Terramycin Spray is a broad spectrum antibiotic with high activity against a variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria that cause skin infections in horses, cattle, rabbits, goats, sheep, pigs, cats and dogs. This tool is intended for local use only and is able to quickly dissolve in tissue fluids and blood serum. Separately, it should be noted that the spray "Terramycin" has a pronounced prolonged action and is firmly fixed directly on the infected area.

If we talk about the composition of this antibiotic, then as an active element it contains about four grams of oxytetracycline dihydrate per one hundred and fifty milliliters of solvent. Spray "Terramycin" is packaged in standard aluminum cans designed for aerosols and equipped with caps and metering valves. Whereinpackaging allows you to spray the medicine even from an inverted position. The latter greatly facilitates the medical treatment of the most inaccessible areas with Terramycin. Spray, the price of which averages from three hundred to three hundred and fifty rubles, can be purchased at almost every veterinary clinic or pet store.

Use this medicine should be for faster healing of puncture wounds, scratches and abrasions in animals. For the treatment of bacterial infections that are accompanied by parasitic dermatitis, the appointment of the drug "Terramycin" is also shown. Spray instruction recommends the use for the treatment of wounds of a traumatic or surgical nature. For example, after the procedure of castration, cupping of ears or tails, dehorning and caesarean section. Various diseases of the hooves, skin and interhoof space are also included in the list of indications for prescription. In addition, this remedy is actively used for udder damage (due to mechanical milking) and necrobacillosis of sheep and cattle.
Before using the antibiotic "Terramycin", it is necessary to clean the treated area from wound exudate, pus and necrotic tissues. In addition, the hair must be removed. Only after that, the spray "Terramycin" is well shaken up and sprayed for two to three seconds from a distance of eighteen to twenty centimeters on the affected surface. The action of the drug is usuallypersists for one week after a single treatment. In this case, the exact amount of sprayed medication is determined based on a particular area of damage. It should be emphasized that the use of the above treatment regimen without prior consultation with a veterinarian is not recommended. It is also worth noting that while using this spray, you should protect your eyes from possible contact with the drug.