Means "Sedalite" (or in other words "Lithium carbonate") is a normothymic drug that normalizes the mental state of a person and does not cause general lethargy. The use of this drug has a pronounced antimanic, sedative and antidepressant effect. At the same time, the effect of the use of the drug "Lithium carbonate" is directly due to lithium ions, which are antagonists of sodium ions and displace them from cells in a relatively short time and thus reduce the bioelectric activity of brain neurons. In addition, this normothymic agent interacts with lipids, which are formed during the metabolism of inositol, and stimulates the breakdown of biogenic amines. Finally, it significantly increases the susceptibilityhippocampal neurons to the influence of dopamine and blocks the activity of the so-called inosyl-1-phosphatase. As for the pharmacology of this antidepressant, the time to reach its highest plasma concentrations, as a rule, is from six to twelve hours, and the elimination half-life varies within 1, 3-2, 4 days.

The normothymic agent "Lithium carbonate" is produced in the form of a white granular powder without a pronounced odor. This substance is practically insoluble in alcohol and only partially soluble in water. Separately, it should be noted that currently on sale you can find tablets with this name.
Take the sedative and antidepressant drug Lithium Carbonate, the instruction recommends mainly for the treatment of the manic phase of bipolar psychosis, migraine and Meniere's syndrome. In addition, this normothymic agent is indicated for use during the treatment of aggressiveness in chronic alcoholism. People diagnosed with psychopathy are also quite often prescribed the medication Lithium Carbonate. Its use is also indicated in order to prevent exacerbations in manic-depressive psychoses. For the treatment of various kinds of sexual deviations, this sedative drug is also excellent. Among other things, it is one of the most optimal means for the treatment of addiction to psychotropic drugs.

Usethe anti-manic drug "Lithium carbonate" is strictly prohibited if the patient has hypersensitivity, severe forms of disorders in the liver or kidneys. With established cardiovascular diseases, it is similarly worth refraining from taking this normothymic agent. In addition, you should not prescribe this antidepressant medicine during childbearing, as well as during the period of breastfeeding a newborn baby.
In conclusion, it is necessary to say about the possible adverse reactions that can be triggered by taking this sedative drug. For example, some groups of patients may experience mild polyuria, nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. In addition, there is a risk of developing kidney dysfunction, inhibition of hematopoiesis and heart rhythm disturbances. Drowsiness, hand tremors, and alopecia may occur.