The best gout ointment

The best gout ointment
The best gout ointment

Gout is a disease that provokes the formation of deposits on the joints and bones. Often the disease is chronic. Outwardly, deposits may not be particularly noticeable. However, a patient with such a disease may experience a feeling of discomfort. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience sudden attacks of pain and a significant increase in temperature.

Recently, a variety of ointments have been used for gout during an exacerbation. Ready-made preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy. But there are recipes for ointments against the disease and in folk medicine. In this case, the drug can be prepared independently. What kind of ointments are used for gout?

ointment for gout
ointment for gout

Signs of gout

Gout is an insidious disease that gradually destroys the tissues of the joints. Such an ailment occurs as a result of a violation of metabolic processes in the body. As a result of this phenomenon, uric acid begins to accumulate in the tissues in large quantities.

The joint of the big toe is the first to be affected. This is manifested by its gradual deformation. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain resulting from degenerative processes. In addition, the mobility of the joint is limited. The skin in the area of the affected tissues becomes purple. Pain worsens at night.

Features of disease therapy

When symptoms of the disease appear, many doctors recommend using ointments. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the structural component of the joint will gradually begin to collapse, which will lead to undesirable consequences. Most often, a neglected ailment leads to disability.

gout ointment treatment
gout ointment treatment

In the treatment of a disease such as gout, an integrated approach is used. Usually, specialists prescribe not only topical ointments, but also special medicines in the form of tablets, as well as various physiological procedures. This is the only way to overcome the disease and get a positive result.

As for ointments, they are designed to relieve pain, as well as the inflammatory process localized in the affected joint and tissues around it. Such drugs have only a local spectrum of action. Ointments quickly penetrate the skin, and then into the tissues affected by gout. However, they must be used in combination with other medicines, as they are ineffective when used alone.

ointment for gout on legs
ointment for gout on legs


"Diclofenac" - gout ointment, which is most often prescribed. The popularity of the drug can be explained by several factors:

  • relatively low cost;
  • efficiency;
  • pain relief;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Main operatingThe substance in this medicine is diclofenac sodium. This component can significantly improve the patient's condition, as well as eliminate the main symptoms of the disease. The drug is relevant if gout is severely tormented. Ointment, the treatment of which can be carried out at home, is applied to the diseased joint and evenly distributed. Apply a small amount of the product up to three times a day.

Fulflex natural preparation

This gout ointment has a unique and 100% natural formula. For the preparation of the drug "Fulflex" taken plant base. This is one of the best ointments for gout. The composition of such a medicinal product includes birch bark, meadowsweet, horse chestnut and willow bark, fragrant martinia. Additionally, essential oils of juniper, sage and eucalyptus are used. The drug has many properties:

  • reduces tissue inflammation;
  • eliminates pain in the affected joint;
  • relieves swelling and redness of tissues.

"Fulflex" is a safe drug with no contraindications. For its manufacture, only plant components are used. For this reason, the ointment is often prescribed to pregnant women suffering from gout. Even with an advanced form of the disease, the drug can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent its further development.

what ointments for gout
what ointments for gout

Indomethacin will help relieve inflammation and pain

What ointments for goutappoint? With such a disease, it is recommended to use the Indomethacin gel. This is a non-steroidal drug that can relieve swelling, eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. It is enough to rub a small amount of the drug into the affected area daily. The procedure should be carried out up to 3 times during the day.

Despite its effectiveness, this gout ointment has side effects, including:

  • burning;
  • reddening of the skin;
  • itch;
  • rash.

Russian ointment "Bystrumgel"

This ointment is often prescribed for gout on the legs, traumatic vascular diseases, bursitis, arthritis, problems with ligaments and muscles. The drug "Bystrumgel" is manufactured by a Russian company. Such a drug has an anti-inflammatory effect.

A small amount of ointment must be squeezed out of the tube, and then gently applied to the problem area. The drug should be carefully distributed. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure up to three times a day.

Vishnevsky ointment for gout
Vishnevsky ointment for gout

Dolgit ibuprofen ointment

This is another ode to the popular ointment. When gout flares up, severe pain occurs. To eliminate them, the doctor may prescribe Dolgit ointment, which is made on the basis of ibuprofen. Such a drug significantly reduces tissue swelling, relieves the inflammatory process in the joints, and also returns the patient to the ability to move normally.

It is worth noting that the drug "Dolgit" is oftenprescribed for the treatment of gout in pregnant women. It can also be used in the treatment of disease in children over 14 years of age. Like most ointments, Dolgit should only be used externally. It is enough to apply a small amount of cream on the affected area and distribute evenly. Up to four such procedures are required during the day.

The course of therapy with Dolgit ointment should not exceed 1 month. If there is no improvement, the doctor may prescribe a change in the drug.

ointment for exacerbation of gout
ointment for exacerbation of gout

Butadion ointment

To eliminate pain in gout, many doctors recommend using butadion ointment. It is an anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drug that enhances the mobility of the affected joint. This gout ointment relieves discomfort and soothes pain.

During an exacerbation, it is recommended to apply butadione ointment to the inflamed joint, carefully and evenly distributing it. A small amount of the drug is enough to eliminate pain. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day. It is not necessary to rub the ointment. After applying it, it is worth applying a gauze bandage. The treated area should be protected from direct sunlight.

Vishnevsky's ointment for gout

For the treatment of gout, liniment is used - this is a more liquid Vishnevsky ointment. This consistency of the drug allows it to be more evenly distributed over the affected area. Due to this, the patient, when using the drug, practically does not touch the diseased joint, without provokingthe occurrence of pain. The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • xeroform – 3%;
  • tar - 3%;
  • castor oil – 94%.

Why does gout disappear? A good ointment for this disease is Vishnevsky's ointment. Thanks to its composition, you can relieve the symptoms of the disease. With complex therapy, exacerbation can be removed. Ointment Vishnevsky has unique properties. This drug:

  • accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;
  • activates all processes of blood microcirculation;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • has an antiseptic effect.

For the treatment of gout, it is necessary to apply a small amount of Vishnevsky's ointment to the affected area, evenly distributing it. After that, it is recommended to apply a bandage to the treated area and fix it with a bandage. A similar procedure should be carried out up to three times during the day.

ointments for gout during an exacerbation
ointments for gout during an exacerbation

Features of using Vishnevsky's ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment for gout is recommended to be used in courses, since a single application will not completely relieve the symptoms of the disease. In addition, the drug has contraindications. Such a drug should not be used by those who suffer from kidney failure, provoked by gout. It is for this reason that before using Vishnevsky's ointment, it is worth consulting with specialists. Self-medication in this case can only aggravatecondition of the patient.

Vishnevsky's ointment may cause the development of side effects, including:

  • allergic reaction, manifested by irritation of the skin;
  • itching and urticaria in the area of application of the drug;
  • redness of the skin.

If you experience any side effects, you should stop using the drug and consult a specialist. Do not self-medicate and independently choose an ointment for exacerbation of gout. An incorrectly selected drug can cause the development of undesirable consequences.
