"Viardo Forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Viardo Forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
"Viardo Forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Fatigue, low activity and a decrease in sexual desire, as well as reproductive function, are the scourge of modern men. Why is this happening? And the thing is that the representatives of the stronger sex lack vital vitamins and minerals that affect the hormone so important to them as testosterone. It is he who is responsible for mood, performance and success in the sexual sphere.

Unfortunately, the current quality of food products does not allow replenishing the body's nutrient reserves, so you have to resort to additional measures. An excellent assistant in restoring men's he alth is the Viardo Forte dietary supplement, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. After reading this article, you will find out what each capsule contains, what doctors think about this food supplement, and you will also be able to decide whether you need this drug at the moment or not. But in any case, it is recommended to consult an andrologist to obtain all the information of interest regarding the effect of Viardo Forte on the body.

Medication description

"Viardo Forte" is a dietary supplement, an additionalsource:

  • vitamin E;
  • PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6);
  • zinc,
  • selenium.

The drug is produced in a small yellow-green box. Inside there are three blisters of nine capsules. That is, there are only 18 of them in total.

Viardot forte composition
Viardot forte composition

The capsules themselves are made from zinc lactate, filled with wheat germ oil. In addition, selenium is added to the oil. Together, these components will help restore potency, rejuvenate the body, improve reproductive function by raising the level of testosterone, the main male hormone.

Despite their size, the capsules are easy to swallow due to their oval shape. They resemble ordinary vitamin E, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

Produced by the company "Diod", specializing in the manufacture of dietary supplements.

A gift in the form of a small test

A small leaflet with testing and scoring is attached to the Viardo Forte instructions. Before you start taking dietary supplements, it is better to study the proposed questionnaire, honestly answer questions about:

  • your general well-being;
  • presence or absence of sexual desire;
  • vascular problems;
  • chronic fatigue.

There are other things to consider when purchasing the drug.

It is worth noting that the idea of the Diod company is fully justified. So a man can make sure if he really needs this dietary supplement.

We recommend that you do not throw away the survey sheet, but save it for the future so thatbefore a new purchase after a long time, make sure that the idea is worth starting a course of vitamin therapy again.

How to apply

Consider how Viardo Forte is usually prescribed. Instructions for use states that it is recommended to drink 1 capsule three times a day. This is quite enough to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body.

Reception of dietary supplement Viardot
Reception of dietary supplement Viardot

Daily intake for 1 month will help get rid of chronic fatigue, increase potency and restore vitality. Only a quick effect from the beginning of the intake should not be expected, since such a course of vitamin therapy has a cumulative, and not an instant effect. He can keep even the next six months. The manufacturer notes that for repeated use of dietary supplements, it is better to consult a doctor.

Take the capsule during breakfast, lunch and dinner with any non-alcoholic he althy drink, such as water, milk, herbal tea or fruit drink.

Expert Opinion

Men's diseases, impotence and infertility are de alt with by an andrologist. Often, only this specialist prescribes drugs to improve sexual life in the stronger sex. As practice shows, if there is no inflammation, but there is a lack of testosterone and a number of other hormones, vitamins and minerals, then a restorative complex of pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies is prescribed. It is better to listen to the doctor's opinion. "Viardo Forte" is a relatively new tool that has been produced since 2015. It is possible that some specialists are not enoughaware of it and its properties. But if you clearly know the composition, active ingredients, then most likely the doctor will comment on the advisability of taking it.

problems in the family due to lack of testosterone
problems in the family due to lack of testosterone

You can also use without consulting a doctor if you know for sure that you do not have serious problems in the form of infections, neoplasms and other pathologies.

How it affects the reproductive system

Vitamin E is considered anti-aging. Therefore, it is used by many women around the world. But men also need it to maintain the activity of the whole organism, including reproductive function.

Zinc and selenium help in the production of good sperm, in the formation of mobile and high-quality spermatozoa. Very often, men are diagnosed with infertility based on the results of a spermogram. To improve its performance, you need support for the body, which is so lacking. But first, viruses, bacteria and fungi that can also affect the reproductive system should be excluded.

attractiveness and cheerfulness of a man
attractiveness and cheerfulness of a man

PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are needed by the body for the smooth functioning of the digestive tract, improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Thus, we can say that everything necessary for assimilation and recovery is included in the Viardo Forte complex. Reviews of men and their wives are positive. Almost everyone notes improvements in the intimate sphere. But only, as mentioned earlier, you do not need to wait for a quick effect. Detailed testimonials from men and women will be listed below.

Additional healing properties

The dietary supplement has other positive aspects besides increasing testosterone. Due to the content of vitamin E, the condition of almost all organs and systems improves:

  • vessels become elastic and strong;
  • if there are minor problems with the heart, then there is a chance to normalize its activity;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • virtually reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • strengthens the broncho-pulmonary system;
  • reduces or even completely eliminates the risk of cancer of any kind.

