Anemia is a common disease among people of different ages, social groups, genders. Increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness may indicate a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. You can cope with the problem and take preventive measures with the help of special preparations, such as Sorbifer Durules. Cheap analogues of the drug cope with the elimination of the disease and its symptoms no worse.
Ferrous sulfate + ascorbic acid
The medical name "Sorbifer Durules" reflects the combination of substances in its composition. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron in the body. The drug compensates for its deficiency, and ascorbic acid improves the absorption of the substance in the digestive system.
Durules is the name of a unique technology used in the creation of a medicine. At the same time, the intake of iron ions occurs gradually, which allows the drug to be better absorbed. Due to this, there is no irritation of the mucous membrane and there is no aggressive effect on the digestive system.organs. No analogue of "Sorbifer Durules" can boast of such a delicate action.
Manufacturer: Hungary.
Price: from 400 rubles (30 tablets).

The drug "Sorbifer Durules" can be used both for therapy and for prevention. It is usually assigned in the following cases:
- treatment of iron deficiency anemia;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- iron deficiency;
- prevention for blood donors.
Purchasing the drug is not problematic, many pharmacies sell Sorbifer Durules. Analogues in Russia in terms of composition and action are also common and available to consumers.
An analogue of "Sorbifer Durules" close in active ingredients. The main purpose is the prevention and treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency. In cases of low hemoglobin for other reasons, the drug is ineffective.
Allowed for children from four years old (unlike "Sorbifer"), therefore it is recommended during the period of active growth of a young organism. Helps to recover from past illnesses, takes part in the restoration of intestinal microflora. Also prescribed for pregnant and lactating women with high blood loss.
The drug is considered effective, rarely provokes side effects, has few contraindications. During treatment, it is not recommended to take other medicinal sources of iron. Otherwisecase, there is a high probability of an excess of a substance in the body.
Manufacturer: Hungary. Price: about 100 rubles per package (100 tablets).
Fenuls 100
An analogue of "Sorbifer Durules", containing iron and vitamin complex. Due to the presence of the drug in capsules, the substances slowly enter the body, reducing the likelihood of side effects in the form of digestive tract disorders.
Contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, calcium pantothenate, thiamine and other active ingredients. The drug not only eliminates the cause of anemia, but also restores impaired metabolism, which almost always accompanies a lack of iron in the body.
Indications: pregnancy and preparation for it, lactation, prolonged blood loss associated with the menstrual cycle or childbirth, lack of vitamin B and iron. Not recommended for children and persons suffering from diseases associated with a lack or excess of the active ingredients of the drug.
Manufacturer: India. Price: about 200 rubles (30 pieces).

Aktiferrin compositum
German analogue of "Sorbifer Durules", containing iron, vitamin C. The composition of the drug includes amino acids that contribute to more efficient absorption of the active substance and its entry into the bloodstream.
The drug quickly replenishes iron deficiency, which leads to a decrease and subsequent elimination of anemia companions: dry skin, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy. Available in the form of capsules, drops and syrup. It has many contraindications and side effects that rarely occur. Nevertheless, Aktiferrin compositum is approved for use by children and even newborns.
Indications for medication are the following conditions:
- anemia;
- high iron requirement;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- gastritis;
- bad food;
- decreased immunity;
- period of active growth.
This product has restrictions when combined with other medicines and certain foods, which should be known in advance.
Producer country: Germany. Price: from 230 rubles.

An antianemic drug. Replenishes the lack of iron. Additionally contains folic acid, which is necessary for the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy. Available in the form of chewable tablets.
Recommended for both prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. It is prescribed for pregnant women (second, third trimester) and during lactation. Reception is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, with low hemoglobin that has arisen for a different reason, with personal intolerance to the components.
Treatment with "Biofer" is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor with regular laboratory tests for the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The recommended course is one and a half or two months. The drug is consideredhigh-quality and effective, has few side effects and restrictions for admission. As with any other product containing vitamin complexes or substances, this medicine should not be combined with others.
Producer country: India. Price: about 350 rubles (30 tablets).

Russian equivalent. "Sorbifer Durules" differs significantly from its composition, but both drugs have a similar effect on the body. "Vitatress" is a multivitamin complex with iron content. It is well absorbed by the body, has practically no contraindications (except for childhood, hypersensitivity to components), side effects are only possible allergic reactions.
Recommended in the following cases:
- lack of vitamins and minerals;
- stress situations;
- increased mental or physical activity;
- postoperative period;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- sleep problems.
Manufacturer: Russia. Price: about 150 rubles (30 tablets).

Delicious treat containing a multivitamin complex and a high level of iron. Completely dissolves in the digestive tract, easy to digest. Consists of processed bovine blood with the addition of food elements that improve its taste: chocolate, honey, ascorbic acid, coconut and others.
Hematogen can be taken for prevention or for the treatment of beriberi or anemia, like Sorbifer Durules. The analogue is cheaper than the drug - one tile costs only a few tens of rubles. There are practically no side effects, the effect on the body is soft and delicate.
Despite its availability and, it would seem, harmlessness, the delicacy has its limitations for use. It is contraindicated in persons suffering from obesity, diabetic patients and pregnant women prone to excessive weight gain. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to comply with the recommended portion of the tile - 30 g for children from 6 years old (should not be younger), 50 g for adults.
Manufacturer: Russia. Price: from 15 rubles.

It should be remembered that anemia is not diagnosed by symptoms, but by laboratory tests. Before deciding on taking medications, you should consult with your doctor, regardless of the purpose of the course - preventive or therapeutic.