Drugs 2024, October

An effective remedy for constipation. constipation medicine for newborns

An effective remedy for constipation. constipation medicine for newborns

There is practically no person in the world who at least once has not encountered an unpleasant condition associated with impaired intestinal motility. In other words, constipation. And today we will talk about how to solve such a delicate problem and, in particular, what medicine can be used for constipation

Ointments for hemorrhoids: list and review. What is the best ointment for hemorrhoids?

Ointments for hemorrhoids: list and review. What is the best ointment for hemorrhoids?

Recently, a disease has become quite common, which, unfortunately, for the time being, many patients do not take seriously. It's about hemorrhoids. And only when hemorrhoids begin to deliver strong and constant torment, the decision is made to seek medical help

Horse chestnut (tincture). Vodka tincture recipe

Horse chestnut (tincture). Vodka tincture recipe

In nature, there is just a huge variety of plants that mankind uses to solve their own he alth problems. And one of them is horse chestnut. Tincture from the fruits of the plant is used most often

Cold paraffin for face, hands and feet: application features and reviews

Cold paraffin for face, hands and feet: application features and reviews

For a paraffin therapy session, 2 types of material are used: cold, which is often called paraffin cream, and hot. Using the latter option, as a rule, involves visiting a beauty salon. Using cold paraffin is much easier and more convenient, so it is often used at home. We will talk about it today

Analogues "Xarelto": prices, instructions for use

Analogues "Xarelto": prices, instructions for use

One of the drugs that belongs to the pharmacological group of anticoagulant drugs is Xarelto. This drug has an action that inhibits factor Xa, and it, in turn, is a component of the prothrombin activator and one of the components that ensure timely blood clotting

Eye drops "Taurine": reviews of patients and doctors

Eye drops "Taurine": reviews of patients and doctors

Information about eye drops "Taurine". Reviews about the drug, purpose, action, instructions, contraindications

Contraceptive pills: rating, side effects, instructions, reviews

Contraceptive pills: rating, side effects, instructions, reviews

Today, every couple can plan for the birth of children and control their sex life thanks to the merits of the pharmaceutical industry. A huge selection of contraceptives allows you to choose the right method of protection against pregnancy and / or sexually transmitted infections

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews of doctors and patients. Description, instructions, contraindications

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews of doctors and patients. Description, instructions, contraindications

The fight against influenza is the eternal problem of doctors. And every year new vaccines are being developed in countries around the world. One of these is Sovigripp. What do patients and doctors say about her? Is it worth using it?

Vaccinations "Grippol": reviews, prices. Vaccine "Grippol": is it worth it to get vaccinated?

Vaccinations "Grippol": reviews, prices. Vaccine "Grippol": is it worth it to get vaccinated?

Recently, quite often there are viral epidemics. To reduce the number of cases, doctors recommend getting vaccinated against the flu. But is she really that good?

"Fluomizin" - reviews. "Fluomizin": how effective is the drug?

"Fluomizin" - reviews. "Fluomizin": how effective is the drug?

The drug "Fluomizin" belongs to the group of antiseptics and disinfectants. This medicine comes in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories. Fluomizin reviews are good. The active substance of the drug is dequalinium chloride

Diuretic - what is it? Classification and principle of action of diuretics

Diuretic - what is it? Classification and principle of action of diuretics

Many have heard the term "diuretics" more than once. What it is, we will try to figure it out below. This group of drugs has its own classification, properties and features

Aphrodisiacs - in pharmacies and not only

Aphrodisiacs - in pharmacies and not only

Perhaps the greatest pleasure a person has is sex. Therefore, today we will talk about products that cause and increase the desire to engage in it, and are also able to quickly restore sexual performance. They are called aphrodisiacs

"Clarotadine": instructions for use. Where to buy Clarotadine? From what tablets "Klarotadin"? Analogues "Klarotadina"

"Clarotadine": instructions for use. Where to buy Clarotadine? From what tablets "Klarotadin"? Analogues "Klarotadina"

Allergic reactions - the topic is quite relevant, especially for parents. After all, every year the number of so-called "allergy sufferers" is constantly increasing. Therefore, today we will consider in detail "Clarotadine". Instructions for use will begin our review of this drug. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it before using it. You can buy Clarotadine at any pharmacy in your city without a prescription

