Drugs 2024, October

Instructions, reviews. "Acilact" (candles)

Instructions, reviews. "Acilact" (candles)

What is the drug "Acilact" (candles)? Instructions, reviews and features of this tool will be discussed below

Drug "Acilact": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Acilact": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

It is a drug that has a high antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microbes, including staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus. This is what determines the corrective effect of the drug, if there are violations of bacteriocenosis in the oral cavity, in the intestines and in the female genitalia

A first aid kit is a first-aid kit in your home

A first aid kit is a first-aid kit in your home

We never know when sickness or injury will strike us. In this case, the house should have a competent home first aid kit

Drops in the nose for a child - which one to choose?

Drops in the nose for a child - which one to choose?

Each parent sooner or later faces the need to instill drops in their baby's nose. And, as you know, children are not delighted with this procedure. Therefore, moms and dads definitely need to know which nose drops are best for a child, and how to drip them correctly. This is what we propose to talk about in this article

Diaper rash cream for newborns and adults: types, instructions, reviews

Diaper rash cream for newborns and adults: types, instructions, reviews

New parents often face such a problem as diaper rash. Diaper dermatitis causes a lot of discomfort in the baby. The child begins to act up, cry, sleep badly. To restore peace to the baby and his parents, you need to use diaper rash cream

Nose drops: a review of drugs, indications for use, reviews

Nose drops: a review of drugs, indications for use, reviews

Nasal congestion or, conversely, a severe runny nose - these symptoms are common. Drops in the nose immediately come to the rescue. The course of the disease, its progression or complete elimination will depend on the correctly selected drops. To do this, it’s better to figure out what nose drops are, when it’s better to get by with just saline solutions, and when complex

Drops "Vibrocil" during pregnancy: contraindications and reviews

Drops "Vibrocil" during pregnancy: contraindications and reviews

In this article we will talk about the drug "Vibrocil". You can use it during pregnancy or not, you will learn further. It is also worth mentioning the contraindications to the use of this medication. How to use the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy, reviews of women - all this will be described below

"Rinofluimucil" (nasal spray or nose drops): instructions for use. Analogue "Rinofluimucil"

"Rinofluimucil" (nasal spray or nose drops): instructions for use. Analogue "Rinofluimucil"

Rhinitis is the most common ailment. And nasal drops, gels, sprays correctly prescribed by the doctor help to get rid of it. In particular, this article discusses the properties of the drug "Rinofluimucil", which is effective in the treatment of the common cold in adults and children, as well as drugs related to its analogues

Instructions for use "Mezim forte 10000". Description of the drug, reviews

Instructions for use "Mezim forte 10000". Description of the drug, reviews

The lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion process can be compensated by special medications. Instructions for use "Mezim forte 10000" recommends using the medicine for violations of the digestive system

Tablets "Pancreatin forte": instructions for use and reviews

Tablets "Pancreatin forte": instructions for use and reviews

Every person has experienced digestive disorders at least once. Everyone knows what an unpleasant feeling it is: nausea, pain, flatulence, intestinal upset. Many different drugs help with such symptoms, but Pancreatin Forte is considered the best. This is an enzyme remedy that normalizes digestion and improves the condition in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

"Cavinton Comfort": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Cavinton Comfort": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Cavinton Comfort" instructions for use describe as a drug designed to improve cerebral circulation. In this article, we will consider who should take this drug, as well as contraindications to it, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Sodium valproate: recipe, instructions, release form, mechanism of action, formula

Sodium valproate: recipe, instructions, release form, mechanism of action, formula

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases, expressed in the predisposition of the body to the sudden development of convulsive seizures. To combat this problem, many different medications have been developed

"Akriderm GK": analogues are cheap and not very (reviews)

"Akriderm GK": analogues are cheap and not very (reviews)

Today, many have heard about such a drug as Akriderm GK, reviews about it are only positive, if this ointment was used as directed and on the advice of a doctor. Everyone has long known that self-medication does not lead to good

Is Doppelherz Ginkgo Biloba effective? Instructions for use and reviews

Is Doppelherz Ginkgo Biloba effective? Instructions for use and reviews

Medicines based on vitamins, minerals and other useful substances will help maintain active brain activity. Bioadditives, such as Doppelgerz Ginkgo Biloba, are very popular. The natural composition of this product has an extremely positive effect on the brain and blood vessels

