Not every person knows what to do with burns. There are several actions that should be taken as first aid. This will prevent deterioration of the condition. Is it possible to smear burns with Vishnevsky's ointment? This tool is effective and easy to use, as well as affordable. What Vishnevsky's ointment is used for is described in the article.
What is a burn?
A burn is a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes due to exposure to elevated temperature, electric current or chemically aggressive components. At home, women are injured while cooking or ironing clothes. Children are also often burned with boiling water.

Only 2 degrees of burns can be treated at home. Vishnevsky's ointment will be effective for redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters. Regular treatment of wounds quickly brings results: after a few days, an improvement in the condition of the skin will be noticeable. In other casesit is advisable to see a doctor.
Use for burns
Vishnevsky's ointment is used only for burns of 1 and 2 degrees. Can it be used for complex injuries? It does not follow. This will not bring the desired effect, besides, it can harm. Vishnevsky's ointment for burns should not be used in the following cases:
- Third degree burns. The resulting scab (crust) has a black or gray tint.
- Fourth degree burns. In this case, not only the upper layer of the skin is affected, but also tendons, muscles, and sometimes bones. Ointment won't help here.

Ointment should not be used for electrical and radiation burns. Given all of the above, it can be argued that the remedy is effective only for thermal and chemical injuries of the 1st and 2nd degree.
According to reviews, Vishnevsky's ointment for burns has a positive effect, provided it is used for its intended purpose:
- The drug has an antiseptic effect, which is very important for such injuries.
- The tool provides accelerated tissue repair. They increase blood flow to the site of application.
- The drug softens the skin.
The disadvantages include only a few points: a strong smell, as well as the fact that if it gets on clothes, the ointment is very difficult to wash off. It should be borne in mind that the remedy was not created for the treatment of such injuries - its purpose is different. Thus, although Vishnevsky's ointment helps with mild burns, it is still not considered the best.choice.
Vishnevsky's ointment for skin burns is effective due to its components. It consists of:
- Castor oil. Thanks to him, a dried crust does not appear, which is important for burns. The product does not freeze in the cold and is perfectly absorbed.
- Birch tar. This component is found in many preparations. Thanks to him, the ointment has an antiseptic and blood supply effect.
- Xeroform. The component has an antibacterial effect, dries the injured area. Another substance provides thickening of the drug to the desired consistency.
- Aeroforce.
- Colloidal silicon dioxide.

Vishnevsky's ointment for burns is also used because it is in almost every home. And with this kind of injury, it is important to provide assistance as soon as possible, and most often improvised means and what can be found in the first-aid kit from suitable drugs are used. Liniment is sold in glass jars of 25, 40, 100 g, as well as in tubes of 40 g. The appearance of the ointment is different. Usually it is a homogeneous mass from brown to light yellow.
The price of Vishnevsky's ointment in pharmacies is low, it may vary depending on the volume of the container and the manufacturer. For example, a remedy from the company "Green Dubrava" (30 g) costs 23 rubles, and from "Borisovsky Zavod" (40 g) - 48 rubles.
From what can Vishnevsky's ointment be used? The drug is used to treat:
- psoriasis;
- pressure sores;
- purulent wounds;
- frostbite;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- thrombophlebitis;
- ulcers.