"Chondroitin sulfate": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Chondroitin sulfate": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Chondroitin sulfate" is essentially a structural chemical component of human cartilage. With a pathological disease or injury, the joint begins to collapse. Natural forces are not enough to accelerate regeneration, and therefore an artificial stimulator is needed through special medicines, chondroprotectors

"Neuromultivit": cheap Russian analogue

"Neuromultivit": cheap Russian analogue

Today, people are increasingly faced with the problem of hypovitaminosis. Of course, there are many tools on sale that promise to cope with the problem in the shortest possible time. One of the most effective is the drug "Neuromultivit"

Monastyrev brand - self-service pharmacies in Vladivostok

Monastyrev brand - self-service pharmacies in Vladivostok

The pharmacy chain under the Monastyrev.rf brand has already opened its branches in many cities of the CIS. How is the work of medical institutions under this brand and what is their advantage, let's consider the example of the city of Vladivostok

Means "Oftolik" (eye drops). Instruction

Means "Oftolik" (eye drops). Instruction

The drug "Oftolik" is available in the form of a clear solution, colorless or with a yellow tint. The drug is used in ophthalmology. The composition of the drug contains polyvinyl alcohol, povidone

The best expectorants: list, comparison and reviews

The best expectorants: list, comparison and reviews

Sore throat, coughing - what to do? Of course, drink the necessary medicines. In order for the sputum accumulated in the respiratory organs to depart, special expectorant preparations are indicated. What are they and which are the best to choose?

Iron-containing drugs - a cure for iron deficiency anemia

Iron-containing drugs - a cure for iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is quite common. For its treatment, it is necessary to take iron-containing drugs, adherence to a special diet. Preparations containing iron are produced in huge quantities. The choice of the drug and its dosage must be carried out by the attending physician on the basis of a blood test and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body

Candles "Viferon 1000000": instructions for use for adults and children, reviews

Candles "Viferon 1000000": instructions for use for adults and children, reviews

In today's world, many of us are exposed to virus attacks. The immune system is under attack all the time due to poor ecology, low-quality products and an unstable rhythm of life. Infections in children usually resolve with a significant increase in body temperature, especially when it comes to seasonal viruses

"Salbroxol" (tablets): instructions, description of the drug, analogues and reviews

"Salbroxol" (tablets): instructions, description of the drug, analogues and reviews

Everyone has probably heard about such a drug as "Salbroxol". Two active ingredients at once, sulbutamol and ambroxol, contain "Salbroxol" tablets. Instructions for use must be carefully studied by everyone who plans to be treated with it, since this drug has a number of specific features, as well as contraindications that you need to know about

"Nicergoline": analogues, instructions for use, reviews

"Nicergoline": analogues, instructions for use, reviews

Impaired cerebral circulation has become a real problem of modern society. There are many reasons for this pathological condition

Substitutes and analogues of "Sanpraz". Reviews and comparison

Substitutes and analogues of "Sanpraz". Reviews and comparison

The accelerated pace of life, regular stress and nervous strain in modern society have led to a noticeable increase in the incidence of gastric and duodenal ulcers. omeprazole

The benefits and harms of antibiotics for the body. How to take antibiotics without harm to he alth: features and recommendations

The benefits and harms of antibiotics for the body. How to take antibiotics without harm to he alth: features and recommendations

Antibacterial preparations based on antibiotics have become a global discovery and a real panacea for humanity. Their appearance helped to significantly reduce the death rate from many diseases, including those that were considered severe and incurable. Today, the opinions of experts are divided: the benefit or harm of antibiotics should be put at the forefront when choosing a therapeutic regimen

Which is better: "Hilak forte" or "Bifiform"? Indications for use, reviews, prices

Which is better: "Hilak forte" or "Bifiform"? Indications for use, reviews, prices

Deterioration of the ecological situation, constant stress and nervous overload, improper and irregular nutrition cannot positively affect the he alth of a modern person

Licorice syrup and "Enterosgel" - cleaning the lymphatic system (reviews)

Licorice syrup and "Enterosgel" - cleaning the lymphatic system (reviews)

In today's world, medical concern about the general deterioration in the he alth of the population is increasing at a record pace. Most doctors agree that this is due to an increase in the number of diseases that occur on a psychosomatic basis, and pollution of the body as a whole. Medical researchers have been looking for alternative cleansing with safe products for many years

"Neurovitan": instructions for use. "Neurovitan": application, contraindications

"Neurovitan": instructions for use. "Neurovitan": application, contraindications

The growing number of psychosomatic diseases is becoming an increasingly urgent problem for the medical community. Everyone knows that such pathologies are easier to prevent than to treat later, but not everyone is trained in the skills of self-regulation of the emotional state. As an effective alternative to self-regulation of the level of stress resistance, modern pharmaceutical companies offer a new generation drug "Neurovitan"

Skulachev's eye drops: reviews and application

Skulachev's eye drops: reviews and application

The actual problem of modern man is a decrease in visual acuity, sometimes up to its complete loss. Eye diseases affect the elderly, young people, there are similar pathologies in children

Painkillers for broken bones

Painkillers for broken bones

In our article we will tell you which painkillers for bone fractures are most effective, as well as the rules for taking these drugs, contraindications and possible side effects. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only. The treatment regimen and drug therapy for people who have received a serious injury with a fracture should be prescribed by a doctor

When should antibiotics be used for pharyngitis

When should antibiotics be used for pharyngitis

Of all illnesses, a person most often encounters diseases of the upper respiratory tract, most of which are infectious. One of these ailments - pharyngitis - is a kind of manifestation of a viral infection, in which inflammation of the pharynx occurs. The disease can be caused by bacteria, for example, streptococcus, which is the causative agent of sore throats. Before using antibiotics for pharyngitis, you should find out what is the causative agent of the disease: a virus or a bacterium

Means "Magnesium Citrate": use in medicine

Means "Magnesium Citrate": use in medicine

The drug reduces the excitability of neurons and inhibits neuromuscular transmission, participates in enzymatic reactions, acts as a calcium antagonist. Magnesium Citrate is well absorbed, has excellent tolerance

Magnesium Orotat (Magnesii orotas): indications, instructions, analogues, reviews

Magnesium Orotat (Magnesii orotas): indications, instructions, analogues, reviews

What can replace a drug like "Magnesium Orotat"? Analogues of this tool are listed below. Also, the materials of the article provide information about the price of the mentioned medication, its properties and methods of application

The use of hydrogen peroxide. To never get sick

The use of hydrogen peroxide. To never get sick

We encounter hydrogen peroxide quite often in life. For example, when we bleach things or dye our hair. However, it is widely used in medicine, and Professor I.P. Neumyvakin considers it a panacea for various serious diseases

Recombinant vaccine: types, features, list

Recombinant vaccine: types, features, list

The recombinant vaccine has become a new step in medicine and vaccination. Currently, this type of vaccination is most widely used, effectively preventing hepatitis B. Let's consider the general features of drugs of this class, their key differences. Let's take a look at the most famous products

What are vasodilators: medicines and herbs

What are vasodilators: medicines and herbs

Despite the widespread use of such drugs, many people often have a question about what vasodilators are. These drugs are able to somehow expand the lumen of blood vessels, facilitating the work of the heart and accelerating blood flow

Glucosamine hydrochloride: instructions for use

Glucosamine hydrochloride: instructions for use

One of the main active ingredients of most drugs for the treatment of joints and spine is glucosamine hydrochloride. It belongs to the group of correctors of metabolism in cartilage and bone tissue. This is a very important substance necessary for the normal functioning of the joints and spine. It is from it that chondrocytes produce all the components of cartilage, joint fluid and connective tissues

Mechanism of action of atropine

Mechanism of action of atropine

Atropine is a very well-known naturally occurring alkaloid (component of some plants). And, although it is quite actively used in medicine, it belongs to dangerous toxic substances (children are at risk). It is enough just to eat belladonna berries common in our area

Narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics. Use during pregnancy

Narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics. Use during pregnancy

What is the difference between narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics? Their classification and properties. The effect of analgesics on the human body. Are analgesics possible during pregnancy or are they completely contraindicated during this period?

Artichoke extract: instructions for use

Artichoke extract: instructions for use

An extract from a medicinal Mediterranean plant called "Artichoke Extract" has long been known for its body-cleansing properties. Ancient healers preferred the juice of the plant to cause a diuretic effect or to normalize the patient's digestion

Eleutherococcus tablets: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Eleutherococcus tablets: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Many plants are used in medicine. Most often they are sold in the form of dry raw materials for the preparation of decoctions and liquid extracts. Recently, such natural preparations have appeared in tablets. Especially popular are those that have a tonic and restorative effect. Such funds are called adaptogens. One of the most common drugs to improve performance is Eleutherococcus tablets