Asterisk balm was created long ago by scientists in Vietnam. It is a complex homogeneous composition of essential oils of many plants. The use of Zvezdochka balm is recognized both in official and in folk medicine for the successful treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. This drug is loved and widely used by people of several generations.
Composition of the balm
The substances included in the "Asterisk" practically do not have a negative effect on human skin. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.
So, the balm contains crystalline menthol, oils: mint, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, vaseline, camphor.
Pharmacological properties
The widespread use of the Asterisk balm is due to its actions and properties:
- locally irritating;
- antiseptic;
- distracting.
Camphor, menthol irritate the nerve endings of the skin, causeslight tingling and burning, local anesthesia, have antiseptic properties. They are also possessed by cinnamon, clove, mint oils. Cloves also protect against various infections. Cinnamon is used to treat the upper respiratory tract.
Peppermint oil is used as a powerful antiseptic for flu, colds, inflammation, coughs, runny nose, bronchitis, skin irritations. Increases the protective properties of the body, repels insects, relieves headaches.
Eucalyptus oil exhibits antiseptic properties. It has primarily antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, cough, bronchitis, with a cold. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

What are the types
There are several different balms, and each of them is intended to treat certain diseases:
- Anti-cold.
- Universal.
- Painkiller.
- Post-traumatic.
- Delicate.
Let's consider each type. So, "Golden Star" is a balm, the use of which is very common among people with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The anti-cold form is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory, respiratory diseases, influenza.
Anesthetic balm is used to prevent and treat pain in the muscles, spine, joints, injuries, sprains, bruises.
Universal - the name of this species speaks for itself. Used for colds, pain, bitesinsects (relieves itching).
Post-traumatic treats swelling with bruises, injuries in athletes.
Gentle for insect bites, burns, skin irritations.

Asterisk balm: instructions for use
Ideal - applying to active points. The most active place is the human ear. By lubricating certain points on it, a large number of diseases can be cured. Also, the remedy helps with depression, fatigue, stress, strengthens the nervous system (rubbing the scalp, ears, back of the neck, temples). The balm will detoxify the skin and tighten it.

When an insect bites, apply balm to this place, and if it itches a lot, then around it. Lubricate every 2 hours. The balm is applied to the earlobe, chin, temples, wings of the nose, the point between the fingers, forefinger and thumb (on both hands), on the upper lip for influenza. If you suffer from a strong cough, you need to lubricate the pits under the collarbone, shoulder blades (both), whiskey, under the chin.
There is a runny nose - the balm is applied to the upper lip, wings of the nose (on both sides), on the wrists.
With general malaise, coughing, inhalation can be performed, provided that there is no fever. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of s alt (preferably sea) and balm (a small pea). The head is covered with a towel. Breathe in vapor for 10 minutes, close your eyes. Afterprocedures immediately lie down in bed, drink herbal tea with lemon.
If the joints hurt, you need to rub the balm twice a day into their area around the perimeter (maybe not even over the entire surface). Then cover the joint with a towel or tie with a cloth.
Spine hurts - apply spot balm on the sides of the spinal column.
"Asterisk" will help soften and then remove dry corn. To do this, after taking a hot bath, you need to rub the balm into it at night every day.
If "Asterisk" is applied after foot contrast baths in the evening on the sole, ankle joint area, it will help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the legs.
Asterisk balm is widely used. It can be used in aroma lamps. To do this, you need to put a balm the size of a pea there, set fire to a candle. Put the lamp in the room where the whole family is gathered. It is better to use other oils with balm. This will be a good prevention of respiratory diseases. However, aromatherapy should not be carried out if there are children under the age of five, asthmatics, pregnant women, allergies.
There are three forms of the remedy: creamy, liquid, pencil (for inhalation). The method of using the drug also depends on them. The pencil is in a plastic tube and a pack of cardboard. The tin can contains 4 g of balm, while the bottle of balm in liquid form contains 5 ml.