"Betak": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Betak": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Beta1-blockers are used to eliminate high blood pressure and various heart diseases. One of these medicines is the drug "Betak". Instructions for use characterizes it as a drug that exhibits cardioselective, antihypertensive and sympathomimetic effects

"Bisoprolol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects, reviews

"Bisoprolol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects, reviews

The instruction describes the drug "Bisoprolol" as a very effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Most often, doctors prescribe this medication to patients suffering from arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease. You can read all the details regarding the use of the medicine in this article, so read it carefully in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible

"Ksefokam Rapid": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Ksefokam Rapid": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ksefokam Rapid tablets, produced by the Danish pharmaceutical company Takeda Pharma and the German company Nycomed, belong to the class of non-steroidal ones, designed to stop inflammatory processes. On average, for one package in pharmacies they ask for 300 rubles or more

The drug "Magnesia sulfate": instructions for use

The drug "Magnesia sulfate": instructions for use

The effectiveness of the drug "Magnesia sulfate" depends largely on the way it is used. So, when used internally, the medicine has a choleretic effect and a laxative

Collagen hydrolyzate: instruction, reviews

Collagen hydrolyzate: instruction, reviews

Over the years, our skin inexorably loses its attractive appearance. Cosmetic products that contain collagen hydrolyzate are capable of accelerating the regeneration (recovery) of tissues. How to choose a good skin care cream for aging skin?

We get rid of the cold: instant powder to the rescue

We get rid of the cold: instant powder to the rescue

The cold always creeps up unexpectedly and insidiously. A person subject to frequent acute respiratory infections is well aware of how the onset of the disease manifests itself: weakness, sore throat, runny nose, chills, fever. What to do? Especially if you need to go to work tomorrow, and the “sick leave” is not included in your plans

Bactericidal action - what is it? Bactericidal preparations

Bactericidal action - what is it? Bactericidal preparations

Many microorganisms surround man. There are useful ones that live on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines. They help digest food, participate in the synthesis of vitamins and protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms. And there are a lot of them too. Many diseases are caused by the activity of bacteria in the human body. And the only way to deal with them is antibiotics. They may be bacteriostatic or bactericidal

Spray "Ecobreeze" (antiseptic): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Spray "Ecobreeze" (antiseptic): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Cleanliness is the key to he alth! Ecobreeze antiseptic is a proven protection against microbes and viruses, which is widely used not only in medical and social institutions, but also in everyday life

Neuroleptic is Action of neuroleptics. List of antipsychotics

Neuroleptic is Action of neuroleptics. List of antipsychotics

Neuroleptic is a special drug that is used for various mental disorders. As a rule, such drugs are used to treat neurotic syndromes, psychoses, and the medication can also be used for hallucinations. In addition, antipsychotic drugs are prescribed to prevent the main manifestations of human mental illness

"Belogent", cream: instructions for use and reviews

"Belogent", cream: instructions for use and reviews

Belogent cream is one of the most common medicines prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases. Its undoubted advantage over similar drugs is that it solves several problems at once: on the one hand, it helps to get rid of discomfort, on the other hand, it relieves burning sensation and stops inflammation. Belogent has a pronounced antibacterial and antihistamine effect

Creolin: instructions for use for people, composition, analogues and effectiveness

Creolin: instructions for use for people, composition, analogues and effectiveness

"Creolin" is a special oily liquid of brown or brown color. The substance has a pungent odor that is felt when you open the bottle. The drug is produced by dry distillation of coal. what properties does the drug have?

"Honda", joint cream: description and reviews

"Honda", joint cream: description and reviews

A lot of people today complain about diseases of the joints and spine. Many are diagnosed with "arthritis" (inflammatory processes in the joints and spine), "arthrosis" (degeneration of articular cartilage), "osteoporosis" (slow destruction of bone tissue, resulting in the need to redistribute the load on the musculoskeletal system) and others

Why was Adelfan discontinued? Drug analogues

Why was Adelfan discontinued? Drug analogues

In the recent past, "Adelfan" was one of the most common drugs used to relieve the symptoms of hypertension. It contained two active substances - reserpine and dihydralizine, which had a complex effect. They had the ability to relax the walls of blood vessels, affecting the central nervous system and reducing the number of heartbeats

