With a disease like thyrotoxicosis, people lose a lot of weight. Their mark on the scales can rapidly fall down, even if the patient does not adhere to the therapy regimen. The reason lies in the fact that with this disease, the thyroid gland produces an excess amount of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones speed up metabolism, so a person does not store fat deposits. Many people, having learned that this method is excellent at fighting excess weight, rush to the pharmacy in order to purchase the drug "Eutiroks", reviews of which confirm its effectiveness in terms of losing weight. This medication is used for the replacement therapy of hypothyroidism. Is it worth it to take such measures to be happy with a slim figure and how it can turn out?
More about the drug

"Eutiroks" is a drug that contains the thyroid hormone - thyroxine. Once in the human body, it is converted into having the same properties, but more active triiodothyronine. In the field of medicine, medicineused to treat conditions such as hypothyroidism. With this ailment, the thyroid gland for certain reasons does not produce enough hormones. Lifelong replacement therapy with the participation of the drug is also prescribed for those who have had their thyroid gland removed, and those who have it in a destroyed state. As a rule, its removal is associated with thyrotoxicosis, tumor or neck injury.
In the human body, thyroxine is involved in all types of metabolism:
- promotes the production and absorption of glucose;
- activates the breakdown of fats and proteins;
- stimulates the formation of new red blood cells;
- increases heart rate;
- complements the action of somatropin;
- increases the effects of catecholamines.
Does Euthyrox help in the fight against excess weight?
In the reviews on the use of "Eutiroks" it is really mentioned that it helps to get rid of excess weight. This is due to the following actions:
- Promotion of breakdown and prevention of fat accumulation.
- Stimulation of protein breakdown.
- Increasing the work capacity of a person: he becomes more active, resulting in active burning of calories.
In reviews of the action of "Eutiroks" it is indicated that it stimulates the nervous system, therefore, the brain is forced to consume glucose in large volumes. In addition, it activates thermogenesis, during which the destruction of brown fat is observed. At first it may seem that such a drug -one of the best means to fight for harmony. It is possible that he would have become a leader among weight loss drugs and would have been in great demand if not for a large list of side effects and contraindications.
Side effects
When it comes to the intended purpose of "Eutiroks" - the treatment of thyroid disease - the side effects rarely make themselves felt. Thyroxine is a hormone that is secreted by the human body. If its concentration does not exceed the permissible norms, a person does not experience a deterioration in well-being. In the case when this drug will be used not according to indications, but to fight for harmony, it is important to take into account the reviews on the use of Euthyrox and get acquainted with possible side effects. These include:
- increased stool against the background of increased intestinal motility;
- excessive sweating;
- feeling hot;
- alarm condition;
- psychic overstrain;
- increased heart rate;
- hand tremor.

To easily and quickly get rid of excess weight, many people are willing to put up with a list of all these pathological conditions caused by taking the drug "Eutiroks". Reviews of side effects are common, but not everyone takes care of their he alth and sacrifices it for a slender body.
If you do not exceed the dosage of the drug and do not take it for several months, all these negative manifestations will quickly disappear: pressure and heart ratenormalize.
However, the drug has a number of contraindications, so if you neglect them, you can get serious he alth problems. In severe cases, it can even be fatal (heart attack, stroke).

"Eutiroks" is forbidden to take if a person has the following diseases:
- Arterial hypertension. The drug increases blood pressure. With AD, rupture of blood vessels and various bleeding occur. Everything can end in different ways: someone will have a nosebleed, and someone will have a brain hemorrhage, which can lead to disability or death.
- Ischemic heart disease. The use of "Eutiroks" with such a pathology can provoke a heart attack. This is due to the fact that thyroxine increases the heart rate and increased myocardial oxygen demand. Given the fact that the vessels that deliver nutrients to the heart are clogged with atherosclerotic plaques, the myocardium does not receive enough oxygen, resulting in cell death.
- Diabetes. Thyroxine is one of the contrainsular hormones. Taking the drug will increase the level of glucose in the blood. As a result, the patient's condition worsens. In addition, against the background of illiterate treatment or its absence, the patient may fall into a coma. If not delivered to the hospital in a timely manner, a fatal outcome is possible.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
When it comes to treating a diseasethyroid gland, taking Euthyrox during pregnancy and lactation is not contraindicated. Pregnant women may increase the dosage of the drug, due to the increased level of thyroxine-binding globulin.
The use of the drug during pregnancy in combination with thyreostatics is prohibited. This is due to the fact that taking levothyroxine sodium may require an increase in doses of thyreostatics. The latter are able to overcome the placental barrier, which is fraught with the development of hypothyroidism in the fetus.
At the time of lactation, the medicine can only be taken in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
As far as weight loss is concerned, Euthyrox is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
What are the consequences of taking the drug for a long time?

