"AHD 2000": instructions and indications for use

"AHD 2000": instructions and indications for use
"AHD 2000": instructions and indications for use

At present, antiseptic preparations have become widely used. They have effective properties and are essential in the medical field. One of these tools is "AHD 2000".

ahd 2000
ahd 2000

Pharmacological properties

This medicine is an antiseptic. It is used for external use in the treatment of the skin. "AHD 2000" has good antibacterial, antiviral, bactericidal properties. The drug begins to act after a small amount of time - 30 seconds after applying the spray. It is able to kill all kinds of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, spores of bacteria and fungi, various pathogenic forms and viruses.

Spray is able to maintain pharmacological properties in contact with biological fluid, proteins. Does not penetrate into the circulatory system through the skin. Available in liquid form as solutions, which are sold in containers: from 125 ml to 5 liters. Varieties of the drug differ in the method of application and storage. Antiseptic products are on sale in canisters and spray bottles.

Indications for use

"AHD 2000" is mainly used in medical practice. It is widely used in the surgical and hygienic field of activity. Spray applied to the surface of the skin, often on the hands when manipulated by medical professionals and nurses.

ahd 2000 express
ahd 2000 express

"AHD 2000": instructions

This drug is used for topical application in undiluted form. Before applying an antiseptic to the skin of the hands, they must be thoroughly washed and dried, otherwise the pharmacological effect of the AHD 2000 preparation will be lost. Instructions for use of the product contains recommendations for its use for surgical, antiseptic and hygienic purposes. Surgeons need to apply the drug in small amounts to the skin of the hands and rub it in for 4 minutes. For one application of the product, approximately 10 ml of the drug will be required.

For hygienic purposes, "AHD 2000" is applied to the skin and rubbed for 30 seconds. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with detergent or soap. The drug is also used to treat the skin of the patient himself. To do this, the agent must be rubbed into the area of the skin on which the operation or procedure will be performed, requiring the disinfection of a certain area of the body. It is necessary to observe safety measures when using an antiseptic preparation, avoid getting inside, on mucous membranes and in the eyes.

AHD 2000 Express

This drug is one of the analogues of "AHD 2000". He also providesantiseptic, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. It is used in the treatment of hands and skin to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms. "AHD 2000 Express" is also used in surgery, during hygiene procedures.

This drug is widely used in the treatment of the hands of a nurse, a doctor, the surgical field before the intervention, and in case of blood transfusion, the elbows are treated. In addition, the use of the product is recommended in the food industry, especially in canteens, for the antiseptic treatment of tables and other items. The drug is produced in various volumes: from 100 ml to 1 liter. Prices may vary depending on the area of residence, pharmacy and the volume of the drug purchased. On average, the price varies from 150 to 800 rubles.

ahd 2000 instruction
ahd 2000 instruction

Side Effects

This antiseptic preparation has basically no side effects. But in rare cases, manifestations of allergic reactions to the components in the antiseptic are possible. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug.


This tool is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to the solution or one of its components.
  • Do not apply antiseptic to skin surfaces that have inflammatory formations.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the drug when treating the patient's mucous membranes.
  • Should not be used while pregnant or nursingbreastfeeding.
ahd 2000 instructions for use
ahd 2000 instructions for use


It happens very rarely. But if this happens, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, a person should rinse the stomach with water and take medication to avoid poisoning.
