In childhood, a runny nose, colds and viral infections quite often occur. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating pathologies of an infectious and inflammatory nature. True, not all and not always turn out to be really effective. Qualified pediatricians and otolaryngologists offer a time-tested remedy for eliminating diseases of the throat and nose, namely aminocaproic acid. Let's try to figure out whether the remedy is really effective and safe for the child in this area of application.

Description of this medication
When a child is prescribed this or that drug, parents carefully read the instructions, which is the right step. However, in the case of aminocaproic acid, things are different. The prescriptions for this medication do not mention the treatment of diseases of the nose of an infectious-inflammatory nature.
Some experts usedrug for its intended purpose, without prescribing it to patients for the treatment of colds and rhinitis. Let's try to understand the reasons for this duality.
Aminocaproic acid is a hemostatic drug. It has hemostatic properties and also prevents bleeding. According to the official instructions for use, aminocaproic acid is prescribed in the following cases:
- Hemorrhagic syndrome due to surgery on the heart, brain or blood vessels.
- Pathologies of the internal organs, in which there is a high risk of bleeding, for example, peptic ulcer.
- Transfusion procedures.
- Dental treatment to prevent bleeding.
The attached instructions, therefore, do not mention the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs. However, if the attending physician recommends instilling aminocaproic acid into the child's nose, this prescription should not be ignored.

Hemostatic drug is successfully used in the practice of otolaryngologists and accelerates the process of recovery of a child with viral pathologies, and also relieves inflammation of the sinuses and passages.
According to the instructions, aminocaproic acid also has a number of therapeutic properties necessary for the treatment of the common cold, including:
- Reducing the permeability of the vessels of the circulatory system and strengthening the cell membrane.
- Increasing local immunity through increased actioninterferons in the body, which leads to increased resistance to the negative effects of pathogenic microflora.
- Preventing the production of histamine, which reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Similar therapeutic properties of the drug when instilled into the nose have the following effect:
- Pronounced reduction in edema.
- Reduce nasal mucus and pus.
- Strengthening the vascular walls.
- Relieve signs of allergic rhinitis, including burning, congestion, sneezing, itching, etc.
According to studies, aminocaproic acid has an antiviral effect. The drug shows the greatest activity against influenza and adenovirus in the nasal mucosa. The acid prevents the spread of pathogens.
One of the important qualities of aminocaproic acid is that it does not dry the nasal mucosa and does not constrict blood vessels. This is a distinguishing feature of the drug from other nasal medicines.
The use of aminocaproic acid is advisable for any diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature, which are accompanied by the formation of edema, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion. Indications for the use of the drug are:
- Rhinitis of viral origin in acute form.
- Sinusitis.
- Allergic rhinitis in a chronic form.
- Enlarged tonsils in the nasopharynx,characterized as adenoids of the first degree.
- Bleeding from the nose due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
- Treat symptoms of sore throats, flu and other viral respiratory diseases.
In addition, aminocaproic acid in the nose is used to prevent seasonal epidemics of viruses, including SARS and influenza.

Despite the numerous useful properties, the drug is not always suitable for treating a child. In particular, its use is contraindicated in the following situations:
- Increased sensitivity to acid.
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Prone to blood clots.
- Violation of the process of blood circulation in the brain.
- Pathologies of the kidneys, expressed in the appearance of blood impurities in the urine.
The use of aminocaproic acid for children under one year old in the treatment of the common cold should occur under strict medical supervision.
Adverse reactions from using this medication
The attached instructions contain information about those adverse reactions that may occur during the traditional use of the product. When instilled into the nasal passages, the drug is not actually absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not affect the internal organs and systems. The likelihood of adverse reactions with this method of use is reduced to zero.
However, parents should be aware of possible adverse reactions. For example, onbackground of hypersensitivity to aminocaproic acid or in the event of an allergic reaction, the following undesirable consequences occur:
- Skin rash.
- Increased severity of swelling of the nasopharynx.
- Itching and burning.
Less children experience systemic reactions such as reduced arterial pressure, tinnitus, diarrhea and dizziness. When used locally, these symptoms are excluded.
How to properly use aminocaproic acid in the nose?

The drug can be produced in several forms, including powder and tablets. In our country, the drug is presented in the form of a 5% solution intended for intravenous drip.
The official instructions do not contain any data on the use of the drug for instillation into the nose. For this reason, attention should be paid to the doctor's recommendations regarding the use of aminocaproic acid.
Instillations into the nasal passages
The most popular method of using aminocaproic acid in the treatment of viral diseases is instillation into the nasal passages. The dosage and number of daily instillations is determined taking into account the age of the child:
- Up to a year, three instillations are prescribed. It is allowed to dilute the acid with saline in equal proportions.
- After a year, the number of instillations can be increased to four.

Durationtherapy with this drug and recommendations
Duration of therapy in most cases is one week. For preventive purposes, the use of aminocaproic acid is allowed for two weeks.
It should not be forgotten that the solution inside the vial is sterile, which means that you do not need to remove the cap. Experts recommend piercing the bottle with a needle and gaining the required volume. After removing the needle from the syringe, instillation is performed. The use of disposable syringes in this case is strictly required.