Effective oral rehydration products for children: a list

Effective oral rehydration products for children: a list
Effective oral rehydration products for children: a list

If a child's body loses from 15 to 20% of fluid from body weight, metabolic changes begin in organs and tissues. An increase in indicators to 20-22% or more is fraught with a fatal outcome. To make up for the loss of dehydration, oral rehydration agents are used. The term itself means just the replenishment of the fluid lost by the body through ordinary drinking.

Oral rehydration product for children
Oral rehydration product for children

As a rule, such products (usually supplied in the form of powders) are a medicine and contain the necessary substances (sodium, potassium, chlorine and a number of other vital substances) in the right ratio. Timely rehydration therapy can effectively treat a number of childhood diseases. This takes into account the severity of dehydration.

Degree of dehydration

There are certain clinical symptoms that canjudge the stage of dehydration of the child's body. In this case, often the initial indicator of body weight is unknown. There are three stages in total:

  • Dehydration I degree (mild). Appears against the background of the development of acute diarrhea (90% of cases). The mucous membrane of the mouth and the eye conjunctiva have a sufficient level of moisture. The chair is observed from 3 to 5 times a day, in rare cases, vomiting occurs. Body weight deficit (BW) no more than 5%.
  • Dehydration II degree (medium). This is where an oral rehydration product is simply indispensable! Grade 2 is characterized by frequent stools (about 10 times a day) and vomiting. Moreover, it occurs one or two days after the onset of these symptoms. The mucous membranes are dry, the pulse is unstable, the skin loses its elasticity, there is a moderate stage of tachycardia and anxiety. You can also notice the retraction of the fontanel in a moderate form.
  • III degree dehydration (severe). A kind of hypovolemic shock sets in. An increased degree of dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and eyes, the face is more like a mask, the fontanel sinks more strongly, the enophthalmos of the eyeballs and tachycardia are pronounced, the eyelids do not close. There is also cyanosis with a characteristic marble pattern on the skin, a decrease in the temperature of the extremities. Low blood pressure, oliguria, metabolic acidosis, impaired consciousness accompanied by a lack of response to stimuli.

The treatment procedure is carried out in two stages. At the first, low fluid and electrolyte levels are replenished by taking a means fororal rehydration therapy for children.

Oral Rehydration Products for Children
Oral Rehydration Products for Children

The second stage is already prevention, in which, if diarrhea is still present, medication continues. In severe manifestations, fluid is replenished intravenously.

List of effective remedies

In almost any pharmacy there are many rehydrating agents in the form of powders, tablets or granules. And here the question may clearly arise: what kind of treatment with tablets and powders, if the child has dehydration ?! It should be borne in mind that with the loss of fluid, the child's body lacks sodium and chlorine s alts. In addition, other excipients are present in the composition of such drugs, which can stimulate the child's immunity. The fermentation process improves, the body has additional energy that it spends on fighting the infection.

It is not necessary to purchase all rehydrating drugs at the pharmacy, it is enough to opt for a number of effective drugs. Among the majority, we highlight the most common means for oral rehydration. The list in this case will look like this:

  • "Rehydron".
  • "Hydrovit".
  • "Humana Electrolyte".
  • "Gatsrolit".

It is important to pay attention to the expiration date!


Among most rehydration medications, this drug is the most common. Manufactured by Orion Corporation, whichlocated in Finland. It is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a powder, which includes:

  • sodium chloride - 3.5 g;
  • potassium chloride - 2.5g;
  • sodium citrate ≈ 3 g;
  • glucose - 10g

One pack contains 20 small sachets that hold approximately 19 grams of white crystalline powder. The product dissolves well in water. The prepared solution is sweet and s alty at the same time.

Nonprescription Oral Rehydration Solution
Nonprescription Oral Rehydration Solution

Oral rehydration product for children under one year old allows you to restore the acid-base balance, disturbed as a result of loss of electrolytes. This happens during the course of diarrhea or with frequent vomiting. Maintaining the acid balance at an optimal level is provided by glucose. At the same time, the sodium preparation contains less than potassium, which is much more. For this reason, it is recommended by most experts.

It is worth noting that the drug has a number of contraindications. And what oral rehydration products for children do not have them? It should not be taken if there are kidney problems, diabetes, intestinal obstruction. It is also not recommended to use Regidron with high blood pressure when the patient is unconscious.


