Drugs 2024, October

The best gout ointment

The best gout ointment

What is gout and how does it manifest itself? What ointments are considered the most effective and how to use them?

Drugs that increase immunity. Drugs and drugs that increase immunity

Drugs that increase immunity. Drugs and drugs that increase immunity

Immunity (in Latin immunitas - deliverance, liberation from something) is the body's immunity to infectious agents and substances that carry foreign information at the genetic level. This is important to remember. In general, this is a protective reaction of the body to certain stimuli. Currently, many are wondering what drugs increase immunity. This will be discussed further

Remedies for high blood pressure: medicinal and folk remedies, indications and contraindications

Remedies for high blood pressure: medicinal and folk remedies, indications and contraindications

Hypertension is a common symptom of atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels, which is considered a serious cause of myocardial infarction. What are the best remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol? We will talk about this in our article

Antacids. Description

Antacids. Description

Antacids are a group of medicines that reduce the acidity of the stomach contents. This effect is achieved through the adsorption or neutralization of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice

Tracheitis pills: a list of effective drugs for a child and an adult

Tracheitis pills: a list of effective drugs for a child and an adult

With the penetration of viral pathogens into the respiratory system, various colds develop. If the inflammatory process has touched the trachea, unpleasant symptoms occur in the form of a dry cough and fever. Special tablets for tracheitis, which reduce the intensity of coughing, will help to cope with the pathology

"Betadine" from thrush: composition, instructions for use and contraindications

"Betadine" from thrush: composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Many women are familiar with the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. This is one of the most common ailments caused by yeast-like fungi. For treatment, local preparations are most often used. The drug in the form of suppositories "Betadine" from thrush is prescribed quite often. It is well tolerated and helps to fight the disease exclusively at the local level

"Glycine Active": instructions for use and reviews

"Glycine Active": instructions for use and reviews

The intense rhythm of life of a modern person negatively affects the state of the nervous system and can lead to serious problems. Timely prevention will help to improve the situation. For this purpose, doctors often recommend taking a drug such as "Glycine Active"

Spray "Yoks": instructions for use, indications, composition, reviews

Spray "Yoks": instructions for use, indications, composition, reviews

The appearance of sore throat indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. The reason for this is the ingress of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes of the larynx. Local preparations will help to quickly stop discomfort. One of these tools is the spray "Yoks". Instructions and features of the use of this medication will be discussed in detail in the article

The use of "Dicinon" during menstruation

The use of "Dicinon" during menstruation

In case of severe bleeding associated with damage to soft tissues or internal organs, hemostatic drugs should be taken. One of the drugs that has been used in medical practice for many years is Dicinon. With periods lasting more than seven days, this medication is often prescribed to women

Syrup "Sinekod": indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Syrup "Sinekod": indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

When the respiratory tract is irritated, a protective reaction of the body occurs in the form of a cough. It can be both productive and unproductive. It is dry cough that brings the greatest discomfort. It can arise for a variety of reasons. For the treatment of this pathological phenomenon, Sinekod syrup is successfully used

"Faringosept": instructions for use and reviews

"Faringosept": instructions for use and reviews

To eliminate pain in the throat against the background of the inflammatory process, drugs in the form of tablets are most often used. An effective means of local action is Faringosept. Instructions for use positions this medication as a powerful antiseptic that can be taken by patients at almost any age

Ointment "Doctor Mom": instructions for use for children, reviews

Ointment "Doctor Mom": instructions for use for children, reviews

Almost all colds cause a runny nose and cough. To quickly transfer the cough from dry to productive, you should use the warming ointment "Doctor Mom". The instruction positions this medication as a natural and safe remedy to help cope with the symptoms of a cold

"Taurine": instructions for use, release form, analogues, reviews

"Taurine": instructions for use, release form, analogues, reviews

In ophthalmic practice, Taurine is often used. The instruction contains detailed information on how this drug works and in what cases it will be effective

