Drugs 2024, October

Erythromycin ointment: indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues

Erythromycin ointment: indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues

For the treatment of eye diseases caused by infections, the most effective drugs are antibiotics from various groups. They have powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. In the practice of ophthalmology, the most widespread are eye gels and ointments, which are intended for external use. One such remedy is erythromycin eye ointment

List of hCG drugs: names, instructions and reviews

List of hCG drugs: names, instructions and reviews

In the case when the result of an ultrasound examination shows that the follicles have the required size or they have grown to 25 millimeters, then the doctor prescribes special injections of hCG, that is, the so-called human chorionic gonadotropin, to achieve fertilization. These are, first of all, hormonal drugs that help to get pregnant

Metrogyl medicine (intravenously). Instruction

Metrogyl medicine (intravenously). Instruction

Metrogil is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal drug. The active substance of the drug is metronidazole

Sedative "Afobazol": reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications

Sedative "Afobazol": reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications

The drug "Afobazole" is a mildly acting sedative indicated for anxiety, stress, various disorders of the nervous system

ASD (candles): instructions for use and reviews

ASD (candles): instructions for use and reviews

What is the drug ASD (candles)? Reviews about this remedy, its therapeutic characteristics and indications for use will be discussed below

Effective medicines for heartburn: a list

Effective medicines for heartburn: a list

Heartburn is one of the most unpleasant sensations a person has ever experienced. It starts suddenly, and in order to stop the attack, you have to use medicines for heartburn. The list of them today is quite large, the main thing is to choose the right one, both in terms of action and price

"Xymelin": analogues, composition and price of the drug. How to replace the spray or drops in the nose "Xymelin"?

"Xymelin": analogues, composition and price of the drug. How to replace the spray or drops in the nose "Xymelin"?

Nasal congestion is one of the most unpleasant and first symptoms of a cold, which Xymelin and its analogues will help to cope with

Drugs for intestinal infections in adults and children

Drugs for intestinal infections in adults and children

Intestinal infection - what could be worse and more unpleasant?! What drugs can come to the rescue to improve the condition?

"IRS-19": reviews (for children). How effective is the IRS-19 spray?

"IRS-19": reviews (for children). How effective is the IRS-19 spray?

"IRS-19" refers to one of the most popular drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in children. It is prescribed by many doctors for the treatment of severe forms of the common cold

"Losterin": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

"Losterin": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

The drug "Losterin", instructions for use of which are in this article, is an excellent modern remedy in the fight against skin diseases

Arnica (homeopathy): instructions for use and reviews

Arnica (homeopathy): instructions for use and reviews

Mountain arnica belongs to the Compositae family of plants (aster genus). Outwardly, these flowers look like miniature sunflowers, and almost everyone has met them in wildlife. But few people knew that this plant can work wonders if used as a medicine

Features of the use of the normothymic drug "Lithium carbonate"

Features of the use of the normothymic drug "Lithium carbonate"

Means "Sedalite" (or in other words "Lithium carbonate") is a normothymic drug that normalizes the mental state of a person and does not cause general lethargy. The use of this drug has a pronounced antimanic, sedative and antidepressant effect. At the same time, the effect of the use of the drug "Lithium carbonate" is directly due to lithium ions, which are antagonists of sodium ions and in a relatively short time

"Colme" from alcoholism. The drug "Colme". Instructions, reviews

"Colme" from alcoholism. The drug "Colme". Instructions, reviews

In Russia, the number of people for whom the use of alcoholic beverages is a necessity, a daily need, is increasing every year. As a result, the number of alcoholics is on the rise

The best antipyretic drugs: list and reviews

The best antipyretic drugs: list and reviews

During the cold season, many people get sick and suffer from flu symptoms - a runny nose, cough, sore throat. In parallel with this, the body temperature rises - sometimes up to 38-39 degrees. Such high rates need to be brought down. How to do it as quickly and safely as possible? This article provides a list of antipyretic drugs that will help almost anyone

Drug "Goal T". "Goal T": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drug "Goal T". "Goal T": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In addition to classical medicines, homeopathic remedies with a small dose of the active substance, which are produced according to a special technological scheme, have become widely used in pharmacology. One of these medicines is the drug "T Zele", intended for the treatment of inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. The unique multicomponent composition of active substances allows to normalize biochemical processes in bone and cartilage tissue