In the reviews of the tablets "Eutiroks" it is indicated that the course of admission should not exceed 1-1.5 months. Long-term use of the drug accompanies the development of the following diseases:
- Osteoporosis. Thyroid hormones help flush calcium from bones.
- Myocardial dystrophy. The heart muscle is exhausted and becomes flabby.
- Hypothyroidism. If the thyroid gland is supplied with thyroxine in an unnatural way, as a result, it will no longer secrete it on its own.
- Atherosclerosis. Against the background of constant arterial hypertension, the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels accelerates.
- Gynecomastia. In reviews of "Eutirox" for weight loss, it is mentioned that in menthere is breast enlargement. This is because thyroxine activates the conversion of androgens into female hormones.
Weight gain

Weight gain is another common side effect of medication.
This may be due to certain features. In reviews of side effects, weight gain from Euthyrox is mentioned quite often. An increase in body weight, as a rule, is observed with the full passage of the course with too low dosages, which are 25-50 mcg. Such dosages activate the process of protein formation in the body, resulting in the growth of bone and muscle tissue. However, in this case we are not talking about fat reserves.
What else can be connected with the fact that there is no improvement while taking the drug? Are they recovering from it? The reviews of "Eutiroks" also say that the increase in body weight occurs with direct indications. Disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland, as a rule, entail a slowdown in metabolism, so the body begins to feel the need for a large amount of nutrients, against which the person's appetite increases. In this case, weight gain is due to natural causes.
Weight loss
If there are direct indications for the use of the drug, its dosage will be small. In this case, the opposite effect is observed. In other words, a person does not get better, but rather loses weight. Often this occurs against the background of rheumatologicalpathologies. In such a situation, an integrated approach will be required, which has fundamental differences from the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system.
Nevertheless, in the reviews of those taking "Eutiroks" it is mentioned that the weight is reduced even at low dosages. This is because excess hormones that were produced by stimulating the thyroid gland enter the bloodstream and contribute to the symptoms that are characteristic of thyrotoxicosis.
Regulation and dosage
The drug has some features that must be taken into account if the task is to lose weight. If you take it in a small dosage, you will not succeed in losing weight, and, on the contrary, the weight will grow. The regimen, which implies an average dosage, leads to the fact that weight gain slows down. A large dosage gives quick results - the metabolism accelerates, the weight begins to decrease quite actively.
If you refer to the reviews of doctors, "Eutiroks" should be taken according to the following scheme:
1. For the first 7 days, you need to drink 1 tablet of the medicine twice a day (the dosage at one time will be 25 mcg).
2. In the next 2 weeks, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day (the dosage is doubled).
3. In the fourth week, the maximum dosage reaches 75 mcg. Take 1 tablet per day.
Drink the drug in the morning on an empty stomach, the last dose should be no later than 6 pm.
Special Recommendations
In reviews of "Eutirox" it is said that its effectiveness depends primarily onindividual characteristics of the body. If there are no malfunctions in the thyroid gland, you can observe the first results after a few days from the moment you start taking the drug.
When its dysfunction is observed, the weight will decrease no earlier than after 10 days. The use of drugs to reduce weight has certain characteristics.
Before you start drinking the medicine, you need to study the instructions for "Eutiroks". In reviews, side effects are common, so it is important to take into account all the nuances.
Special recommendations include:
- Drink the drug half an hour before meals. The tablets can be taken with plenty of water. Taking the medicine before meals will help reduce appetite and quickly saturate the body.
- To achieve maximum effect, you can fight excess weight not only with the help of this drug. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and not neglect physical activity. People who do not follow these rules will get better in the future. The reviews about "Eutiroks" say that after taking it, you need to make an effort to keep the weight.
- The course of medication should not exceed 1 month. If you deviate from this rule, you can cause serious damage to he alth. It is necessary to prolong therapy only after consulting a doctor.
- If you experience a fever or hand tremors after taking the medicine, this is a signal that it is time to stop taking the medicine.
- At the time of taking this drug must be excluded from the dietfoods that include soy. Neglect of this recommendation entails a decrease in the activity of the drug.
- It is unacceptable to combine the drug with sertraline, ritonavir, colestyramine and dicoumarin.
- If the medicine is taken together with drugs that affect blood clotting, the effect of the latter may be enhanced.
- In reviews of "Eutiroks" and analogues it is said that it enhances the effect of taking tricyclic antidepressants, so you should refrain from such a combination.
- Combining medication and anticoagulants increases the risk of side effects. In this case, we are talking about internal hemorrhage or gastrointestinal bleeding.
- If Euthyrox is taken with phenytoin, a person may develop arrhythmia or tachycardia.
Doctors' opinions
Reviews about "Eutiroks" of those who work in the field of medicine are rather ambiguous. In this case, we are talking about the use of the drug not for its intended purpose, but for the purpose of weight loss. The main indication of this medicine is the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland. Weight loss is considered only a consequence of taking the drug. Moreover, doctors assure that the effect will be short-lived. If, after completing the course, a person returns to their previous lifestyle, which is not conducive to losing weight and maintaining weight, the extra pounds will quickly return to their places.
Given the opinions of doctors, we can draw the following conclusions:
- "Eutiroks" is ranked among the hormonal drugs, the illiterate and uncontrolled intake of whichcan be harmful to he alth.
- Effectiveness of a drug for weight loss is individual and primarily depends on the characteristics of the body.
- Sometimes the medication is taken by the patient throughout life, but this is only acceptable if recommended by the endocrinologist.
- Before resorting to taking medication to combat excess weight, you should definitely consult an endocrinologist.
The fact that the drug copes well with extra pounds is evidenced by the many positive reviews about Eutirox. Noticeable results make themselves felt only on the condition that the person strictly observed the dosage and regimen. If you do not adhere to all of the above recommendations, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced, and the harm from it will be more than good. Those who took the drug assure: if you take it for no longer than one month and do not exceed the dosage, no side effects are observed. About the side effects of "Eutiroks", reviews are also available. As a rule, those who do not have contraindications do not face a negative reaction. In other cases, the drug can harm.
How to maintain weight after losing weight?

