Not everyone manages to cope with neurological disorders on their own. Antidepressants are often used to treat anxiety, neurosis, and other disorders. This article provides information about the drug "Negrustin": analogues, instructions for use, indications.
Drug action
The active substance of the drug is an extract of St. John's wort. "Negrustin" has an antidepressant and sedative effect, affects the central nervous system. While taking the drug, the level of hormones responsible for peace of mind and peace of mind increases. Assigned under the following conditions:
- increased anxiety;
- manic;
- phobias;
- asthenia;
- depression;
- stimulation caused by pain or itching.
The drug is not used in a state of severe depression, children and pregnant women are also contraindicated "Negrustin". An analogue of a remedy that contains St. John's wort can harm this mostvulnerable category of people. According to studies, such drugs either did not have the expected effect, or provoked side effects. Therefore, the question of the treatment of psychological and neurological diseases should be decided individually with a specialist.
"Negrustin": instructions for use, reviews
Despite the fact that the drug is sold without a prescription, experts recommend taking Negrustin as prescribed by a doctor. Instructions for use: the product is taken orally, mainly during meals. The course should last at least 28 days, the maximum treatment period is two months. If necessary, the patient is prescribed a second course, however, judging by the doctors' reviews, a single dose of "Negrustin" helps to get rid of neurological disorders.
The drug is available as a red or red-brown solution with a pleasant odor. The bottles contain 50 or 100 ml of the product. There is also a solid type of medicine - gelatin capsules. Inside contains active granules with a specific aroma. Such tablets "Negrustin" are placed in blisters of 10 pieces. There can be 3, 4, 6 or 10 of them in a package.

Simultaneous intake of other drugs with a similar effect often causes an increase in side effects. "Negrustin", an analogue of the drug and almost any other antidepressant drug weaken the effect of many drugs. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their list in advance. The instruction that is placed in the box with the product contains a similarinformation. The drug affects the ability to control mechanisms.
Patient reviews agree that the drug is easily tolerated, rarely causes side effects, improves mood and well-being.
This is a drug that has almost the same composition as Negrustin. Analog improves mood, mental and physical activity, improves working capacity. Assigned in the following cases:
- reduced ability to work;
- nervous exhaustion;
- weakness and lethargy;
- weather sensitivity;
- menopause;
- emotional disorders (depression, mania, fears).
"Deprim" has few contraindications, rarely causes side effects. It is used in pediatrics and is prescribed for children from the age of 6, while most antidepressants are contraindicated for them, including Negrustin. Instructions for use: tablets and capsules are taken orally before meals, washed down with a small amount of water.
A positive result is observed 10 days after the start of the course. If after a month there is no significant improvement, the drug is canceled. Dosage for children should be discussed with the doctor. Adults are advised to take one tablet three times a day, or one capsule daily.

This is an antidepressant that has the same effect on the nervous system as Negrustin. The analogue is distinguished by its composition, its active substance is escitalopram. The drug is shown incases:
- anxiety, fears, mania;
- social phobias (fear of society);
- depression of any severity.
Considered more powerful than herbal remedies. It has many contraindications and side effects, which usually appear 1-2 weeks after the start of treatment and disappear with further therapy. "Cipralex" is not used in the treatment of children and adolescents under eighteen years of age, is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly.
In patients taking the drug for the first time, suicidal tendencies, increased anxiety and mania may be observed. Persons under the age of twenty-five are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. "Cipralex" affects any activity that requires high attention and concentration. Available by prescription only.

Fluoxetine hydrochloride is often prescribed when other antidepressants have failed. Helps to improve mood, relieve anxiety, tension, can lead to weight loss. Effective in the following cases:
- premenstrual disorders;
- kleptomania;
- schizophrenia;
- alcoholism;
- anorexia.
Clinical efficacy observed after a few weeks (from 1 to 6). It has many contraindications, restrictions, a wide list of side effects. Prescribed by a specialist only and not for sale without a doctor's prescription.

St. John's wort
A predominantly perennial plant known for its antidepressant and sedative properties. Inferior to popular drugs only in case of severe disorders and deviations. Studies prove the effectiveness of St. John's wort on a par with chemicals.

Recommended for the following conditions:
- chronic fatigue;
- depression;
- psychological and emotional disorders;
- headaches and rheumatic pains;
- premenstrual tension;
- anxiety, obsessive fear.
It is used as an independent remedy and is part of many antidepressant herbal preparations. Recipe: to prepare a decoction, pour 10 g of herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, decant. The required dosage is determined by the doctor.
Consumers speak positively about this remedy - in addition to the sedative and calming effect, the plant shows itself positively in diseases of the digestive tract, for the treatment of inflamed gums. But, despite the effectiveness and availability, the intake of St. John's wort (and funds based on it) should be prescribed and controlled only by a specialist. Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences.