So, prostration - what is it? Many have heard this word, but do not know its true meaning. Prostration refers to the psychological state of a person in which there is no interest in the world around him and even in himself. This period can be characterized by a kind of transition to another world, which is filled with oblivion and indifference. The article will tell in detail about such a condition as prostration: what it is and what are the reasons for its occurrence. And also about what methods of struggle exist and how to get out of it.
Prostration - what is it?
Prostration can be described as a state of exhaustion of the body, loss of strength and depression, distraction and helplessness. A person can stay in it for several days or for many months. This is a numbness that covers the whole body, and a certain inhibition of speech, thoughts, movements appears, the reaction to various external stimuli decreases. A person in a state of prostration is not interested in anything, does not excite and does not please. He does not care. This is when the gaze is directed to one point, when you look for five minutes and understand that several hours have passed, this is a state of not feeling time. Periodrelaxation and helplessness, when the head is filled with fog, and there is some kind of veil before the eyes.

Some people compare this deviation to depression, but this is not true. Completely different things - depression and prostration. What is it then? Prostration can be called, rather, not a state of melancholy, but exhaustion, some kind of muffledness. Many are wondering why it comes? Most likely, prostration can be considered a natural defense of the body, as if it switches all its functions to an economical energy mode.
Prostration condition: symptoms
The development of this pathology is due to a number of reasons. First of all, they include chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive stress. Under the influence of all these factors, the nervous system is disturbed, which further leads to the development of various diseases. The symptoms of a state of prostration include a breakdown, fatigue, weakness, lack of goals and any desires. Everyone can fall into prostration under the influence of certain events and factors.
Causes of occurrence
Lack of sleep and mental stress over a long period can be one of the causes of prostration. Also, a person who has experienced severe stress is in danger of falling into this state, it can be a big fright or loss of a loved one. Often during this period, a person has a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate.

In the fight against prostration, the main method will be the general strengthening of the whole organism. It should also be diagnosed to exclude the presence of other diseases that contribute to fatigue and loss of strength. An obligatory step will be the intake of vitamin complexes that fill all the cells of the body with energy and he alth. During the day, it is necessary to control the volume of drinking, as its lack dehydrates the body. Walking in the fresh air and light exercise will help here. In addition to vitamins, it is recommended to take Eleutherococcus tincture, it can improve the general condition of the body, add energy and strength.

Sleep enough will help to get out of this state. Meditation will be effective in combating prostration, it will help restore clarity to the head and vitality to the body. An important element in the treatment will be positive emotions, they are the most effective means in order to bring a person out of this so-called period of oblivion. Also, try to accept the state of prostration as some stage in your life, which will be a useful reset for the body. In prolonged and severe cases, a psychologist or psychotherapist should be consulted to avoid recurring states of depression and loss of strength.