Lobotomy is

Lobotomy is
Lobotomy is

Video: Lobotomy is

Video: Lobotomy is
Video: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. 2024, October

Violation of certain brain functions and behavior is a consequence of damage to the cerebral cortex. Separate parts of the brain are responsible for certain actions. Having found out what type of violations have arisen, it is easy to recognize the area and size of the lesion. So, for example, the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex are responsible for the motor skills of movements and expressiveness in facial expressions and gestures.

Lobotomy is
Lobotomy is

Lobotomy is a surgical intervention in the cerebral cortex, which was previously used in psychiatry. Basically, such an operation was resorted to for the treatment of schizophrenia and depressive conditions.

The technique was developed in the 1940s. The basic principle of lobotomy is to separate the nerve connections between the lower center of the brain and the frontal lobes by cutting them. Initially, such a treatment for schizophrenia - a lobotomy - had extremely disappointing consequences, since mentally retarded patients finally lost the possibility of a reasonable existence.

Lobotomy is a surgery that brutally destroys brain tissue that is completely he althy. This operation does not bring relief to the patient, does not improve his physical condition.

Lobotomy consequences
Lobotomy consequences

Portuguese Egas Moniz developed the lobotomy method in 1935. She became the most popular in psychosurgery. But the American W alter Jay Freeman began to promote lobotomy, and this is what the psychiatrist became famous for. When performing his first operation, he used electric shock instead of anesthesia. Aiming the narrow end of an ice-breaking knife at the bony area of the eye socket, he drove it into the brain with a surgical hammer. Then, the fibers of the frontal lobe of the brain were cut off with the handle of a knife. After such an operation, the processes became irreversible. Freeman later stated that a lobotomy is an operation, the result of which turns the patient into a zombie state. A quarter of patients who have undergone a lobotomy become disabled, a pitiful semblance of pets.

The number of surgeries performed during the period from 1946 to 1949 increased tenfold. The number of surgical interventions made under the control of Freeman and personally carried out by him is about 3500. Traveling across America in his van, which he called nothing more than a “lobomobile”, he offered the operation as a miracle cure, arranging a theatrical performance from this with an invitation to the audience. Such trips were dubbed "Operation Ice Pick" by the media.

Lobes of the brain
Lobes of the brain

To reduce the expenditure of funds from the budget for the maintenance of patients in mental hospitals, the psychiatric society insisted on the transition to lobotomy. Thus, in the state of Delaware, the head of such a hospital, under the impression of this propaganda, was going to reduceby 60 percent of the number of patients and, having saved the state 351 thousand dollars, go completely to the lobotomy.

But still, lobotomy is a barbaric treatment of mentally ill people with severe intervention in the cerebral cortex. With non-serious mental illness, after undergoing a lobotomy, the patient acquired a disease that was not amenable to further treatment. It can be said simply - terrible experiments were performed on mentally ill people.