The tool is relevant in case of need to provide emergency rehydration and detoxification assistance. It will also be useful for intoxication of various manifestations of genesis, as well as forreplenishment of the water-electrolyte complex. Taking the drug allows you to adjust the metabolism of the body. And thanks to the balanced chemical composition, the risk of acidosis and electrolyte disorders is eliminated.

The main feature of the drug is the content of colloidal silicon dioxide, which, in fact, is a powerful sorbent. The rehydration agent has no contraindications regarding the age of the patient. That is, it can also be used by infants.

Oral rehydration products for children under one year old
Oral rehydration products for children under one year old

As is typical for glucose-s alt solutions, the oral rehydration product for children called Hydrovit has a specific taste that not all children like. Therefore, sometimes there are difficulties with its reception. For such cases, there is a preparation with a strawberry flavor. Allergic children should be given solutions that do not contain flavors or additives.

Humana Electrolyte

This remedy has a banana or fennel composition. Moreover, the first option is designed for children from birth, while the banana composition is recommended for use only for babies over 3 years old. The drug is also sold in the form of a powder, and is packaged in bags weighing 6.25 grams. One packing box contains 12 of these bags.

The dosage is 50-100 (150) milliliters in relation to 1 kg of the child's body weight. The main advantage of the drug lies in its pleasant taste. Means with fennel allow you to get rid of colic and bloating. And thanks to banana pectinin the composition, the drug binds various toxins and removes them from the body.


This drug, unlike those described above, is sold in the form of tablets, 30 pieces in one package, but, like others, is sold without a prescription. The oral rehydration agent must first be dissolved in hot water (2 tablets per 100 ml), after which the resulting solution cools to body temperature.

"Gatsrolit" is indicated for infants, that is, from the first day of its appearance. Moreover, drinking should be given in a fractional way in small portions. The amount of solution should be calculated based on the following ratio: 90-13 milliliters are taken per 1 kg of body weight of a child.

Oral rehydration products list
Oral rehydration products list

Among the pluses is a pleasant taste reminiscent of chamomile due to the content of this extract. Thanks to him, the drug has a good antispasmodic effect, fights inflammation, corrects peristalsis and helps to avoid bloating.

Medication rules

As a rule, any medicine sold through pharmacies has detailed instructions for use. In the case of purchasing an oral rehydration agent in the form of a powder, it is indicated directly on the package. Please read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly. In doing so, special attention should be paid to the following factors:

  • In what kind of water to dilute the drug, at what temperature and how much of it is needed.
  • How much cookedsolution should be taken at one time.
  • What are the features of storing the prepared solution.
  • It is equally important to pay attention to how much time is given to store the solution.

The dosage of drugs is usually indicated in the number of milliliters of solution in relation to 1 kg of the patient's weight (ml / kg). However, the instructions contain information regarding cases of severe dehydration (diarrhea, frequent vomiting), including symptom relief.

What are oral rehydration products for children?
What are oral rehydration products for children?

For example, a child weighs 20 kg and the maximum dosage is 10 ml/kg. That is, at one time he can drink a solution in an amount of 200 ml, no more. If we take into account an ordinary faceted glass, then it should be filled to the rim. This will be the desired volume.

Homemade Remedy

If suddenly, for a number of different reasons, the necessary funds could not be obtained, you can prepare an oral rehydration agent at home. It will turn out a kind of analogue of "Rehydron". This will require the following ingredients:

  • Water - 0.5 l (boiled).
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • S alt - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Baking soda - same as s alt.

All this must be mixed in a liter jar. There is nothing complicated in preparation, but before using it is better to consult a specialist regarding this solution.

Usually, if you follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs, there should be no side effects. But ifafter taking the medicine, an unusual reaction is observed, it is worth consulting with your doctor, who will decide whether to continue taking the remedy or it is better to find another option.


You should be careful when giving rehydration solutions to your child, pouring a teaspoon into the mouth every 10 minutes. In some cases, sweet tea or compote can be given to a small patient as a substitute. With profuse vomiting, the child should be given a drip method. However, if even a teaspoon of oral rehydration agent does not linger in the stomach for a long time, the solution can be frozen. Giving small ice cubes should be done very carefully. Typically, this exposure to cold suppresses the urge to vomit.

Oral rehydration products
Oral rehydration products

Reception of rehydration drugs is just an addition to the main treatment with drugs that eliminate the causes of dehydration in the child's body.
