Skin is the largest human organ. In an adult, it can be from 1.5 to 2 square meters in area, and the weight is about 15 percent of the total mass. It has an excellent property of regeneration, that is, restoration. From cuts, burns, wounds over time, there is no trace. Unless, of course, the injury was too deep. Some medications help this process complete faster. One of these assistants is Argosulfan cream. Analogues can also help your he alth, and even more so your wallet. In this article, we will review both of them.

Skin damage
Wounds - mechanical damage to the skin. They can be deep, superficial, extensive, or just abrasions. In any case, since it is associated with blood, it is worth paying special attention to their treatment. No one wants to have blood poisoning as a consequence after awkward handling of a the kitchen. Your home first aid kit should definitely have wound healing products. First you need to disinfect the wound by treating it with an antiseptic, such as Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Then you can impose, in fact, a remedy. "Argosulfan" (ointment) has proven itself very well. Analogues of this tool are very numerous and also do their job well. It remains only to choose the one that will not burden your wallet.
"Argosulfan": when to use?
"Argosulfan" copes well with various skin diseases, as well as with mechanical damage to the skin. It also helps in the healing of purulent wounds. It works well on various types of burns: chemical, thermal, radiation. It is also used not only for sunburn, but also for frostbite. Argosulfan has an excellent effect on skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema and others. This cream is also an indispensable assistant for trophic ulcers, including diabetes. In chronic venous insufficiency, this drug is also often prescribed. And, of course, you must have it in your home first aid kit because it helps to quickly heal household cuts, abrasions and other injuries.

Like every drug, "Argosulfan" has a number of contraindications. You should carefully read them so as not to harm your he alth. For example, it should not be used by people withcongenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In no case should it be used for premature babies and children under two months. Also, if you notice an increased sensitivity to sulfonamides, it is better to look for some other wound healing remedy. Pregnant women should use Argosulfan with caution - only if the surface of the burn or wound does not exceed 20 percent of the body.

All drugs pass into the milk of nursing mothers, so in this case it is better to refrain from using the cream.
How to use
The first and mandatory requirement when using Argosulfan is sterility. The cream must be applied to the affected area of the skin with a thick layer, approximately 2-3 millimeters, 2-3 times a day. The cream should completely cover the wound, if part of it opens, the procedure should be repeated. Sometimes, as a result of the use of Argosulfan, exudate, that is, pus, appears on the skin. Before each application, it is required to clean the wound from it with a Chlorhexidine solution or other antiseptic. This drug is also used under a bandage. Make sure the bandage is sterile. Contains detailed information on the use of this ointment ("Argosulfan") instructions for use.

Analogues and substitutes
In pharmacies, the price of "Argosulfan" starts from 300 rubles. Overall, the price is quite reasonable consideringthe average price category of medicines in our time. However, you can look for cheap analogues for Argosulfan ointment. One of these is Dermazin cream. It will cost you a hundred rubles less. The active substance in it is silver sulfadiazine, while in Argosulfan it is silver sulfadiazole. However, in general, the action of these creams is identical. "Dermazin" is also used for various burn infections, for wound healing, trophic ulcers, and the like. But he has much more contraindications, so read the instructions carefully. In addition to the same as the original drug, "Dermazin" has a number of additional ones. It should be taken with caution in people with renal insufficiency, as it is poorly excreted. Also, with a large area of wounds, the concentration of sulfadiazine may exceed the permissible value. In this case, it is necessary to regularly take a urine test. In addition, it can provoke leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. To prevent this, it is worth checking the blood.
The simpler the better
Streptocide ointment will cost even less - it will cost you 200 rubles cheaper than Argosulfan. An analogue is sold in any pharmacy, has a familiar name. Its active ingredient is sulfanilamide. "Streptocide" is one of the first means of the sulfonamide group. It has the least number of contraindications - it is enough just to drink plenty of liquid to help the kidneys in its excretion. Since streptocide has a pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic effect,it is especially effective for skin lesions: ulcers, wounds, rosacea, boils. It is even used to treat cystitis.

What to choose: "Argosulfan", analogue or wait until it passes by itself?
Some everyday cuts people prefer not to treat at all, hoping for the notorious ability of the skin to regenerate. At the beginning of this article, we already wrote about the consequences of this. In addition to blood poisoning, you also run the risk of remaining with an ugly scar for the rest of your life, since a wound that does not heal for a long time can completely leave it. Therefore, it is better to always have some wound-healing cream at hand. In addition to "Argosulfan", there are cheaper, as well as more expensive analogues. This is the well-known "Depanthenol", and the odorous ointment of Vishnevsky, and the ichthyol ointment, and "Levomekol". Which of them should be preferred? Perhaps you already have a remedy that has helped you quickly heal wounds more than once, and you know exactly what to call the pharmacist at the pharmacy. But if you haven’t come across anything effective yet, read the reviews on Argosulfan, perhaps this is exactly what you need.

Reviews from grateful patients
There are many testimonies of people who, in the truest sense of the word, tried "Argosulfan" on their own skin. Analogues, substitutes for this tool sometimes do not cope with the task. Some patients write that no remedy has helped untilthey did not try "Argosulfan", only after that the wounds began to heal. Some even treat cracked heels with this ointment. Often used for burns. In this case, Argosulfan also helps very well. The analogue of this remedy, with which he was treated at the beginning, - "Panthenol" - did not give any results to many. Many users prefer Argosulfan as a home remedy.
Skin is our shell and is just as important as what's inside. Therefore, her diseases should be treated with great attention. Moreover, skin injuries can bring quite tangible suffering. Argosulfan ointment will help you alleviate them and quickly minimize them. Analogues can also be very effective, especially since there are a great many of them on the pharmaceutical market. We hope that our article helped you decide, at least in general terms, what might be right for you.