Using the product for its intended purpose allows you to get results quickly enough. Apply the ointment to clean skin.
Other applications
The scope of the ointment is extensive. The tool is used in the following cases:
- Due to the warming effect, the drug is used to treat lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, sinusitis, otitis externa, mastitis, lactostasis, sciatica.
- The ointment is used for bruises, skin lesions.
- The remedy helps with insect bites, as it quickly dissolves the bite and reduces itching. In this case, the ointment is applied to the wound.
- In the last century, the drug was used for psoriasis, dermatitis, wet calluses.
- In surgery, this drug is often chosen for dressing festering wounds, as it always provides a positive effect.
Types of burns
A person receives such injuries in domestic and working conditions. Burns may result from exposure to the sun, hot steam or electricity. Vishnevsky's ointment is used only after the nature of the lesion is determined:
- Hot water burns of 1 and 2 degrees are treated with ointment. Treatment for injury of the 2nd degree is performed only after spontaneous opening of the blister. You should not pierce the blisters on your own, as there is a risk of infection. It is desirable to apply Vishnevsky's ointment under a bandage. It is fixed with adhesive plaster and not removed for 2-3 days.
- Sunburns are usually 1st or 2nd degree. In order to prevent the undesirable consequences of being under the sun, an ointment is also used. The condition improves on the 2nd day after the start of treatment. If there is no effect, they look for another method of treatment.
- Electric shock is dangerous for people. Rupture of internal organs is not excluded. Signs of damage can be different. Treatment of such lesions is best done under medical supervision. It is undesirable to use any methods on your own.
The main advantage of the drug is its safety. It is used to treat pregnant women, children, sensitive individuals. The tool can not be used only with individual intolerance to the drug. It is simple to perform an allergy test: the ointment is applied in a thin layer on the bend of the elbow for a day. Allergy is indicated by the appearance of:
- redness;
- itching;
- rashes;
- urticaria.
Do not use the drug if it causes discomfort. After all, now there are many other means that allow you to quickly cure burns.

When Pregnant
The components are not toxic, so they are easily tolerated by pregnant and lactating women. There is practically no harm to the child. But the precaution will not be superfluous.
It is advisable to conduct an analysis in the clinic in advance to exclude irritation. Children under 3 years of age, the drug is contraindicated for the reason that side effects can be severe. Teenagers needreduce dosage.
Before using Vishnevsky's ointment for burns with boiling water, it is necessary to provide first aid, which is as follows:
- If the injury is thermal, rinse the wound with cold water, apply a clean bandage and apply ice.
- In case of chemical injury, remove clothing and moisten the affected area with water. Then apply buffer solutions that are unique to different types of chemicals:
- The acid is neutralized with a 2% solution of baking soda (1 tsp in 2.5 cups of water).
- Alkalis - citric acid (1 tsp) and pure water (0.5 l).
- Lime - 2% sugar solution.
- Carboxylic acid - glycerol.
After that, drugs can be used. Ointment Vishnevsky with a chemical burn is applied to the diseased area with a thick layer. A little of the product is absorbed into the applied material. Then you need to apply a sterile bandage - cotton fabric or bandage. Then it is fixed with a plaster. The bandage should not move and cause discomfort.
To ensure a therapeutic effect, the ointment is applied to the injured area for at least 6 hours. It is best to use it at night. Change the bandage at least 1 time per day. You need to take clean bandages and bandages. The remains of the ointment must be removed.
Using a burn remedy is rare. Do not choose this ointment for injuries to the face, eyes, sensitive tissues. If you are not sure of the effect, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs and tell you aboutrules for their use.

What not to do?
Many folk remedies for burns are not only ineffective, but also dangerous, as they can worsen the condition. With these damages, do not do the following:
- lubricate wounds with vegetable oil;
- pierce blisters;
- lubricate wounds with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green or urine;
- clean the affected areas from the remnants of clothing;
- pasting wounds with plaster, applying a tight bandage;
- wash burns with tea leaves.
Use any medication should be only after consulting a specialist. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences.
What to replace
Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment differ in composition. But the funds work perfectly in the problem with burns, wounds, erysipelas. The balsamic liniment has a wider scope. But that's where the similarities end.
Frostbite, colds, skin diseases treated with liniment. The tool is effective in gynecology. Ichthyol ointment helps in the treatment of pathologies provoked by staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Candida fungi. The disadvantage of this paste is a large list of contraindications.

Another commonly used remedy is Levomekol, which also treats purulent wounds, acne, boils, ulcers. But the last remedy should not be used during pregnancy. Vishnevsky's ointment is valued for its presence in the compositionnatural components. Balsamic liniment is very easy to apply, it is non-toxic. In Levomekol, the main substance is an antibiotic, which is not suitable for some.
Thus, Vishnevsky's ointment is effective in treating only mild burns. It is only necessary to use it correctly, and then the result of therapy will be excellent.