What are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?

What are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?
What are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?

What are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? You will find the answer to the question posed in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about which steroid drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy for the treatment of certain diseases, as well as which medicines can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation and pain.

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory painkillers

These drugs include Nise, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Indomethacin, Piroxicam, Xefocam, Diclofenac, etc. inflammatory processes in muscle and joint tissues. As you know, they are not addictive and do not have numerous side effects that steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs almost always have.

Contraindications andreadings

Despite all the positive qualities, such drugs can have a damaging effect on the mucous membrane of the main digestive organ. Thus, these medications are highly discouraged for those patients who have been diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer. It should also be noted that it is advisable to use all of these drugs only after a meal.

Besides the fact that such drugs have antipyretic and analgesic effects, they are often prescribed by doctors for radiculitis, polyarthritis, myositis, etc.

Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs

Steroid drugs are hormonal drugs. It is believed that they are much more effective than non-steroidal ones. However, these medications can be highly addictive. That is why it is strictly forbidden to take steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without a doctor's prescription.

steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Such medicines include the following:

  • "Dexamethasone Xing".
  • Maxidex.
  • Cortisone.
  • Oftan-dexamethasone.
  • Sinalar Sin.
  • "Prednisolone".
  • Sinalar forte.
  • Berlikort.
  • Kenalog.
  • Nazacort.
  • "Polcortolon".
  • Triamsinolone.
  • "Flucinar".
  • Fluorocort.
  • Betamethasone, etc.

Indications for use

Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are especially effectivepreparations for joints. They quickly relieve any inflammation and greatly alleviate the patient's condition. In addition, such drugs are widely used to treat systemic connective tissue diseases (arthritis, alveolitis, sarcoidosis, etc.).

As for eczema and other non-infectious inflammations of the skin, they are effectively affected by a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, released in the form of a cream or ointment. But even in this case, only a doctor should prescribe the dosage.

steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for joints
steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for joints

For diseases of the throat and nose, doctors often prescribe similar hormonal drugs to their patients along with antibacterial agents.

Side effects

According to experts, all steroid medications can cause a number of side effects. To avoid serious consequences, the dosage of such a drug should be reduced or completely stopped taking it, replacing it with a similar one.

Side effects that occur after using glucocorticosteroids may be different and depend on their daily dose, method and duration of administration, as well as on the properties of the medication itself.

After topical application, a local decrease in resistance to infectious agents can be observed, which is accompanied by various complications. With systemic use of the drug, the manifestation of Cushing's syndrome, steroid diabetes, steroid gastric ulcer, steroid vasculitis, the development of hypertrichosis, arterial hypertension, osteoporosis, psychosis,water and sodium retention, potassium loss, myocardial dystrophy, tuberculosis, etc.

Contraindications for use

Steroid preparations are strictly forbidden to be taken by those who have tuberculosis, as well as other infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, osteoporosis (including in the post-menopausal period), a tendency to thrombosis, duodenal ulcer and stomach, mental disorders; they are also prohibited during pregnancy.

When applied topically, the main contraindication of such drugs is the presence of any infectious process on the skin, in the respiratory tract and joints.

painkillers anti-inflammatory drugs
painkillers anti-inflammatory drugs

Issue Forms

For ease of use, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are produced in different forms. All of the above medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of capsules and tablets, as well as in the form of injection solutions. By the way, the latter are especially effective for pronounced pain in the articular and muscle tissues.
