"Anadrol": reviews, description, price

"Anadrol": reviews, description, price
"Anadrol": reviews, description, price

"Anadrol" - anabolic, which is currently one of the most effective. This is an oral steroid based on oxymetholone. The high efficiency of the product is achieved due to the increased androgenic properties. In just two weeks, you can achieve a significant increase in muscle mass (on average 7 kg) due to the increased water content in the muscles. When using the drug "Anadrol" reviews note an important advantage - good lubrication of the joints.

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anadrol reviews

The action of the drug, the effect of the application

Oral steroid "Anadrol" is an excellent tool that allows you to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass. As a result of its use during training, blood volume increases, and a better supply of oxygen to muscle tissue is ensured.

Repeated use of the steroid leads to stronger muscles, they become more resilient. If several approaches were made during the training, there is no feeling of fatigue, this result appears with regular useAnadrol.

When using the course, it is possible to quickly pump up muscles belonging to certain groups. Muscles become "clogged" with a minimum number of approaches in the process of completing a course based on taking Anapolon, reviews confirm this possibility. In connection with obtaining a quick result, the athlete can move on to training muscles that make up other groups.

The steroid increases bodily regeneration, so there is no risk of overtraining. Even in those cases when the athlete puts his body under heavy loads, he retains energy and strength. Many athletes stop taking the product just a week before competing.

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anadrol course reviews

To avoid the problems associated with the formation of large amounts of water in the body, it is necessary to use antiestrogens, which have a dehydrating effect.

As the reviews show, even with a limited diet during the period of taking the remedy, muscle mass is well preserved. With the right adjustment of nutrition, the simultaneous use of "Priviron" and "Nolvadex" can reduce the accumulation of water and get a solid increase in muscle.

The disadvantage of the drug is the rapid disappearance of the result after the completion of the course. There are two exits:

  • increasing the dose of the steroid (almost always accompanied by the development of side effects);
  • taking another drug from the group of anabolic steroids.

After completing the course with the use of Anapolon (solo) reviewstestify to a reduced content of globulin, increased endurance, noticeable muscle growth and an increase in strength indicators. The drug is popular among bodybuilders and athletes. With it, you can restore the normal water exchange that occurs in the cells, and increase the number of red blood cells. Such changes lead to the enrichment of muscle tissue with oxygen.

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anadrol solo reviews

Restrictions and contraindications

"Anadrol" is not recommended for young athletes, they should choose another drug. Elderly people are forbidden to take a course with its use, as their he alth may deteriorate sharply. In addition, in old age there is a high risk of damage to the prostate and liver. The drug can adversely affect the he alth of women, for this reason they are not recommended to take the course. Since there is a high load on the liver, you should not use anabolic if you have problems with this organ.


Let's consider how to take Anapolon. The course reviews are recommended for men who have reached the age of 21. The daily dose should not be exceeded. The maximum dose is 100 mg. First, you need to use 50 mg of the drug every day, this dose is considered optimal, but it can be increased. After completing the course, you can switch to testosterone boosters, as a result of which muscle mass will be restored in 3-4 weeks.

To maximize the effect, you should stick to a diet and use a sports nutrition complex designed to increase muscle mass. The duration of the general course, based on the reception of "Anadrol", should be in the range from 1.5 to 2 months. For the best possible result, you can not take breaks. In addition, the drug lasts no more than 15 hours, so regularity is very important.

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anadrol reviews price


Regarding the most appropriate dose of Anadrol, reviews show that the best option is to take one or two tablets every day. Only professional athletes can increase the dose of the steroid to 150 mg (3 tab.).

Morning and evening are the best times to take Anapolon 50 (Balkan). Reviews show that the drug is best taken with meals. Do not exceed the recommended course, because in addition to temporary side effects, serious he alth problems may appear.

Combination with other drugs

Anadrol can be combined with injections of testosterone and Sustanon to avoid muscle loss. A combination of Anapolon, Sustanon and Parabolan is popular among athletes. Thanks to the use of these funds, muscles increase and strength indicators increase. For the same purpose, the steroid can be used together with Deca-Durabolin. However, the most effective means are Parabolan and Sustanon. With combined use, you need to consume 100 mg of Anapolon daily. The doses of Sustanon and Parabolan recommended for taking in one week are 500 and 152-228 mg, respectively. The combination of theseof three means provides excellent results.

Effective is the combination with "Deca-Durabolin" means "Anadrol". Reviews report that if there are problems with the joints, this drug can be selected for the steroid.

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anadrol 50 description price reviews

Side effects

Usually "Anadrol" is well accepted by the body, but if the dose was overestimated, complications may develop. The drug is excreted by the liver, and since it is practically not metabolized, intoxication is possible. Its estrogenic activity has not been precisely established. An increase in the amount of fluid in the body can lead to a deterioration in appetite, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of weakness, drowsiness and nausea. If you plan to use anabolic regularly, you should visit a doctor.

In some cases, the blood composition changes slightly, but if Anapolon is stopped, this problem disappears. Other side effects include jaundice, diarrhea, chills, convulsions, increased excitability and irritability.

Undesirable reactions characteristic of the female body include signs of masculinization - the appearance of acne, increased hair growth on the legs, their loss on the head, a change in voice tone to a lower one. To all these violations are added problems with sexuality, a woman may experience clitoral hypertrophy.

Drug price

It is necessary to study as much information as possible before using the Anapolon 50 drug (description, price, reviews) in order to decide for yourself whether there is any sense in itsapplication. Reviews show that a positive result is possible, but in order to obtain it, a combined scheme should be followed. If we compare the drug with other similar means, the cost of "Anadrol" is average. A steroid with a dosage of the active ingredient of 50 mg can be purchased for about 850-1250 rubles

anadrol 50 balkan reviews
anadrol 50 balkan reviews


Before starting the course, it is useful to read what reviews exist for the Anapolon tool. The buyers are satisfied with the price and it seems to them very profitable. Usually it is possible not only to significantly increase physical strength and muscle mass, but also to improve the functioning of the joints, get rid of pain. However, we should not forget that Anapolon is a serious drug and should be used with caution, not exceeding the recommended doses and taking into account the existing contraindications. In order not to harm your he alth, you should consult a specialist.
