes itself felt, even if it is present in the body. This is quite natural: the cells of the immune system keep the fungus "captive", preventing it from causing harm. As a result, a woman can be a carrier of candida for years and not be aware of it. This is a completely normal situation. It is worth weakening the defenses, for example, during a cold or before the onset of menstruation, and the fungus begins its harmful activity to destroy the microflora.
- Hormonal background - the second factor affecting Candida. During menopause, when a woman's body is experiencing severe stress, thrush almost always worsens. After the abortion, she is also a frequent guest.
- Prolonged use of antibiotics does not affect the entire body in the most positive way. In particular, the microflora of the whole organism is disturbed - the intestines, the oral cavity, and even the vagina in women. As a result, candidiasis manifests itself "in all its glory." Candles for the treatment of thrush in women allow you to stop unpleasant symptoms due to their local effects.
- Unhe althy diet, in particular eating a large amount of bakery products, sugar and products containing it. Such nutrition has an extremely negative effect on the microflora of the whole organism. The manifestations of thrush can provoke the regular intake of a large amount of simple carbohydrates into the digestive tract and the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
- Lack of intimate hygiene - use of dirty linen, frequent change of sexual partners, douching with alkaline compounds, swimming in dirty water. This point is the easiest to fix - just start following simple rules. You should take a shower twice a day, it is better to choose a special soap designed for intimate hygiene. During your period, change your sanitary pads every three hours.
Thrush in women: symptoms
Treatment with candles almost always helps to get rid of discomfort in the first two or three days. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- severe itching, burning in the perineum;
- constant desire to scratch the painful area;
- cheesy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
- severe pain when trying to insert a tampon or suppository;
- pain when urinating - if the infection has risen up the urethra and the bladder has become inflamed (cystitis);
- diarrhea may develop in parallel.
The microflora of the whole organism is connected. Candidiasis is usually located in the vagina. If the cause of thrush in a woman, for example, was taking antibiotics, then you should not be surprised if, in parallel with thrush, diarrhea begins to bother. In this case, the body needs comprehensive assistance.
Important not only candles for the treatment of thrush in women, but also the intake of probiotics, vitamin and mineral complexes, proper nutrition and good rest. Combining these activities will help achieve remission. Below is an overview of the best suppositories for thrush, the advantages and disadvantages of each drug. Each remedy has its pros and cons.
Using vaginal suppositories for thrush
The fastest way to get rid of excruciating discomfort is candles for thrush in women. Tips for choosing a drug are quite simple. You should choose the ideal remedy for yourself, based on financial capabilities and severitysymptoms.
The best candles for the treatment of thrush:
- The fastest suppositories for symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are "Zalain" and "Lomexin" (day).
- "Livarol" will help get rid of severe itching and burning very quickly too - regular use for three days is enough, and relief comes after using the first candle.
- Vaginal suppositories from thrush "Pimafucin" will help get rid of pain in three to four days, and they can be used even during pregnancy and lactation.
- The drug of combined action "Polygynax" is valid for five to six days - this is the duration of the course recommended by the instructions. But suppositories have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and will help to avoid relapses of the disease in the future. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs by gynecologists.
Remedies for thrush in women should be used correctly. Put candles only after washing your hands with soap, then put on clean linen. During the recurrence of thrush, hygiene should be given special attention: sleep on clean bedding, use an ironed towel. Ironing will help to "finish off" all possible pathogens of infectious and fungal diseases remaining on the linen. It is worth remembering that thrush can also appear in men, although not as painful as in women. During the period of exacerbation of candidiasis, it is better to give up sexual activity.
"Livarol": instructions forapplication, method of use and feedback
The active ingredient of suppositories is ketoconazole. This ingredient is able to kill microspores of fungi, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents the spread of infection. The cost of a package of "Livarola" is from four hundred to five hundred rubles, the price varies depending on the mark-up of the pharmacy chain.
To get rid of severe symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, use one suppository per day, preferably at bedtime. Duration of treatment - from one week to two. Already after applying the first suppository, itching and burning will decrease. If the inflammation has developed into cystitis (such a combination of circumstances is not uncommon), then the use of "Livarol" will also help mitigate the manifestations of inflammation in the urethra.
Candles for the treatment of thrush in women "Livarol" is not recommended for use during pregnancy. During lactation, the use is possible only after consultation with the attending physician, as part of complex therapy and not daily. Also, a contraindication to the use is individual intolerance to ketoconazole. If, after the introduction of the suppository into the vagina, unbearable pain begins, the perineum should be washed with cool water. In some cases, burning is a natural reaction to ketoconazole.
Reviews on the use of candles are almost all positive. These are one of the cheapest and most effective candles for thrush. Women note that after a course of this remedy, candidiasis subsides for a long time and does not appear even in the premenstrual period.