"Combigan", eye drops: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Combigan", eye drops: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Glaucoma in our time suffers from a large number of people, especially in old age. The disease is characterized by increased intraocular pressure and impaired visual function. Conservative therapy of glaucoma, unfortunately, cannot drastically help with this disease, it is only possible to slightly stop the process of vision loss

"L-optician", eye drops: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"L-optician", eye drops: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

According to the instructions, L-optic eye drops are an ophthalmic group drug with an antibacterial effect. It contains an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. It acts on microorganisms that can cause inflammation of the eyes. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the suspension of the normal formation of DNA, which does not allow harmful microorganisms to develop and leads to their death

Syrups for wet cough: a review of drugs, instructions for use for children and adults

Syrups for wet cough: a review of drugs, instructions for use for children and adults

Against the background of colds, a wet cough often appears, which is designed to remove pathogens from the body. You should not fight it yourself, because cough suppression contributes to the deterioration of the condition. But it is possible and necessary to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. To do this, doctors usually prescribe syrups for a wet cough. Drugs help to thin and more effectively discharge sputum

"Bioderma Atoderm" (cream): reviews

"Bioderma Atoderm" (cream): reviews

For owners of thin dry skin, the unique therapeutic cosmetics of the Bioderma Atoderm series helps to provide delicate and effective face and body care, speed up the elimination of many skin ailments and effectively prevent the appearance of various exacerbations on the surface of the epidermis

"Hydrastis", homeopathy: instructions, indications for use and reviews

"Hydrastis", homeopathy: instructions, indications for use and reviews

The main effect of this drug on humans is associated with catarrh of the mucous membranes. Symptoms of plant poisoning are abundant and thick mucous secretions from the respiratory tract, headaches, severe weakness. This drug affects the mucous membranes of the nose and throat

"Zinc chelate": instructions for use, description and reviews

"Zinc chelate": instructions for use, description and reviews

"Zinc Chelate" is a vitamin supplement with only one component. But she is able to improve he alth, make hair, skin and nails beautiful, nerves - strong

What is a metabolic agent? List of drugs

What is a metabolic agent? List of drugs

Each of us must have heard about such a phenomenon as metabolism. However, not everyone understands the exact meaning of this phrase. Therefore, in the article we will consider what is included in this concept, and also find out which drugs contribute to the correct course of the metabolic process

Drugs for the gallbladder: names, list, composition, indications and contraindications

Drugs for the gallbladder: names, list, composition, indications and contraindications

A huge number of people suffer from various diseases of the gallbladder, which cause them a lot of inconvenience and severe discomfort. Some of them can only be eliminated surgically, but most ailments are calmly treated with the help of certain drugs. For the gallbladder, the pharmaceutical market offers a very huge range of medicines that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness

Medicine for the spleen: effective drugs

Medicine for the spleen: effective drugs

The spleen is a bean-shaped parenchymal organ located relative to the ninth and eleventh ribs, between the diaphragm and the lower part of the stomach. It has a reddish-purple color and contains many blood vessels. If the spleen is he althy, then it is not palpated, the patient also does not feel it. Soreness and an increase in the size of the organ may indicate the development of diseases

New generation antidiabetic drugs and their classification

New generation antidiabetic drugs and their classification

People with type 2 diabetes should constantly monitor their blood glucose levels. Only with normal indicators you can lead a normal life. If blood sugar rises, the doctor may prescribe a special drug to normalize the patient's condition. Most medicines in this group are produced in tablets

"Polysorb" for a hangover: instructions for use, reviews

"Polysorb" for a hangover: instructions for use, reviews

One of the most popular sorbents today is Polysorb. From a hangover, for example, this drug, judging by the reviews, helps very well. It is allowed to take this remedy even at the same time as alcohol

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - antiulcer agent

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - antiulcer agent

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (trade name - the drug "De-Nol") is an effective antiulcer drug with a pronounced bactericidal activity against microorganisms of the Helicobacter pylori species. In addition, this medicine has antacid, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. Taking this remedy significantly improves the protective characteristics of the mucous surface of the gastrointestinal tract, forming a special insoluble coating directly for a month

Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews

For various infections of the skin and mucous membranes, antibacterial external agents are often used. One of the most common drugs is "Erythromycin" ointment. It is used for ophthalmic or dermatological diseases caused by microorganisms resistant to other antibiotics