Nose drops "Collargol": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Nose drops "Collargol": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Nasal congestion is the main complaint of patients who visit an ENT. Such a symptom significantly worsens the quality of life and causes very unpleasant sensations. Local antimicrobial medicines will help restore normal breathing through the nose and the ability to distinguish odors. One of these means is Collargol. Instructions for this drug and reviews about it will be discussed in detail in the article

Ascorbic acid in ampoules - application features and reviews

Ascorbic acid in ampoules - application features and reviews

Vitamin C has many useful properties and is often used in the field of cosmetology. With this tool, you can get rid of many dermatological problems. Let's take a closer look at how to properly use ascorbic acid in ampoules and its positive effect on the skin

Drug "Galsten": instructions for use, reviews

Drug "Galsten": instructions for use, reviews

The liver, being the most important organ, is negatively impacted daily. To restore the functionality of the liver, you should seek help from medicines. A modern and absolutely safe drug is Galstena. Instructions for use and description of this medication will be described in detail in the article

"Artradol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, release form, reviews

"Artradol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, release form, reviews

To slow down the destruction of articular and cartilage tissue, experts recommend using drugs from the category of chondroprotectors. The action of such funds is aimed at protecting and restoring the joint. A popular and effective remedy is Artradol. Instructions for use, form of release and analogues of the drug will be discussed in detail in the article

"Vibrocil" for children: instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Vibrocil" for children: instructions for use, composition and reviews

As a symptomatic treatment, many experts recommend using Vibrocil. It is prescribed for children in the complex therapy of respiratory ailments

"Tizin Xylo": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Tizin Xylo": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Rhinitis is considered the most common ailment among adults and children. Abundant discharge from the nose is a natural protective reaction of the body that develops against the background of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. For symptomatic treatment, topical preparations should be used. One of these means is "Tizin Xylo"

"Efferalgan": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, reviews

"Efferalgan": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, reviews

Each home first aid kit should always have an effective antipyretic. One of the safest drugs is "Efferalgan". The instruction positions it as an anesthetic and fever-reducing drug

"Vitaon": instructions for use, release form, reviews

"Vitaon": instructions for use, release form, reviews

Essential oils have great healing power and are able to cope with any pathological conditions. The ideal combination of these natural substances was able to pick up Professor Karavaev V. A. The resulting drug was called "Vitaon". Instructions for use contains complete information about what this drug is and in what cases it should be used

Alcohol and Kapoten: compatibility, recommendations and application features

Alcohol and Kapoten: compatibility, recommendations and application features

Such cases are quite frequent when for some reason the medicine is washed down with alcoholic beverages. It happens that a person simply forgot that he had recently taken medicine and decides to drink a glass or two of beer or something stronger. What are the consequences of such a combination? Do Kapoten and alcohol have compatibility?

The best stomatitis gel: manufacturer reviews

The best stomatitis gel: manufacturer reviews

The initial stage of stomatitis can be treated topically, using various gels and ointments. The latter have a fatty base, so their treatment of this disease does not always bring an effect. The gel from stomatitis differs from the ointment in that it allows the medicinal components that make up the composition to be quickly absorbed into the oral mucosa

"Momat": analogues of the drug and description

"Momat": analogues of the drug and description

"Momat" is a drug that is available in the form of an ointment or cream, its basis is corticosteroids. Applied externally. The agent has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative properties

Eye drops that dilate the pupil: instructions for use. Drops "Tropikamid"

Eye drops that dilate the pupil: instructions for use. Drops "Tropikamid"

To diagnose some ophthalmic problems, doctors need to see the fundus, which is impossible without artificial pupil dilation. This can be done only with the use of special medications. To achieve maximum mydriasis allow drops that expand the pupil. Preparations of this category are used in the process of examining children and adults

Intimate female gel "Naron": instructions for use and contraindications

Intimate female gel "Naron": instructions for use and contraindications

Very often, women are faced with such a problem as an enlarged vagina, as a result, sexual life does not bring any pleasure. But this problem can be solved with the help of Naron gel, which is recommended for females over 18 years old

"Gexoral" - candles or spray? His association with "Hexicon"

"Gexoral" - candles or spray? His association with "Hexicon"

Often, ladies say that they were prescribed Geksoral candles for the treatment of female diseases. But if you look, then this drug is not released in this form. It is produced only in the form of a spray for the treatment of ENT diseases, as well as lozenges. And the well-known candles are called "Hexicon"

Analogues of glutamic acid. What are they needed for?

