Drugs 2024, October

Alpha-agonists: description, application, principle of action

Alpha-agonists: description, application, principle of action

Adrenergic agonists are a group of drugs, the result of which is associated with the stimulation of adrenoreceptors located in the internal organs and vascular walls. All adrenergic receptors are divided into several groups depending on the localization, the mediated effect and the ability to form complexes with active substances. Alpha-agonists excitatory act on alpha-adrenergic receptors, causing a certain response of the body

Can I give aspirin to a child?

Can I give aspirin to a child?

Aspirin is an excellent remedy for reducing fever. Previously, it was given to everyone: both children and adults. But now parents have doubts about aspirin. Can it be given to children? This issue will be discussed in the article

The drug "Intoxic" (Intoxic) from parasites: instructions for use, reviews

The drug "Intoxic" (Intoxic) from parasites: instructions for use, reviews

Helminthiasis is a parasitic disease that affects people, animals and plants. The causative agents of this disease are helminths

What to take from bloating: a review of effective drugs, use, reviews

What to take from bloating: a review of effective drugs, use, reviews

Most people have ever experienced discomfort due to bloating. This is an unpleasant sensation that greatly affects well-being and physical activity. What pills to take for bloating? We will tell in this article about the most popular and effective medicines that can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms

The best candles and pills for thrush

The best candles and pills for thrush

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant fungal disease that causes a lot of discomfort. It is also considered very common. According to statistics, approximately 75% of women have ever experienced its symptoms. In this article, we will talk in detail about the most effective tablets and suppositories for thrush, which are popular with doctors and their patients

What to drink for pressure: doctor's advice

What to drink for pressure: doctor's advice

This article will tell you more about what to drink with high blood pressure, as well as what medications can be advised to treat hypotension. Consider not only the most effective drugs, but also the means offered by traditional medicine

Ointment "Meloxicam": instructions, analogues, reviews

Ointment "Meloxicam": instructions, analogues, reviews

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are a group of the most commonly used drugs used to treat pain, inflammation and fever. One of them - meloxicam in the form of tablets, injections, ointments is actively used to treat joint diseases

The latest anti-inflammatory drugs: a list

The latest anti-inflammatory drugs: a list

Exacerbation of diseases of the spine, as well as joints, is inevitably accompanied by pain, and, in addition, inflammatory processes. The primary task before prescribing further treatment is the relief of pain along with the removal of inflammatory reactions. Anti-inflammatory medications can help with this problem

Medroxyprogesterone acetate: indications for use, trade name

Medroxyprogesterone acetate: indications for use, trade name

Medroxyprogesterone acetate is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. Under natural conditions, progesterone hormones are produced in the body in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Medicines based on this substance are used in gynecology and oncology. The progesterone analog acts as a contraceptive and antineoplastic agent. In the article, we will consider in detail the indications and contraindications for the use of drugs based on medroxyprogesterone

Gold preparations: review, instructions for use, effect on the body

Gold preparations: review, instructions for use, effect on the body

According to medical research, gold preparations for the treatment of rheumatic diseases currently occupy the first line in terms of effectiveness among other basic medicines. In most patients, their use helps to achieve significant improvement, in an impressive percentage of cases - stable remission

"Exhol": instructions for use, reviews, photos, release form, composition

"Exhol": instructions for use, reviews, photos, release form, composition

In the treatment of the liver, a number of drugs are used, one of which is Exhol. Instructions for the use of this medication, indications, contraindications, features of therapy and other useful information are presented in this article

"Teopek" (300 mg): instructions for use, indications, manufacturer

"Teopek" (300 mg): instructions for use, indications, manufacturer

In the treatment of lung diseases, bronchodilators play a leading role. This article describes the drug "Teopek" (300 mg): instructions for use, indications and contraindications, features of administration, price and reviews

Mucolytics: a list of drugs for children and adults

Mucolytics: a list of drugs for children and adults

To treat dry coughs in patients, doctors often prescribe mucolytics. List of drugs, basic principles of action, contraindications and side effects - all this you will find in this article

The best analogue of "Levomekol": description, instructions

The best analogue of "Levomekol": description, instructions

This ointment has been successfully used by more than one generation of our compatriots, however, we cannot always apply it. What analogue of "Levomekol" can serve as an equivalent replacement for it? Useful information on this topic is provided in this article

An analogue of "Tonzilgon" is cheaper than it. "Tonzilgon N": reviews of doctors, instructions

An analogue of "Tonzilgon" is cheaper than it. "Tonzilgon N": reviews of doctors, instructions

In the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, doctors often prescribe the drug "Tonsilgon N" to patients. But what if you don't like it for some reason?