Preparation "Modelform": reviews of doctors, instructions for use and composition

Preparation "Modelform": reviews of doctors, instructions for use and composition

Tormented by extra pounds? The modern drug for weight loss "Modelform" (review after review shows its effective effect on the body) will help you lose weight. It will change not only the body, but also life. It acts delicately and does not harm the body. Contains only natural ingredients

"Negrustin": analogue, instructions for use. The best analogue of "Negrustin" in Russia

"Negrustin": analogue, instructions for use. The best analogue of "Negrustin" in Russia

Not everyone manages to cope with neurological disorders on their own. Antidepressants are often used to treat anxiety, neurosis, and other disorders. This article provides information about the drug "Negrustin": analogues, instructions for use, indications

What is a prolongation cream? What does it give and how to use it?

What is a prolongation cream? What does it give and how to use it?

About 20% of men suffer from premature ejaculation, which can occur both during the first minutes of sexual intercourse and before it. Such a phenomenon is understandable from the point of view of physiology, but not every woman is ready to understand and accept it. A prolonging cream can help solve the problem, which allows you to prolong the love game and the pleasure of both partners

"Iganerging" (cream): instruction, application, description of the drug

"Iganerging" (cream): instruction, application, description of the drug

Traditional Chinese medicine has long been gaining popularity outside of its native country. This is a special, new approach to the treatment of many diseases, without surgery and chemical therapy. Cream "Yiganerzhing" (Yiganerjing) has proven itself in the fight against various skin diseases, confidently winning the love of Russian consumers

The action of "Phenazepam" on the human body

The action of "Phenazepam" on the human body

"Phenazepam" - the first tranquilizer in the USSR, created by a group of scientists in the early seventies of the last century. At first, the drug was mainly used by military doctors, then its use became popular in the treatment of depression, insomnia and other neurological problems. The action of "Phenazepam" is an anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic effect. The drug is often highly addictive and is recognized as a drug in many countries

Similar to "Sorbifer Durules". What can replace the drug?

Similar to "Sorbifer Durules". What can replace the drug?

Anemia is a common disease among people of different ages, social groups, genders. Increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness may indicate a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. You can cope with the problem and take preventive measures with the help of special preparations, such as "Sorbifer Durules"

Antipollin drug: reviews

Antipollin drug: reviews

On the pharmacy market there is a huge variety of drugs that fight allergy symptoms. The recent development of Kazakh scientists "Antipollin" has already received positive feedback from patients. In this article, we will look at it in more detail

"Argosulfan": analogues and reviews about them

"Argosulfan": analogues and reviews about them

The skin is our shell, and it is just as important as what's inside. Therefore, her diseases should be treated with great attention. Moreover, skin injuries can bring quite tangible suffering. Argosulfan ointment will help you alleviate them and quickly minimize them. Analogues can also be very effective, especially since there are a great many of them on the pharmaceutical market

Why is it important to take a prenatal multivitamin?

Why is it important to take a prenatal multivitamin?

He alth and vital activity of any living organism completely depends on sufficient supply of nutrients, microelements and vitamins. This issue is especially acute during the birth of a new life. Therefore, it is so important to take multivitamins for pregnant women during the period of the intended conception and subsequent bearing of the little man

Peony roots: healing properties

Peony roots: healing properties

One of the most beautiful flowering plants, which is observed not only in the wild, but also in many summer cottages, is a peony. Not everyone knows that it has long been used in folk medicine. Moreover, peony roots are most often used. Now it is even recognized by official medicine as an adaptogen

Lincomycin in dentistry is an indispensable antibiotic

Lincomycin in dentistry is an indispensable antibiotic

In dentistry, in addition to local anesthetics, various antibiotics are widely used, which have bactericidal properties and are active against gram-positive bacteria. Among them there is also a natural antibiotic - lincomycin

"AHD 2000": instructions and indications for use

"AHD 2000": instructions and indications for use

At present, antiseptic preparations have become widely used. They have effective properties and are essential in the medical field. One of these tools is "AHD 2000"

Shield Male: Legend, Description, Application

Shield Male: Legend, Description, Application

It has long been believed that on Midsummer Night, only for a moment, blazing with bright red fire, the fern blossoms. And the daredevil, who dared to pluck the "fire-color", is endowed with incredible abilities. Scientists have long debunked a beautiful legend, because of the huge number of species of this plant, not one blooms. Why did our ancestors sacredly believe in the magical power of the fern? Is it because they knew about its healing properties?