We conclude that Viardo Forte is suitable for men of all ages. After all, no one is immune from diseases, and vitamin E deficiency is obvious. It is contained in the preparation in the form of wheat germ oil.

Selenium is also an anti-cancer antioxidant. In diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma and even AIDS, this mineral can improve he alth. But, of course, in advanced cases, serious treatment will be required, and the recovery process will be lengthy.

energy boost from Viardo Forte
energy boost from Viardo Forte

Thanks to zinc, the person taking the capsules will calm down the nervous system and improve skin condition. In addition, together with vitamin C, it boosts immunity and helps fight colds faster.

Women welcome

Although Viardo Forte is intended for men, even women take it - both on their own and on the recommendation of a doctor. Only needtake into account the individual characteristics of the body, the state of the hormonal background. Most likely, if a woman has an increased male hormone, then she should not take such a dietary supplement. But if there is a deficiency of zinc, selenium, vitamin E, then it is perfect as an analogue of synthetic multivitamins.

As practice shows, not only men, but also women feel better after taking Viardo Forte. Reviews about this drug are as follows:

  • there is a strengthening of the nail plates;
  • evens out complexion;
  • improves hair structure;
  • cheerfulness appears;
  • hormonal background is getting better.

Therefore, dietary supplements are also suitable for the fairer sex, but first you should check if there is a deficiency of the above vitamin E and minerals, as well as PUFAs.

Are there any analogues?

It should be noted that there are no cheap analogues of Viardo Forte in Russia - neither from domestic producers, nor from foreign ones. And in general, there are no similar drugs. You can only get all the necessary components from food or from synthetic vitamins (except vitamin E).

butter and nuts - analogue of Viardo Forte
butter and nuts - analogue of Viardo Forte

What can be applied if this dietary supplement is not available anywhere or there is not enough money to purchase it? Let's take it in order:

  1. Wheat germ oil and vitamin E. It can be obtained from germinated wheat grains. You can do it yourself at home. Or purchase a bottle of ready-made oilcold pressed (natural, unrefined). By the way, vitamin E is present in almost any natural oils without heat treatment, it is found in seeds and nuts.
  2. Zinc and selenium are present in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, peanuts.
  3. PUFAs (Omega-3 and Omega-6) are also found in natural oils, but flaxseed is preferable, which can be used in salads or drunk on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon or tablespoon (if there are no contraindications).

But sometimes it's easier for a modern person to drink a capsule than to eat the same foods for a month to improve testosterone levels.

Reviews of men

What do men say about this drug in their reviews? "Viardo Forte" was used by a few, but there are still responses. Of course, each person has his own opinion - what one likes and suits one may not be perceived by others. In general, the opinions are something like this:

  • helps fight fatigue, gain strength;
  • improves intimate life;
  • there is an interest in everything useful;
  • a bit pricey (4-5 packs for 1 month course);
  • not available in all pharmacies;
  • often difficult to swallow a large capsule;
  • Unlike the usual Viardot, where the capsules are smaller in size (respectively, the dosage is lower, which is why you have to drink 2-3 capsules at a time), Viardot Forte has a more convenient dosage, that is one capsule is enough.

In general, if there are no allergic reactions andone of the components listed in the article does not exceed the daily allowance in the body, dietary supplements can be safely used without consulting a doctor.

When is the best time to take?

Any dietary supplement is recommended to be consumed with meals, washed down with a small amount of water, without chewing. You can use it with any food, but it is better with salad, cereals or boiled potatoes, as the oil goes well with such food.

fatigue of a man and loss of strength
fatigue of a man and loss of strength

As for seasonality, it doesn't really matter when you start taking vitamins. It is better to focus on how you feel or the results of blood tests for the level of vitamins and minerals in it.

The use of "Viardo Forte" is also relevant during the seasons of exacerbations of various ailments (at the end of winter, early spring and autumn), but it is still better to start in advance so that the body is stable during a sharp change in climate.

Drug price

In many pharmacies in Russia, the price of dietary supplements varies from 200 to 350 rubles, but the average cost is about 255 rubles (in 2018) for 1 package with 18 capsules. You can buy five packs at once for a monthly course. Then about 1 course of vitamin therapy will take 1200-1300 rubles, depending on the price for 1 package. Of course, it may seem that the cost is unreasonably high, but in order to achieve a guaranteed effect, you can purchase.

Instead of a conclusion

In general, the effectiveness of this dietary supplement has been proven by consumers themselves. It is also sometimes prescribed by competent doctors to maintain testosterone levels in men and improve overallstate of the body. Today, Viardo Forte has no analogues, but you should beware of fakes. It is advisable to buy the product only in trusted pharmacies or directly from the manufacturer - Diod.

With the reasonable use of the drug according to the instructions and in the absence of individual tolerance, improvements will certainly be noticeable not only in the reproductive system, but even in the cardiovascular and nervous system. After all, vitamin E, zinc and selenium are vital for every person.