Analogues of glutamic acid. What are they needed for?

A non-essential amino acid that is synthesized in the body during transamination during protein catabolism. Takes part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, activates oxidative processes, prevents a decrease in the oxidative-corrective potential, enhances the body's stability to hypoxia

Children's "Lazolvan": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Children's "Lazolvan": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Regardless of the form of release, "Lazolvan" belongs to the group of mucolytic (thinning) agents with the active ingredient in the composition - ambroxol. Mucolytic drugs are used to thin sputum that is difficult to pass. If children have a strong cough, and sputum, due to viscosity, comes off with great difficulty, in such cases, just this type of medicine comes to the rescue

"Viardo Forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Viardo Forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The article tells about dietary supplement "Viardo Forte", which has been produced since the end of 2014 by the Diod company. Recommendations for use, reviews of men and even women are given. Also given information about the cost and how to find analogues

Effective medicines for fungus

Effective medicines for fungus

One of the most contagious diseases from antiquity to the present is mycosis, or fungus. Immunity to it does not exist, so the only prevention is hygiene

Strong diuretic at home

Strong diuretic at home

Swelling of the extremities is an alarm signal. The accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body leads to he alth problems and provokes malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. You can help the body quickly get rid of puffiness by using pharmacy medicines or a diuretic at home

Magnesium sulfate: instructions for use, reviews

Magnesium sulfate: instructions for use, reviews

Magnesium sulfate is a drug that contains magnesium ions and sulfates. It has been used in medicine for quite a long time, which allows us to draw conclusions about its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases

What is isopropyl alcohol

What is isopropyl alcohol

A chemical compound with the molecular formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. Another name is propan-2-ol, medical alcohol. The liquid has a strong odor, is flammable, colorless

Benefits and dosage of activated charcoal

Benefits and dosage of activated charcoal

Currently, activated charcoal is actively promoted as an effective tool to help cleanse the body of toxins, toxins that enter it with food and water. Let's look at what activated charcoal is and why it is needed

Homeopathic candles: the best drugs, features of use, indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

Homeopathic candles: the best drugs, features of use, indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

Despite the fact that the pharmacological industry is developing at a rapid pace, the popularity of homeopathic products is not decreasing. And all thanks to the natural composition of such drugs. In this article, we will discuss homeopathic suppositories, look at the types and talk about the various features of such medicines

What is the best spray for a runny nose and nasal congestion?

What is the best spray for a runny nose and nasal congestion?

Every person during his life repeatedly has to deal with a runny nose. It appears for various reasons. A runny nose can be an independent pathology or a symptom of the disease. Most often, rhinitis is of viral origin. Less often, the pathology acquires a bacterial character. Sometimes snot appears due to allergies. Consult a doctor to correctly determine the cause of the pathology. Only then will you be able to choose an effective spray for a runny nose and nasal congestion

The Most Effective Nasal Spray

The Most Effective Nasal Spray

How to choose an effective spray for nasal congestion? This article is an overview of modern medicinal aerosols, after reading it, it will be much easier for our readers to make the right choice

Antibiotics for adnexitis. Types of adnexitis, drugs, drug combinations

Antibiotics for adnexitis. Types of adnexitis, drugs, drug combinations

Adnexitis is a pathology in which infections such as streptococcus, tubercle bacillus, gonococcus, fungus or E. coli enter the internal genital organs. If a woman is completely he althy and immunity is not weakened, then the penetration of these dangerous organisms is prevented by some barrier that performs a protective function for the body

Which sedatives are good?

Which sedatives are good?

The article offers a brief overview of drugs that help relieve nervous tension. Advice is given on how to choose sedatives and how to replace drugs