"Pimafucin": instructions for use and reviews
The active antifungal agent in Pimafucin is natamycin, a polyene antibiotic. The tool is remarkable in that it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
It is possible to use Pimafucin suppositories at any stage of the disease. The therapeutic effect is achieved after using the first suppository. This is one of the most commonly used suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women. The price is acceptable. Packing will cost about six hundred rubles.
"Pimafucin" takes first place in the review of inexpensive and effective suppositories for thrush for pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions. These suppositories are well tolerated - almost no complaints. Reviews testify to the extremely high quality of the drug. Not a single woman in the reviews of the action of suppositories reported negative manifestations of the action of suppositories. Some lowered their ratings for the reason that the candles only worked on the second or third day. But this is quite natural: the more advanced the disease, the more the therapeutic effect of natamycin will develop.

"Polygynax" for thrush: instructions and reviews
"Polygynax" - vaginal suppositories of complex action. The composition of the main component is the active active antifungal substance of the polyene series nystatin. The action of the drug is also achieved due to the content incomposition of polymyxin and neomycin, which inhibit the growth and development of the bacterial flora of the vagina.
"Polygynax" can be used as a prophylaxis. For example, if every month during the period of premenstrual syndrome, candidiasis worsens, you should worry about it in advance. It is enough just to use one candle a day for two or three days - and the thrush will not appear.
If the disease has already manifested itself, then you will have to use large dosages. One candle should be placed in the morning and evening.
Reviews on the treatment of thrush in women with "Polygynax" are not always positive. The remedy is either perfect, and then women literally sing laudatory odes to it, or it turns out to be useless, as it is not suitable for the microflora of a single patient.

"Irunin" for candidiasis: instructions for use and reviews
Candles containing itraconazole. This is a substance that inhibits the growth, development and causes the death of microspores of the fungus, which provokes the symptoms of thrush.
"Irunin" - inexpensive suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women, which are effective when the disease constantly recurs, and the usual suppositories that helped before become useless.
"Irunin" is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation. These suppositories are best used when all other drugs have been useless. The antibiotic itraconazole also hasantipruritic, antiedematous action. Reviews indicate that most often the relief of burning occurs on the first day of using the drug. In some cases, three to four days of treatment are enough for the symptoms to completely leave the patient. But do not flatter yourself and quit the course ahead of time. The total duration of treatment recommended by the instructions is ten days.

"Ginezol" for vaginal candidiasis
The main active ingredient of this remedy is miconazole. "Ginezol" - candles from thrush in women. Treatment with the drug allows you to achieve mitigation of itching and burning in the vagina in the first day. On the third day, the discomfort disappears almost completely. However, this does not mean that the course of treatment should be interrupted. A minimum of seven more days of treatment is often required.
"Ginezol" can be used as a prophylactic against vaginal candidiasis. For example, a woman is forced to take antibiotics and knows for sure that for her this course of drugs will cost the onset of symptoms of dysbacteriosis and thrush. And in parallel with antibiotics, she begins to put "Ginezol" and take a course of probiotics to maintain a he althy intestinal microflora. This approach to one's own he alth is absolutely justified and will help to avoid complications after a course of antibiotics.
Reviews indicate that in some cases, when using Ginezol, a local allergic reaction may develop - dermatitis, urticaria or eczema on the externalsurface of the genitals. You should monitor yourself for such reactions to the drug and, if they occur, stop using suppositories.
Using "Nystatin" for thrush: reviews and instructions
The use of suppositories for the treatment of thrush is possible not only vaginally, but also rectally. This is especially true for those women who, in addition to candidiasis, suffer from intestinal dysbacteriosis and hemorrhoids. "Nystatin" softens the manifestations of microflora disorders with regular use of antibiotics. In some cases, the use of such a complex remedy is a real salvation for the patient.

Do not prescribe candles "Nystatin" in case of special sensitivity to the components, use by pregnant and lactating mothers is excluded, rare side effects - unpleasant itching, rashes, burning sensation.
After consultation with your doctor, you can use any vaginal suppositories as rectal suppositories, as they almost do not differ from each other in composition.
Reviews indicate that the drug is generally well tolerated. However, you should monitor the local reaction and if rashes appear that resemble urticaria or eczema, stop using Nystatin. Reviews report that some women also use Nystatin tablets in parallel with suppositories. This allows you to achieve the fastest possible effect: the symptoms of dysbacteriosis and candidiasis disappear completely on the second or third day of treatment. Treatment should be continuedfor ten days.

"Macmiror complex" for thrush: reviews and instructions for use
This is a drug of combined action, which includes nystatin and nifuratel. Candles are active not only against Candida fungi, but also as a bactericidal and antiprotozoal agent (for trichomoniasis).

"Macmirror complex" has quite a few side effects. In particular, in the first half hour after using the suppository, burning and itching may even worsen. As a result, some patients drop out of treatment. It is categorically impossible to do this: only after a full course (10-14 days) will a complete cure come. Candles are usually not used if the patient is only concerned about thrush. This remedy, as a rule, is prescribed by gynecologists as part of a complex treatment for genital infections, the course of which is complicated by thrush.
Reviews about candles "Macmirror complex" are not always positive. In some cases, women give the drug a low rating because of the pain of using it. In addition, they can often provoke the appearance of allergic rashes on the external surface of the genital organs.