Laxative without taste and smell: a review of drugs, instructions for use

Laxative without taste and smell: a review of drugs, instructions for use

Almost every person has encountered such an undesirable and unpleasant phenomenon as constipation in his life. To date, pharmacies offer a large selection of laxatives in the form of tablets, suppositories, drops, solutions that can have an effective effect

"Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases among men. It is for this reason that many are concerned about how to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease with the help of Ceftriaxone. This article contains all the information about the most popular drugs for prostatitis

"Duofilm": instructions, indications for use, composition, reviews. Preparations for warts

"Duofilm": instructions, indications for use, composition, reviews. Preparations for warts

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the effectiveness of the drug and is determined by the doctor individually. In most cases, the drug is recommended to be applied until the wart has completely disappeared. How to use the drug "Duofilm" is described in the article

"Sabal-Prostate": indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Sabal-Prostate": indications, instructions for use, reviews

The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the body and such a serious disease as prostatic hyperplasia. "Sabal-Prostata" is an advanced medicine that allows you to fight prostatitis

"Tranexamic acid" is an effective antifibrinolytic agent

"Tranexamic acid" is an effective antifibrinolytic agent

An agent called "Tranexamic acid" is an antifibrinolytic drug that has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, as well as a pronounced hemostatic effect on bleeding, which is associated with an increase in fibrinolysis. The basis of this drug is the inhibition of the plasminogen activator and plasmin, the suppression of the formation of active peptides and kinins, which are directly involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions

Syrup and tablets "Kvanil": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Syrup and tablets "Kvanil": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Modern medicine has reached great heights in the treatment of most diseases. Many tools really help in a variety of situations. This article will focus on a drug that is designed to treat problems with blood circulation in the human brain. This is Quanil. Instructions for use and a lot of other information about this drug are present in the article

Can I drink alcohol and tranquilizers?

Can I drink alcohol and tranquilizers?

Alcohol and tranquilizers are categorically incompatible. By reinforcing each other's action, they can lead to the development of he alth-threatening and even life-threatening consequences. If, by negligence, you made such a mistake, immediately call an ambulance, without waiting for the development of symptoms

Zelenin drops: indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Zelenin drops: indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Zelenin Drops are a combined preparation intended for oral administration. The origin of the drug is natural and vegetable. It is produced in the form of a liquid, which has a yellow-brown color and a specific smell. The drug is packaged in dark glass bottles equipped with a pipette dispenser

Enterosorbents (drugs): list. How to choose enterosorbents?

Enterosorbents (drugs): list. How to choose enterosorbents?

Enterosorbents are drugs that act directly in the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing harmful substances and neutralizing toxins. This will be discussed in more detail in this article

The most effective drugs for gastritis and stomach ulcers

The most effective drugs for gastritis and stomach ulcers

In the presence of stomach ulcers and gastritis, it is not enough just to follow a diet for a full recovery. In modern medicine, numerous drugs are used to treat these diseases, which provide a long-term therapeutic effect. However, they are available to absolutely everyone. But all these remedies can only be prescribed by a doctor, and in no case can one prescribe them to oneself. Many are interested in how to treat gastritis and stomach ulcers. The drugs will be presented in this article

Sorbent - what is it? Sorbents for poisoning. How to take sorbents for allergies

Sorbent - what is it? Sorbents for poisoning. How to take sorbents for allergies

Sorbents are a group of preparations capable of removing various toxic substances from the body. This is a simple but effective way to create a he althy internal environment in the body by removing toxins from the digestive tract, large intestine and the body as a whole

What medicine should I take for poisoning

What medicine should I take for poisoning

Food poisoning occurs when a person eats foods that are contaminated with viruses or bacteria, parasites or fungi, toxins or small animals. The disease does not develop in all cases of ingestion of such food. There are people who are resistant to poisoning

Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness

Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness

Dermatitis is a group of skin diseases of inflammatory origin. They appear due to the influence of damaging factors of a chemical, biological or physical nature on the skin. The treatment regimen is determined by the causes of the inflammatory process, the location of the sources, their vastness, and the rate of spread. Pharmacological preparations for the elimination of dermatitis eliminate external signs and accelerate the healing process

Dosage of "Thyroxin": doctor's prescription, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Dosage of "Thyroxin": doctor's prescription, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Thyroxine is a hormone that has an effect on blood pressure, increasing it. The mental state of a person, energy also depend on its content in the body. Thyroxine in most cases affects metabolic processes and speed of thinking. It also affects the heart rate