Anticholinergic drugs: a list. Mechanism of action of an anticholinergic drug

Anticholinergic drugs: a list. Mechanism of action of an anticholinergic drug

Anticholinergic drugs are medicinal substances that block the action of the natural mediator - acetylcholine - on cholinergic receptors

Application of balm "Asterisk": instructions and composition

Application of balm "Asterisk": instructions and composition

Asterisk balm was created long ago by scientists in Vietnam. It is a complex homogeneous composition of essential oils of many plants. The use of Zvezdochka balm is recognized both in official and in folk medicine for the successful treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. This drug is loved and widely used by people of several generations

Phenoxyethanol in cosmetics: description, benefits and harms

Phenoxyethanol in cosmetics: description, benefits and harms

No beauty product is complete without preservatives. All products that contain water are a breeding ground for various kinds of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms. Adding a preservative to them allows you to extend the shelf life of cosmetics, and make it safe. The most common substance with such properties is phenoxyethanol

"Urorek": analogues, their comparison and reviews

"Urorek": analogues, their comparison and reviews

Often, coming to the pharmacy, you can see a large number of drugs that cost a lot. And nothing remains to be done, how to give this amount, if only to recover from the disease as soon as possible. One of these drugs is Urorek. In pharmacies of our country, its price is about seven hundred and sixty rubles. Many people think about whether there are analogues for the drug "Urorek"

"Vikasol": analogues, their comparison and reviews

"Vikasol": analogues, their comparison and reviews

This article will discuss the drug "Vikasol". Analogues of this medicine will also become participants in this discussion. Not only will the method of taking certain analogues be considered, but a comparison will be made between these medicines both in price and in their action. In the end, the answer to the question will be given: is it worth buying an analogue or is it best to use the original drug?

Description of the drug "Metrogil". Analogues, their comparison and description

Description of the drug "Metrogil". Analogues, their comparison and description

This article will consider a specific drug that can be replaced by an analogue in one case or another. So, the drug that will be discussed in this article is Metrogil. An analogue of this particular medicine is presented here, and not one, but several. They will be described in more detail

"Anadrol": reviews, description, price

"Anadrol": reviews, description, price

"Anadrol" - anabolic, which is currently one of the most effective. This is an oral steroid based on oxymetholone. The high efficiency of the product is achieved due to the increased androgenic properties. In just two weeks, you can achieve a significant increase in muscle mass (average 7 kg) due to the increased water content in the muscles

Immunoglobulin with a tick bite: use, contraindications

Immunoglobulin with a tick bite: use, contraindications

Every year, thousands of tick bites are recorded in our country. As you know, these insects carry many infectious diseases. In this case, immunoglobulin is a prophylactic agent; when a tick bites, it is put in all medical institutions of the country

Medication "Purgen": laxative or poison?

Medication "Purgen": laxative or poison?

We meet with the medicine "Purgen" at school, although most chemistry teachers are silent about this. The official name of this substance is phenolphthalein

Antidepressants: reviews, a list of drugs without a prescription

Antidepressants: reviews, a list of drugs without a prescription

In today's world, a considerable number of people need help to overcome depression. As a rule, when faced with such a problem, the majority of the Russian population prefers to go to a pharmacy and purchase a package of antidepressants for themselves. How to choose them correctly and what should you pay attention to?

"Eutiroks": reviews on use, instructions, side effects

"Eutiroks": reviews on use, instructions, side effects

The drug "Eutiroks" promotes weight loss. Many people, having learned that this method is excellent at fighting excess weight, rush to the pharmacy in order to purchase the drug "Eutiroks", reviews of which confirm its effectiveness in terms of losing weight. This medicine is used for replacement therapy of hypothyroidism

"Doppelhertz Menopause": reviews and instructions for use

"Doppelhertz Menopause": reviews and instructions for use

After the onset of menopause, many ladies need funds to contain its manifestations. Some women need hormones, others just need plant-based substitutes. But vitamin complexes are needed by absolutely everyone without exception. The drug "Doppelgerz Menopause" is one of the means of this type, it can not only fill the body with all the necessary substances, but also cope with the symptoms of the condition