Children often get sick. And this is a fact. Especially when a child goes to kindergarten, he even more often brings home snot, which parents have to treat. And since it is not always possible for a mother to stay at home for two weeks on sick leave to treat a runny nose and sore throat, many doctors prescribe IRS-19 for children.

Composition of the drug
Unlike other drugs, "IRS-19" consists of lysates of bacteria that do not kill them, but directly affect the production of immunity. That is why it belongs to immunomodulatory drugs, which can be used even by small children.
The composition contains lysates of those bacteria that are mainly pathogens. It is noteworthy that it contains lysates of several types of streptococcus, which can cause sore throats, pneumonia, etc.

Drug properties
"IRS-19" for children has a lot of positive properties. And the main principle of its action is slightly different from other drugs. So, for example, at the time of spraying, the aerosol evenly covers the mucous membrane, thereby protecting it even better.this weak spot.
This action leads to a very rapid development of local immunity, which is very important in young children. Germs and bacteria attack the child every day, and therefore it is very important that there are no weak points.
The protection that is formed due to the action of the aerosol is very good at preventing the growth of bacteria and microbes. In addition, "IRS-19" for children increases the phagocytic activity of macrophages.

Medicine prescription
Basically, the nasal spray "IRS-19" is prescribed to children during the period of illness. It is noteworthy that the spectrum of action of the drug is very wide, so it can be used both for the common cold and for viral and bacterial diseases.
Prescribe a drug if:
- The child has rhinitis, and sometimes it is complicated. That is, the mucus is immediately thick, and not liquid, it is very dangerous, since its removal is difficult. Often such a runny nose is of bacterial origin.
- The child has sinusitis, during which there is stagnation of mucus in the passages, which is very dangerous. The child begins to have a headache, there is a constant congestion and nasal voice.
- The child has laryngitis, during which mucus settles on the vocal cords, due to which the voice gradually becomes hoarse. Laryngitis is very dangerous, as in advanced cases, the likelihood of developing a chronic stage of the disease increases.
- The child has tonsillitis, during which it is very important to start treatment on time so that the infection does not godown.
- Bronchitis. Sometimes the focus of infection is located in the upper respiratory tract. And to help the body cope with bronchitis, it is necessary to treat it not only with mucolytic drugs, but also with others that will promote the development of immunity and the destruction of bacteria.
Also, "IRS-19" is prescribed for children if it is necessary to carry out disease prevention.

Quite often it is easier to take preventive measures than to treat a severe runny nose or sore throat later. That is why "IRS-19" is an excellent drug for preventive measures. Due to the fact that it contains only lysates of bacteria, which, in fact, are the remains of the vital activity of bacteria, the drug is approved for use even by young children. The issue of prevention is especially acute when the child goes to kindergarten and the parents do not have the opportunity to constantly go to the hospital. Yes, and frequent colds have a negative impact on the body.
IRS-19 is considered the best means for prevention. Reviews (for children) regarding preventive measures are extremely positive. Parents note that if they conduct a full course, which is about two weeks, then the incidence rate decreases. Of course, the child does not stop getting sick at all, but this happens much less often.
It is believed that if you use the medicine at the peak of the incidence, you can easily avoid the disease, as immunity to pathogens will be developed. True, bacteria and viruses with eachthe new season of incidence are becoming more adapted.

Quite often, little ones suffer from adenoids. Moreover, the condition worsens sharply, the temperature rises, the throat becomes red and it is difficult for the baby to swallow. In addition, intoxication of the body may begin.
Many doctors prescribe IRS-19 for adenoids because it contains bacterial lysates that can protect against further development of the disease. Mothers almost always notice the degree of illness in their children and easily distinguish a simple runny nose (that is, a cold) from adenoids.
If you start treatment with this medicine at the very first signs, then you can avoid taking antibiotics.
Reviews about the drug regarding the use during treatment are different. Some argue that thanks to him they went on the mend much faster and the recovery period was short. Others say that it did nothing, and besides, there were side effects.
Despite the fact that IRS-19 is considered one of the best drugs for the treatment of the common cold and prevention, reviews (for children) about it vary slightly, since there are a number of contraindications when it is strictly forbidden to use it. So, some children have individual intolerance to some components of the drug. This mainly includes excipients.
It is also prohibited to treat children suffering from autoimmune diseases with IRS-19, becauseso the body seems to be fighting with itself, and then there is an additional stimulant.

How to apply
The regimen of the drug is quite simple. "IRS-19" children are prescribed to inject only after preliminary washing of the nasal cavity. This must be done so that the mucosa is cleansed and the lysates act on it, and not come out of the nose along with the mucus.
For children under the age of three years, it is allowed to use the medicine 2 times a day. Moreover, doctors recommend using it before bedtime so that the active substance stays in the nose for as long as possible.
As for children over the age of three, the dosage regimen is the same as for adults. It is necessary to do from 3 to 5 injections per day in each nostril. Also, before use, it is necessary to clear the nose of mucus.
Separately, it must be said about the restoration of immunity. Experts recommend injecting "IRS-19" to children for prevention purposes twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening for two weeks.

Use of the drug in complex therapy
In most cases, "IRS-19" is not prescribed as an independent medicine, mainly it is prescribed as another immunomodulatory drug during a severe cold or flu.
In complex therapy "IRS-19":
- Helps to stop the infectious process at the very beginning of the disease, when the symptoms have not yet appeared acutely.
- Helps reduce the amountdays of taking antibiotics, as well as other anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Helps speed up the recovery period.
- Significantly reduces the risk of complications.
"IRS-19" for children. Price
Treatment today is not very cheap, especially when it comes to children. And although doctors try to prescribe more or less affordable drugs, there are still one or two expensive ones among them. In terms of wages, IRS-19 is an expensive drug.
Its price varies from 400 to 480 rubles, depending on which city we are talking about, as well as which pharmacy (whether municipal or commercial).
Regulations for the use of the drug
As such, there are no recommendations regarding the use of the drug. The only thing to remember is that in no case should you turn it over, drop it, as the bottle itself may be damaged.
You need to keep your head straight at the time of injection, you can’t throw it back, as the nozzle is made so that the drug gets right into the nose.
"IRS-19". Reviews (for kids)
Reviews about the drug vary. Some believe that the drug does an excellent job with the tasks, and some do not see any positive effect. It all depends on the causative agent of the common cold.
There is an opinion that it is not worth treating a cold with immunostimulants, as the body must overcome it itself.
Some try to squirt "IRS-19" down their throats, thinking it will improve the effect. But in fact heit is designed specifically for the nasal mucosa, and it has an indirect effect on the throat by increasing immunity.
At the very beginning of the disease, it is best to resort to the help of "IRS-19". Reviews (for children) about him are mostly positive.
"IRS-19" is an excellent drug for children, with which you can cure a runny nose in two or three days. The main thing is to consult a doctor before use.