Effective medicines for heartburn: a list

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Effective medicines for heartburn: a list
Effective medicines for heartburn: a list

Video: Effective medicines for heartburn: a list

Video: Effective medicines for heartburn: a list
Video: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Pathophysiology, Animation 2025, January

Heartburn is one of the most unpleasant sensations a person has ever experienced. It starts suddenly, and in order to stop the attack, you have to use medicines for heartburn. The list of them today is quite large, the main thing is to choose the right one, both in terms of action and price.

Heartburn medicines. List
Heartburn medicines. List

Causes of heartburn

Before we move on to what are effective drugs for heartburn, you need to pay attention to the causes of its occurrence.

The main factors that provoke the disease include:

  • Overweight. Often overweight people consume much more food than others, and therefore the body cannot always cope with such volumes.
  • Pregnancy. Almost all future mothers, especially at later dates, constantly complain of heartburn, which is getting stronger every day.
  • Using certain medications that can cause this gastrointestinal disorder.
  • Overeating. Especially it concernsfatty, spicy and s alty foods because they are much harder to digest.

Besides, if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract (a number of diseases), then heartburn can accompany him constantly. That is why the need to take medicines for heartburn increases. The list of suitable drugs in this case will have to be compiled by the attending physician. We will look at several categories of medicines that can improve the patient's condition.

heartburn medications. List (Russian analogues)
heartburn medications. List (Russian analogues)


Doctors recommend antacids to their patients in most cases. These are special substances that help neutralize stomach acid, and then remove the most unpleasant symptoms. True, not everyone and not always they are able to help.

Pros of antacids

Separately, it must be said about the advantages of antacids. Although there are not many of them, in fact, it is to achieve these goals that consumers take drugs. The main advantages of antacids include general availability in pharmacy chains, that is, the drug can be purchased even without a prescription (which is not recommended), quick action (literally in a few minutes a person will feel relief) and effectiveness.

Cons of antacids

If we talk about the disadvantages of antacids, then they include:

  • short-term positive effect, that is, they relieve the patient's condition for a short time, and then you need to take the drug again;
  • side effects that occur in most cases;
  • elimination onlysymptoms, but not the cause.

Effective drugs for heartburn are not so easy to find, and often you have to try several drugs to come up with one good one.

best drugs for heartburn
best drugs for heartburn

List of antacids

As mentioned above, antacids are the best cures for heartburn. The list is below:

  • Gaviscon. The drug is produced in several forms, so everyone can choose the right one for themselves.
  • "Renny". This is one of the well-known drugs that was popular a few years ago. It has been proven effective and is excellent for relieving symptoms.
  • "Iberogast".
  • "Maalox".
  • "Almagel".

Antisecretory drugs

Antisecretory drugs help reduce acid production, not just neutralize it. Therefore, the main advantages of this group include the following:

  • relative safety of drugs compared to other analogues;
  • lasts longer than antacids.

In addition, according to experts, if you take antiserpentine drugs regularly, you can not only avoid symptoms, but also completely prevent their occurrence.

Best drugs for heartburn: antisecretory drugs

Not all consumers know which drug will help in a particular case, and very often they do not get what they originally needed. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend takingantisecretory drugs. The best include Ranitidine and Ortanol.

effective cure for heartburn and bloating
effective cure for heartburn and bloating

Heartburn medicines: a list of the most popular remedies

Despite the fact that above we briefly dwelled on the categories of drugs that allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and burning sensation in the esophagus, below we list the most popular, judging by the reviews of doctors and patients, medicines.

Effective Heartburn Medicines:

  • "Bellalgin" - not only has an antacid effect, but also relieves inflammation, helps gastric juice to be produced in less quantity.
  • Gaviscon. This drug is approved for use by pregnant women, which is exactly what many use.
  • "Lineks".
  • "Mezim".
  • "Renny".
  • "Maalox".

It is difficult to name any one effective medicine for heartburn and bloating, because each organism is individual. Next, we will take a closer look at the most commonly used medicines.


This drug is used very widely among patients with gastrointestinal problems. It has several actions at once - it is analgesic, and antispasmodic, and antacid, and hyposecretory. That is, if a person has problems with a lack of enzymes that are so necessary for normal digestion, then Bellalgin can help. The drug reduces the secretion andacidity of gastric juice, effectively eliminates pain in the epigastric region and slightly reduces intestinal motility.

Contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to some components of the drug, which can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also problems directly with the stomach;
  • glaucoma, in which any incorrectly taken medication can only aggravate the situation;
  • prostate adenoma.
effective heartburn medications
effective heartburn medications

If we talk about side effects, then they include:

  • feeling dry mouth that may not go away even after drinking a lot of water;
  • thirst (it is very difficult for a person to get drunk, he does it all the time, drinks literally liters of water, but he does not get better);
  • constipation;
  • drowsiness (a person constantly wants to sleep, but even if he rests a lot, this does not help him);
  • dizziness;
  • dilated pupils.

It is necessary to take the medicine strictly before meals and only in the amount prescribed by the doctor.


Separate attention should be paid to such a drug as "Gaviscon". It is an effective cure for heartburn and bloating and comes in several forms. Therefore, everyone can choose the right one for themselves. In addition, Gaviscon is allowed to be taken by pregnant women, and it is they who suffer from heartburn.most of all, especially in the last weeks, before childbirth.

Today, the drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. And faster, judging by the reviews, the suspension works. Usually, immediately after the first sip, it becomes easier, and heartburn practically disappears, and all due to the fact that the medicine acts directly on the mucous membrane. As for tablets, they are convenient to take with you, but the period from taking to the start of a positive effect is much longer than in the case of a suspension.

As for contraindications, there are practically none. Except that if a person has intolerance to some components. In this case, the medication is prohibited.

effective heartburn medications
effective heartburn medications

Scientists have conducted studies on the effects of the drug on the body of the expectant mother and her baby. About 300 women took part in the experiment. As a result, it turned out that it does not have any negative impact either on the very course of pregnancy or on the he alth of the baby.

Russian analogues

We discussed what kind of drugs for heartburn exist today. The list, in which Russian analogues are also present, is quite large, but it is very difficult to list all the medicines. That is why we stopped at the most famous and sought after, and these are, as a rule, original medicines, most of which are products of foreign companies. But after all, almost every such drug has an equally good domestic analogue, though not everyone knows about them, and therefore not everyonethey use it. Let's look at a few examples.

One of the most famous drugs is Mezim. Its price is approximately 120 rubles. But its analogue "Pancreatin" costs about 40 rubles.

Another good drug is Zantac. It is prescribed both for heartburn and for the treatment of more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product of the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline costs about 300 rubles per package (20 pcs.). Its analogue - "Ranitidine" produced by Ozon LLC (Russia) - will cost the buyer about 135 rubles for 120 tablets, a product from Hemofarm (Serbia) - 65 rubles for 30 pcs.

cheap heartburn medicines list
cheap heartburn medicines list

Many people don't even know what heartburn medications are. The list (Russian analogues are even less common in it) with prices and an indication of the number of tablets or the volume of vials is not posted everywhere, since it is simply unprofitable for most doctors - and this is far from a secret - to prescribe cheap medicines, since they have an agreement with pharmacies. The information presented in our article will help fill this gap in consumer knowledge.

Instead of afterword

Today, most people prefer to buy cheap medicines for heartburn. Their list will consist mainly of drugs of domestic production. However, they are in no way inferior to expensive drugs, and often turn out to be even better. But before choosing any medication, in any case, you need to consult with a specialist. Stay he althy!