This article will discuss the drug "Vikasol". Analogues of this medicine will also become participants in this discussion. Not only will the method of taking certain analogues be considered, but a comparison will be made between these medicines both in price and in their action. In the end, the answer to the question will be given: is it worth buying an analogue or is it best to use the original drug?
Form of release of the drug and its cost
The drug is available in two forms: tablets and solution for injection. In addition, if the patient is not satisfied with either form, then there is the opportunity to purchase the drug in powder form.

The price of the drug is not so big. In most pharmacies, the cost of the medicine is fifty-six rubles.
Main indications for the use of the drug
If you read the instructions well, you can see a fairly large list of the main indications forapplication. So, "Vikasol" is prescribed for the following diseases:
- Pulmonary tuberculosis.
- Reduce blood clotting.
- Acute hepatitis.
- Radiation sickness.
- To prevent severe bleeding in newborns, the medicine is taken during pregnancy.
- Hemophilia.
- Profuse hemorrhoidal bleeding.

This is not the whole list of the main indications for the use of this drug. A complete list can be found in the instructions for use that comes with the medicine.
Using "Vikasol"
This medicine, in fact, like others, must be taken correctly. Taking the medication depends not only on the form of release of the drug, but also on the age of the patient himself.
To begin with, consider the use of "Vikasol" in the form of tablets. Children who are less than a year old need to take medicine in an amount of two to five milligrams. Children under two years of age should take "Vikasol" in the amount of six milligrams. Further, children from three to four years old should take no more than eight milligrams per day. Children from five to nine years old need to take the medicine in the amount of ten milligrams. Children from ten to fourteen years old should take no more than fifteen milligrams. Adult patients can take the drug in an amount of fifteen to thirty milligrams. Do not take more than three tablets per day. The duration of the drug is setindividual physician.

Now let's move on to injections. As for children, the dose is exactly the same as in the situation with tablets. For adults, it's a little different. The daily rate of the drug varies from ten to fifteen milligrams per day.
It is worth talking separately about taking the medicine "Vikasol" by women. With a monthly intake schedule, the dosage is prescribed by a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe a course of treatment on your own.
Side effects of the drug
The list of side effects is not very long. It mainly includes:
- Toxicosis.
- Increased heart rate.
- Redness and swelling at the injection site.
- Itchy skin.
- Irritation.
- Lower blood pressure.
If side effects occur, stop taking the medication and consult your personal doctor.
Drug storage
The shelf life of the drug is only three years. After the expiration date comes to an end, taking the drug is prohibited. Keep the medicine in a dark place, away from children. The storage temperature of this medicinal product should not exceed twenty-five degrees.
"Vikasol": analogues of the drug
Having de alt with the main aspects of the drug, you can move on to the analogues of this medicine. Analogues are also mainly available in the form of tablets and injections. The most popular analogues of "Vikasol" are as follows:
- "Dicinone".
- "Contrive".
- "Vilate".
- "Tachocomb".
- "Gaamelis".
Next, the most popular of the above analogues will be considered in more detail.
Hemostatic pills for hemorrhoids - analogues of "Vikasol"
First you need to consider the analogues of "Vikasol" in tablets. "Dicinon" - an analogue of "Vikasol" in tablets. At the same time, this drug can also be produced in the form of a solution for injection. "Dicinon" helps to stop bleeding due to the accelerated occurrence of the so-called primary thrombus. The drug reduces the diapedesis of blood elements from the vascular bed.
Indications for the use of Dicinon
Like Vikasol, Dicinon is prescribed to prevent bleeding and stop it.

In more detail, this remedy is prescribed for the following diseases:
- Capillary bleeding.
- Intracranial hemorrhages.
- Hemorrhagic diathesis.
- Repeated retinal hemorrhages.
- Werlhof disease.
- Coarse menstruation.
The drug also has contraindications to which you should pay close attention before using the medicine for the first time. So, the contraindications are as follows:
- Thrombosis.
- Intolerance to drug components.
- Thromboembolism.
Method of taking the drug "Dicinone"
This analogue of "Vikasol" in tablets is quite easy to take. Basically, doctors tell their patients to take this drug three times a day, two or one tablet at a time, again based on the disease. Children between the ages of two and twelve take half the adult dose, i.e. three tablets a day.
Drug price and storage
This drug is several times more expensive than Vikasol. Analogues, in fact, are often cheaper than the original, but here everything is different. The price of the Dicinon drug starts at three hundred and eighty rubles, although the effect of both drugs is quite similar.

Store the drug in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.
Drug "Contriven"
"Kontriven" is an analogue of "Vikasol" in ampoules. The price of such a drug is not only higher than the price of Vikasol, but also higher than the price of Dicinon. You will have to pay four hundred and sixty rubles for this analogue! It is worth noting another difference between this drug and those mentioned above - this is the lack of release of the drug in the form of tablets. In a word, this drug is available only in the form of injections. Now it's time to take a closer look at this remedy.
Indications for use and contraindications of "Kontriven"
This medicine does not have a large list of indications for use. ATMost doctors prescribe this drug for the following diseases:
- Acute inflammation of the pancreas.
- Prevention of postoperative pancreatitis.
- Prevention of bleeding after surgery.

Also, the drug has a number of contraindications, in which the use of "Kontriven" is strictly contraindicated, namely:
- High sensitivity to the drug.
- DIC.
- Pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding period.
Side effects of Contriven
This medicine may cause various side effects. When they first appear, you should immediately contact your personal doctor. As for the list of side effects itself, it is as follows:
- Itchy skin.
- Shortness of breath.
- Nausea.
- Tachycardia.
Method of using "Contriven"
This drug is used only in a hospital, under the strict supervision of your doctor. Before the first use, a so-called test dose is mandatory. The drug can be administered both with an injection and with a dropper. When administering the drug, the patient must be in the supine position. The course of treatment is no more than six days. The dose is prescribed only by the personal attending physician.
Reviews on the drug "Vikasol" and its analogues
A large number of reviews in its historyexistence received the drug "Vikasol", analogues also did not go unnoticed. If we talk about Vikasol, then the reviews about him are mostly good. In a rare case, there were moments when, over time, the effectiveness of the drug decreased. Basically, the Vikasol drug has proven itself among most patients. Hemostatic analogs also showed their good side. For example, the drug "Contriven" copes well even with heavy bleeding, which is a big plus in its treasury of merits.
In this article, the drug "Vikasol", instructions for use, analogues were considered in detail. In fact, all drugs are similar to each other in their indications and effectiveness. The price is quite acceptable even for the drug "Vikasol". Analogs are cheap, but, as it was found out, not all. Often medicines are several times more expensive. Then the question arises: is it worth buying an analogue if the effect is the same, but the price is much higher?

Of course not. But there are situations when the drug "Vikasol" is simply not in the pharmacy, and then you have to buy an analogue that costs a lot of money. But still, the most important thing is that the result from receiving an analogue will not be worse. Ultimately, the choice is up to the buyer.