If, after completing the course, the weight has noticeably decreased, measures must be taken to keep it and not gain too much. To do this, it is necessary to revise your menu without fail. Fatty, fried and floury foods, sweets, smoked meats, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.
Preference should be given to food rich in proteins: lean meats, fish, dairy products.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, fresh juices should be on the table every day. Fat-burning drinks have a good effect. As the latter, Sassi water is ideal.
As for physical activity, their presence is a must, as they help burn fat deposits and start the metabolism. Active workouts in the gym and running are not suitable for everyone. Those for whom such sports are contraindicated should discover yoga, swimming, Pilates. No less useful are active walks in the fresh air. An excellent result in the fight for a slim body is given by intensive interval training.
Sassi water recipe

This slimming cocktail normalizes the digestive tract, activates the process of splitting fat deposits, and eliminates puffiness. Those who are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, gastritis, kidney disease should refrain from using it.
You can prepare a miracle cocktail in various ways. Most common recipe:
- Take 1 lemon and cucumber, cut them into circles. Place them in a container and add 10 crushed mint leaves to them.
- Grate ginger and add 1 tsp. gruel to the ingredients.
- Pour all the ingredients of the cocktail with 2 liters of clean water.
- Place the container with the drink in the refrigerator and insist all night.
- The drink is ready in the morning. It must be drunk throughout the day.
From all of the above, we can conclude: if there are no thyroid diseases, you should not take risks and take "Eutiroks" for other purposes. Today, there is a huge selection of safer weight loss products. If the fight against excess weight does not give positive results, you need to contact specialists to find out what this may be due to. Doctors strictly do not recommend rushing and resorting to taking hormonal drugs, since they have a considerable list of side effects. Moreover, this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone.
If you ignore the contraindications, you can cause serious harm to he alth. In any case, before using "Eutiroks" for weight loss, reviews of which are positive in most cases, you need to consult with doctors. It's actually quite easy to maintain weight after losing weight.