"Darsonval" for varicose veins: instructions, indications and contraindications, use, reviews

"Darsonval" for varicose veins: instructions, indications and contraindications, use, reviews

In the treatment of varicose veins, phlebologists use not only medications, but also physiotherapeutic methods. One of them is darsonvalization - treatment of blood vessels with alternating current. Previously, this procedure was carried out only on an outpatient basis. Currently, treatment with the apparatus "Darsonval" can be carried out at home. How to conduct physiotherapy sessions? And are there any contraindications to darsonvalization? We will consider these questions in

The best cream for varicose veins on the legs. Ointments for the treatment of varicose veins

The best cream for varicose veins on the legs. Ointments for the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common disease that causes discomfort and adversely affects the appearance of the patient. Unfortunately, many of us do not attach due importance to this pathology, forgetting that it can lead to serious complications and adversely affect the general state of he alth. By choosing the right cream for varicose veins on the legs, you can alleviate the course of the disease and prevent possible troubles

"Emoxipin" (eye drops): reviews, price, contraindications and instructions for use

"Emoxipin" (eye drops): reviews, price, contraindications and instructions for use

What is Emoxipin (eye drops) prescribed for? You will learn about this remedy, its indications, contraindications and side effects from the materials of this article. Also, your attention will be provided with information on how to use such a medication, in what dosages, etc

Statins - what is it? Statins (drugs): names

Statins - what is it? Statins (drugs): names

Statins are drugs that accelerate and regulate the synthesis of cholesterol in the body, reduce its concentration by inhibiting GMC-CoA reductase. Currently, six groups of statins are used in medical practice: rosuvastatins, pravastatins, atorvastatins, simvastatins, fluvastatins and lovastatins

Dextromethorphan hydrobromide for the treatment of non-productive cough. Preparations for the treatment of dry cough: Coldrex Night, Tussin Plus, Alex Plus

Dextromethorphan hydrobromide for the treatment of non-productive cough. Preparations for the treatment of dry cough: Coldrex Night, Tussin Plus, Alex Plus

Dry cough is an unpleasant symptom. It often torments for a long period of time and worsens the general condition. Dextromethorphan hydrobromide can help with dry cough. The abbreviation for this substance is DXM (i.e. Dextromethorphan)

Register of medicines (RLS) - "Amicacin": release form, indications for use, analogues

Register of medicines (RLS) - "Amicacin": release form, indications for use, analogues

Antibiotic treatment has long been commonplace in our modern world. It is even difficult to imagine how our ancestors managed without such drugs, because a lot of bacteria and microorganisms, getting into the human body, can cause serious diseases. In some cases, they also lead to death. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and drink prescribed medicines, including antibiotics

Aloe vera gel: benefits and contraindications

Aloe vera gel: benefits and contraindications

Aloe vera gel is a jelly-like transparent dense substance located under the skin of the leaves of the plant. Its beneficial properties were known as early as the 2nd millennium BC. e. Aloe vera gel (plant juice) is mentioned in such significant books for mankind as the Torah and the Bible, in the ancient Eber papyrus from Egypt, the works of Pliny the Elder and Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Aristotle

Immune preparations for children and adults. What drugs for immunity should be taken

Immune preparations for children and adults. What drugs for immunity should be taken

Why is it necessary to take immune drugs? They help strengthen the human body and reduce the likelihood of developing diseases in various systems and organs

The most effective antifungal ointments: reviews

The most effective antifungal ointments: reviews

On the skin, this virus can spread to the feet and also between the toes. In rarer cases, fungal infections occur on the face and sometimes even in the ears. The most effective and time-tested method of treatment for this pathology are ointments from the fungus. They will be discussed in our article. We will consider the most popular inexpensive antifungal ointments, find out the opinions of experts and get acquainted with the reviews of people who had a chance to treat the fungus on various parts of the body

Tetanus: routine and emergency prevention, tetanus toxoid

Tetanus: routine and emergency prevention, tetanus toxoid

Emergency tetanus prophylaxis may be required in emergencies involving breach of skin integrity. For this, several drugs are used. The introduction should be carried out strictly by a specialist, taking into account the general condition of the victim. What drugs are used? Why is prevention carried out?

The main types of protein

The main types of protein

Among the most useful sports nutrition products, there are such types of protein as whey, egg, soy, milk, etc. Of course, those people who want to achieve high goals in sports need to use them, but before starting, they know which of them and under what tasks is accepted