Sedative "Afobazol": reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications

Sedative "Afobazol": reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications
Sedative "Afobazol": reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications

Today we are all stressed every day. Constant worries, worries, problems at home and at work, as well as an unstable situation in the country and the world contribute to the emergence of serious emotional problems in many people. A constantly high level of tension exhausts the nervous system, which, as a result, causes causeless anxiety, anxiety, irritability, sometimes apathy and depression. In such cases, various medications are often used, namely tranquilizers, antidepressants. One such remedy is the sedative drug "Afobazol". Reviews of doctors regarding this remedy are contradictory, but generally positive. This drug differs from its "brothers" in that it does not cause addiction and many side effects characteristic of other antidepressants, namely drowsiness, muscle weakness, decreased attention and reaction.

afobazole reviews of doctors
afobazole reviews of doctors

Indications for the use of the drug "Afobazol"

Doctors prescribe "Afobazol" to many people. From what and for what it is required to take this drug? Indications for useof this tool are:

  • insomnia;
  • anxious conditions (neurasthenia, adaptation problems);
  • PMS in women;
  • psychosomatic reactions (sweating, fearfulness, tearfulness);
  • withdrawal when quitting smoking;
  • some somatic diseases.

Thus, we have a whole list of violations that the sedative "Afobazol" is designed to cope with. Reviews of doctors regarding this drug mainly indicate the absence of side effects as a positive quality. The very action of the drug is quite mild, which is distinguished both as a plus and a minus. Some patients note that at first they experience a slight sedation, but over time it disappears. Tellingly, there are no negative consequences when you cancel the reception.

Afobazol tablets: contraindications and scheme of application

Like any medical drug, Afobazol has certain contraindications. These include intolerance to lactose-containing components, pregnancy and breastfeeding, age under 18 years, hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the components of the drug. The drug "Afobazole" in tablets should be taken after meals, starting with 10 mg at a time 3 times a day. Gradually, the dose can be increased to 60 mg per day. The first effect occurs after the first week of admission, the maximum - after a month.

Antidepressant "Afobazole": reviews of doctors and patients

afobazole from what
afobazole from what

In general, this tool has positive ratings from both specialists and users. However, some identify the drug "Afobazol" with placebo. Perhaps this is due to the mild and not too intense effect of the drug and the absence of strong side effects. In general, Afobazole tablets are unlikely to be suitable for the treatment of serious mental illness. The doctors' comments in this regard are unequivocal: this remedy is suitable for conditionally he althy people with minor nervous disorders. Patients note that during the reception, anxiety and anxiety recede. The absence of side effects in the form of headache and drowsiness is an undoubted advantage of the drug "Afobazol". Thus, this remedy will help to gently and painlessly hold the nervous system in a stressful situation.