The ideal option is to purchase a cream and an inhaler stick, which is very convenient to carry,take on a trip. It looks like lipstick. The screw cap prevents essential oils from drying out. By inhaling the vapors of the inhaler, you can at any time relieve nasal congestion and prevent discharge. The drug is also sold in liquid form. But this will be discussed below. It is worth noting that the most common is the use of Asterisk balm in a creamy state.
Liquid balm "Asterisk". Instructions for use
This drug is a brown-red liquid. Transparent, with a specific smell (thanks to the essential oils included in the composition). The balm is poured into branded miniature bottles, on the back of which there is an embossed star.
In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription. It is recommended to store the balm in dark places out of the reach of children. Storage temperature - 15-25 degrees (in other words, room temperature). The drug is valid for 5 years.
The volume of the bottle into which the balm is poured is 5 ml. This includes (according to instructions):
- crystal menthol - 28g;
- peppermint oil - 22.9g;
- eucalyptus - 0.1g;
- cinnamon - 0.38g;
- cloves - 0.46 g;
- camphor - 8.88 g;
- liquid paraffin.
Balm has an antiseptic, distracting, irritating (locally) effect. It is used in complex therapy as a symptomatic remedy for headaches, flu, respiratory diseases, insect bites, runny nose (rhinitis). The balm has general indications for use for all types. This was written aboutabove.
How to use Asterisk liquid balm? Its use should only be external. You need to apply a thin layer on painful areas.
If you have a headache, rub it into the temples, runny nose - into the wings of the nose. For colds, rub the chest and back. Lubricate the insect bite site.
As for the use of the Asterisk balm during pregnancy and lactation, as the manufacturer indicates in the instructions, there is no such experience. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe and use the drug to this group of people.
Using a balm for a runny nose
Rhinitis is a common problem among both adults and children. In the pharmacy you can buy a large number of vasoconstrictor drops. However, it is undesirable to take them for a long time because of the possibility of addiction. Safer to use will be "Asterisk" - a balm, the use of which for a cold has been widespread for many years.

For the treatment of rhinitis with a balm, it must be applied acupuncture to affect the biologically active points of the body. You need to do this several times a day (up to 6) and always at night.
For the correct determination of active points, it is necessary to press on a certain area. If there is a lot of soreness in such a place, this is it. It is here that it is better to apply the balm with massaging movements.
When you have a cold, "Asterisk" is applied:
- on the earlobes;
- between the eyebrows;
- on the chin;
- for whiskey;
- on the wings of the nose;
- above the upper lip.
Use for babies
Adults can safely use such a remedy as "Asterisk" (balm) in the treatment. Children can also use it, but this must be done carefully. Toddlers are more sensitive to the action of the oils that make up the product.

Each package contains a leaflet. Do not ignore it and throw it away. For safety, it is better to read the information it contains.
How can kids use the Asterisk balm? Instructions for use for children are simple. The minimum amount is applied on first use. It is necessary to watch that children do not touch the balm with their hands, to prevent it from getting into the eyes and mucous membranes. The product is not used for babies under two years old.
How to open a jar?
Strange as it may seem, this question comes up from time to time. A special study was conducted, during which it turned out that the easiest way to do this is to put it on its edge, press it, roll it lightly (like a car wheel). Option two - gently slip a knife under the lid and lift it up. Well, the main way is to hold the bottom of the jar with the fingers of one hand, and twist the lid with the other. With half a turn, it can be easily removed.

When not to use the product
There are a number of cases when it is better not to use the Asterisk (balm). Use during pregnancy and lactation, as alreadysaid undesirable. Also, you can not use children under two years of age, asthma patients, those who are allergic to the components included in the composition. It is forbidden to apply the balm on wounds, cracks, ulcers, mucous membranes, around the eyes. A very thin layer of Asterisk should be applied to the skin to avoid burns.
Despite the widespread use of the balm for several generations of people, it also has side effects if the recommendations for use are not followed. As for the nervous system, there may be dizziness, overexcitation, headache and even convulsions. Allergic reactions: itching, rashes, irritation, urticaria. Cases of an increase in the frequency of bronchospasms have been recorded.