The drug "Losterin" is a modern remedy for combating skin diseases. It contributes to the rapid elimination of symptoms and a complete recovery.
Identification of symptoms
Today, along with development and progress, brings us various diseases. The growth of the population of the Earth, unfavorable ecology, stress, hereditary predisposition, beriberi, improper metabolism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is just a small list of factors that can be sources of various pathological changes not only from the internal organs, but also from the skin. And if we talk about the latter, of course, very big troubles are caused by constant itching and redness of the skin. What do consumers say about Losterin cream? The reviews are very positive. Almost all consumers received a positive therapeutic effect and improvement of their condition up to full recovery.

Often, people with anxiety discover such signs of trouble as peeling, keratinization in the form of fish scales (especially in winter), cracks and dryness of the skin. It is desirable to always beconsiderate to yourself and your loved ones. And if you find the above symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and get competent help. They will certainly carefully examine the patient. The end result will be the diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of drugs, among which may be the drug "Losterin". Analogues, among which the well-known "Naftaderm", have a similar effect. However, when buying, you need to carefully study the instructions and especially the composition, since with a percentage increase or decrease in any component, the overall effect of the drug on pathogens will definitely change, and hence the entire course of treatment of the disease.

Indications for the use of "Losterin"
The most important thing in the treatment of any disease is the correct diagnosis and, as a result, the cost of the treatment. It is curious that it acts more sparingly than hormonal drugs, Losterin. The price is also within reason. Everything else is just a matter of technique, the desire to recover, great diligence and discipline. Very effective patients call "Losterin" for psoriasis. Patients who used this drug, there was a noticeable improvement in the direction of recovery and the disappearance of traces of this disease. It is well known that psoriatic plaques cause anxiety during an exacerbation of the disease. Especially on the arms, in the elbows, around the fingers.
Diagnoses for the appointment and use of "Losterin" arethe following:
- psoriasis;
- eczema;
- atopic dermatitis;
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- contact dermatitis;
- lichen planus;
- ichthyosis;
- xerosis.

Places where you can buy the drug
Well and in detail describes "Losterin" instructions for use, which can be found inside each package. It is extremely important that this drug is prescribed by a dermatologist. Only a specialist can choose the treatment individually, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the body. Therefore, you need to buy strictly in pharmacies, preferably large ones with a good reputation or in online pharmacies. Such a recommendation sounds partly to avoid buying an expired product or a fake.
Types and forms of release of the drug
"Losterin" was developed by specialists in the field of dermatology, that is, people who daily in their practice face all kinds of skin diseases. This tool came to people as a result of long work, practice and knowledge gained over the years. Clinical studies were carried out at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology and the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov.
In fact, the whole line of Losterin products is united under the common name. Their composition varies depending on the form of release and the type of drug.

Natural product
Currently produced "Losterin" (cream) with a volume of 75 mg. The proposed variety from the Losterin series is described by the instructions for use as a product with a unique content of the following substances: tar-free naftalan, urea, salicylic acid, d-panthenol, Japanese Sophora extract, almond oil.
The main advantages of Losterin cream
For the treatment of skin inflammatory processes, a whole range of drugs is used, among which hormonal ones are almost always present. The cream was developed exclusively from natural, natural ingredients. It contains no dyes, fragrances. A remarkable factor is that the manufacturer took care of his consumer, protecting him from addiction or, conversely, from the withdrawal syndrome. The product is easily absorbed and absorbed, bypassing the contamination of underwear.
Use cream
The effect of the cream begins almost from the first days of external application. But it will have a solid and more stable effect with a course intake. The duration of the cycle varies approximately within 15-30 days with a frequency depending on the duration of the stages of regression and exacerbation.

"Losterine" for the scalp
The next type is "Losterin", naftalan shampoo, 150 ml. The drug "Losterin" instructions for use is in the form of a harmoniously developed formula. So, in addition to all of the above components present in the shampoo describedseries, additionally included is a burdock root extract, the healing effect of which has been known since ancient times. Preparations from this plant are very effective for skin itching, boils, acne and other abnormalities in the dermis. In addition, linseed and sunflower oil are additionally included.
As can be seen from all of the above, there are no hormones in the composition, which is an important factor for the treatment and complete recovery of a person.
Benefits of shampoo "Losterin"
Ordinary shampoos include various substances dangerous to the body. As for the described detergent, this point was taken into account here. It does not contain any carcinogens or hormones. Even the soap has been removed from the composition, in order to be able to use it very often and maintain the acid-base balance at the right level.

Using shampoo
You can wash your hair with shampoo often, while knowing that the action will not be long in coming. Annoying itching will disappear, because the remedy has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect. It is advisable to use it for more than 7 days, that is, courses, as described by "Losterin" instructions for use.
"Losterin" - shower gel
Its volume is exactly like a shampoo - 150 ml. However, the list of components is supplemented with jojoba oil. It is known for its unique properties to treat almost all known skin inflammatory processes.
Good features of the shower gel
Already commonplace can be calledthe absence of all substances harmful to the body and toxic chemical compounds in products from this cosmetic line. And a feature of the product in question is the presence of such an ingredient as jojoba oil. To be more precise, it is not oil. In fact, this is a special substance that looks like wax. The unusualness of its action lies in the ability to slow down and stop unwanted oxidative processes. It can penetrate deep into the pores, enveloping collagen-like substances, very carefully caring for and nourishing the integument. In this case, the result of the application will be he althy nails, shiny hair and an inevitable healing effect.

External application of a small amount of gel on the body, followed by rinsing. During this time, everything that is needed will be already absorbed by the cells, and the excess will simply be washed off with running water.
The shelf life of all products is 24 months. Store at room temperature: +5°C to +25°C.
Price review of products and overall user experience
So, let's summarize about the cream, shampoo and shower gel from the "Losterin" product line reviews. They are positive and show that there is a demand for them. Users note a relatively low cost compared to other therapeutic cosmetics. It's nice that the price for Losterin is affordable compared to some hormonal drugs. Shampoo will cost about 570, cream - about 540, and shower gel - 555 rubles.