Antipollin drug: reviews

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Antipollin drug: reviews
Antipollin drug: reviews

Video: Antipollin drug: reviews

Video: Antipollin drug: reviews
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Recently, more and more Russians suffer from allergies. Someone endures everything quite calmly, feeling only small unpleasant symptoms. But there are people who suffer from allergies very much. Seasonal, whether food, household - for some it causes great suffering. On the pharmacy market, there is a huge variety of drugs that fight allergy symptoms. The recent development of Kazakh scientists "Antipollin" has already received positive feedback from patients. In this article, we will look at the tool in more detail.

Antipollin reviews
Antipollin reviews

What is an allergy?

Sometimes the most common substances can cause discomfort: dust, mites, plant pollen, pet hair. This is what is called an allergy. This specific reaction of the body is immune. Substances that act as allergens are recognized by the immune system as hostile, foreign. As a defense, it secretes antibodies that, when interacting with allergens, produce histamine. It is this chemical that causes unpleasant symptoms: runny nose, watery eyes,sneezing, nasal congestion and more. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Allergy symptoms

Allergies are generally not considered a disease. Nevertheless, its manifestations can make our life sometimes simply unbearable. Allergic rhinitis is manifested by a runny nose, frequent sneezing, itching in the nose. During this period, the sense of smell worsens, if not disappears altogether. There is a need to constantly carry a handkerchief in your pocket due to uncontrolled discharge from the nose. Often the eyes also suffer: lacrimation, redness, itching of the eyelids are very unpleasant. It happens that allergies are manifested by skin itching, up to dermatitis. Red spots may appear on the skin, which can spoil your appearance. More complex cases cause the so-called Quincke's edema. The person seems to swell, which is caused by a strong swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. Such a complication can even lead to death if the medicine is not taken on time.

Antipollin mixed reviews
Antipollin mixed reviews

Types of allergies

Allergies are divided into year-round and seasonal. The first is characterized by a reaction to pet hair, dust, mites, mold fungi. To determine such an allergy is quite simple: the patient's condition worsens indoors. It can become quite burdensome, since we spend most of our time indoors. Seasonal allergies are exacerbated during the flowering period of plants. Usually it is autumn, summer and spring. In winter, the symptoms subside. The most sensitive period of time in spring is from April to May, when tree pollen is an irritant. WithMay to August, when the flowering of cereals begins, summer allergies set in. Autumn brings weed pollen, which are powerful allergens.

To determine if you have any type of allergy, it is enough to visit an allergist. By passing a set of specific tests, you can absolutely know exactly what you should avoid. Do not delay this moment - after all, some people endure allergies silently for years - various complications that can follow its symptoms can cause serious harm to the body.

Antipollin mixed trees reviews
Antipollin mixed trees reviews

"Antipollin" will help

This drug was developed in Kazakhstan by the famous allergist Viktor Semenovich Moshkevich. For many years he was engaged in research on the effects of radiation poisoning. He and his group monitored the he alth status of the residents of the Semipalatinsk region. The results of their research became the impetus for the closure of this terrible test site. These materials helped him in the future, when he opened the Department of Allergology. It was in this department that Antipollin was developed.

Reviews of the experimental drug immediately received the most positive. Its action is based on two principles: stimulation of the immune system to make it easier to cope with the problem, and the introduction of the "guilty" allergen. By increasing the concentration of an irritating substance in the body, Antipollin causes a decrease in sensitivity to it. This allows you to achieve stable remission. The transfer agent in this process is ascorbic acid.acid and talc.

Antipollin mist trees reviews
Antipollin mist trees reviews

"Antipollin Mix": patient reviews

This preparation contains a set of several allergens. A mix of trees is prescribed for patients who are allergic to flowering trees. This usually happens in the spring. First you need to consult a doctor, he will conduct a study and prescribe exactly the type of medicine that will work best. "Antipollin Mitst trees", reviews of which indicate its high efficiency, is presented in two forms: No. 1 and No. 2. They differ in the composition of allergens, so it is important to determine exactly which substance acts as an irritant.

Trees that annoy us

Pack 1 contains silver birch, common hornbeam, sticky alder and common hazel. If the analysis shows that your body is allergic to one of these components, you should definitely take Antipollin Mixed Trees. Reviews of patients who have tried many drugs for allergies and have not received relief, say that this medicine has become their real salvation.

Pack No. 2 will find salvation for those who cannot stand the flowering of black poplar, pedunculate oak, small-leaved elm and ash-leaved maple. Also contained in this mix of the drug "Antipollin" drooping birch. Reviews of allergists give a positive assessment of this drug. Due to the fact that the composition is completely natural, you can not be afraid of getting used to it. Follow instructionson its application, and you will be able to wait for the coming of spring without fear.

Antipollin wormwood reviews
Antipollin wormwood reviews

Domestic pests

Our home is our fortress. Only those who are not allergic to house dust say so. It is very unpleasant to come home, knowing that suffering awaits you there, and not rest. Professional allergy sufferers of this type know all about heavy-duty vacuum cleaners that pick up the smallest particles of dust, emit special vapors into the air, destroying them even in the air. About sulfate-free powders, neutral for allergic skin. But this does not help for long, since dust has an unpleasant feature that will soon reappear. In this case, Antipollin House Dust can help you. The testimonials of those who have been suffering from this disease for many years contain tempting evidence that, taking this drug, you can go without antihistamine pills for a long time and even sleep lying down!

Antipollin birch drooping reviews
Antipollin birch drooping reviews

Grass Monsters

Mugwort is a very fragrant plant. Many people even like its tart, bitter smell. But not for those who have severe allergies. Stinging in the nose, tears, skin itching, swelling prevent them from enjoying all the delights of this herb. It is good if they have a competent allergist who will advise such patients to take Antipollin Wormwood. Reviews of those who have already tried this drug will convince them of its excellent work. Repeated tests given after several years of admission show an almost complete absence ofreactions to wormwood allergen. Talk to your doctor and try it, maybe it will help you too?

Antipollin house dust reviews
Antipollin house dust reviews

Some features of taking the drug "Antipollin"

The reviews you find also contain advice on taking this medicine. Pharmacy websites say that each pack consists of 9 blisters. They make up the initial, basic and supporting courses. The instructions describe in detail how to take "Antipollin" during each of them. It is important to start on time. It makes no sense to run to the doctor for a prescription when the allergy is in full bloom. He will be able to prescribe you only medications that support or relieve symptoms. To prevent its occurrence, it is better to start taking this medicine in winter. Then the body, having received a certain dose of allergens, will have time to rebuild and find an antidote for them by the time they bloom in nature.

Allergies often cause patients to take large amounts of medication. They don't always help. "Antipollin", reviews of which, despite its relative youth, have already firmly established themselves in the field of "good" and "very good", will not only help you cope with the symptoms of the disease, but will also prevent their occurrence if you start taking this drug in advance. Take advantage of the achievements of our domestic scientists to alleviate your ailments!
