"Betadine" from thrush: composition, instructions for use and contraindications

"Betadine" from thrush: composition, instructions for use and contraindications
"Betadine" from thrush: composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Many women are familiar with the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. This is one of the most common ailments caused by yeast-like fungi. For treatment, local preparations are most often used. The drug in the form of suppositories "Betadine" from thrush is prescribed quite often. It is well tolerated and helps to fight the disease exclusively at the local level. Let us consider in more detail the composition of the drug and the features of its use.

Medicine description

Betadine is a powerful antiseptic with a wide range of effects used in gynecological practice. Its direct purpose is to get rid of the causes and symptoms of thrush in the fair sex. The disease occurs with an increase in the number of opportunistic fungus Candida. Normally, it is also present in absolutely he althy women, but under certain conditions, the fungus begins to divide and multiply.

betadine helps with thrush
betadine helps with thrush

To treat a pathological condition, both systemic and local drugs are used. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry offers such drugs that can eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis in one day. However, doctors still recommend using more reliable methods for treatment, for example, Betadine suppositories. From thrush, they are used both as part of complex therapy, and as a monodrug, if the disease does not have a chronic course.

The drug is produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company EGIS Pharmaceuticals PLC. The average cost of suppositories ranges from 360-380 rubles for a small package.


The composition of the drug contains one active ingredient - povidone-iodine. 200 mg of this substance is equivalent to 20 mg of regular iodine. Povidone-iodine has a pronounced antiseptic effect and affects the viability of fungi. Upon contact with the cellular proteins of the fungus, a reaction immediately begins, which leads to the death of the pathogen. Macrogol, glycerin, anhydrous acid, nonoxynol, sodium hydroxide are used as excipients.

Issue form

The manufacturer offers several forms of drug release. The most popular are vaginal suppositories from Betadine thrush. Reviews indicate that this is the most convenient form of medication. Suppositories have a dark brown color and a homogeneous structure. The package may contain 7 or 14 suppositories.

betadine suppositoriesthrush reviews
betadine suppositoriesthrush reviews

Betadine solution also has a disinfecting effect. It is used for the treatment of wounds of various etiologies, the treatment of mucous surfaces before surgery. The solution has a brown color and is packaged in bottles with droppers of 30, 120 and 1000 ml.

In the field of gynecology, Betadine ointment can also be used. With thrush in women, it is used to disinfect the birth canal, with various skin fungal infections, herpes. The ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 20 g each. It has a brown color and a slight iodine aroma.

How does it work?

The active substance has an antiseptic effect. When iodine is released from the complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone, a film is formed on the vaginal mucosa, from which active iodine is released. The substance affects both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Sensitivity is shown by fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Not affected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The drug has a therapeutic effect at the local level. The active substance practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation.

Indications for appointment

Suppositories are often used in gynecological practice to treat many ailments. Before using the remedy, it is imperative to undergo an examination that will help to find out the true causes of the development of the pathological condition. For this, women usually take a swab for microflora.

betadine for thrush
betadine for thrush

Most often, iodine-based suppositories are prescribed for thrush. Helps "Betadine" and other gynecological diseases. The drug can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (a pathology characterized by a violation of the bacterial flora of the vagina);
  • to eliminate the causes and symptoms of Candida infection;
  • for the treatment of trichomoniasis caused by a fungal pathogen;
  • for the treatment of chronic ailments and inflammatory processes in the vagina in the acute phase;
  • to eliminate fungal diseases that have arisen while taking steroid hormones.

Suppositories, many experts recommend using if necessary, antiseptic treatment of the vagina.

Causes of thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is considered one of the most common female ailments. Most of the fair sex experienced unpleasant symptoms that occur when a fungal infection of the genitals. At present, the resistance of the causative agent of the disease to the standard treatment regimen has increased significantly, and relapses of the disease often occur. This is due to a decrease in the body's defenses.

betadine for thrush reviews
betadine for thrush reviews

Thrush can occur in the following cases:

  • with prolonged antibiotic therapy;
  • in violation of metabolic processes;
  • with long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • when treated with drugs that depress the immune system;
  • with severe pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • whennon-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • with immunodeficiencies of various etiologies.

Proper therapy aimed at eliminating the real cause of the development of diseases can only be prescribed by a specialist. In some cases, an integrated approach to the treatment of a fungal infection is sometimes required.

Do Betadine suppositories help with thrush?

If symptoms characteristic of thrush appear (itching, discharge, burning), you should immediately consult a doctor. In a neglected state, it is quite difficult to fight the disease. Most often, in such cases, it is not possible to completely get rid of the problem.

Will Betadine help get rid of thrush? If the disease is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida, then the drug is really able to overcome the causative agent of the disease. To do this, the doctor selects an individual treatment regimen with the drug.

thrush after betadine
thrush after betadine

Suppositories have earned a lot of positive feedback, both from specialists and from the patients themselves. The popularity of the drug is due to the fact that it is multifunctional and has a versatile effect. Candles have an antiseptic, antiprotozoal, antimycotic and antiviral effect.

Thrush after Betadine passes pretty quickly. In most cases, one course of therapy is enough for the disease to recede. In certain situations, additional antibiotics are prescribed.

How to apply?

Vaginal suppositories with antifungal effect are prescribed in various dosages. The duration of treatment can be 7-14days. It is very important to treat the partner in parallel to avoid recurrence of the disease. Men are usually prescribed antimycotic drugs in the form of tablets.

Candles "Betadine" from thrush should be injected as deeply as possible. This is necessary so that the suppository can dissolve. It is better to use the medicine at bedtime. If the drug must be used in the morning, after the introduction of the suppository, you should take a horizontal position and lie down for at least 30 minutes. Only in this case will the candle be able to dissolve and begin to act.

The suppository must be administered in the supine position. Do it with clean hands. It is recommended to use panty liners during treatment as a small amount of medication will leak out and may stain laundry.

Features of use

During the period of menstruation, it is better not to treat thrush with Betadine. Although the manufacturer does not prohibit it. Experts say that these days the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced. If possible, treatment is postponed and started after the end of menstruation.

betadine for thrush in women
betadine for thrush in women

It is forbidden to use suppositories with intolerance to iodine or excipients that are part of the drug. "Betadine" is not used in the presence of thyroid diseases, kidney failure, during the period of taking radioactive iodine.

Is it prescribed for pregnant women?

During the bearing of a baby, a woman's body undergoes serious changes due to hormonal changes. Beforethe immune system suffers. Its weakening is necessary in order for the expectant mother to be able to bear the fetus normally. A decrease in protective functions leads to the fact that the body cannot suppress the development of various pathological processes. Most often, pregnant women suffer precisely from inflammation in the vaginal area caused by the activity of fungi. In such cases it is impossible to be inactive! The infection can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the baby.

betadine suppositories for pregnant women
betadine suppositories for pregnant women

What drugs can pregnant women use for thrush? "Betadine" is one of those medicines that are prescribed for the treatment of gynecological diseases in expectant mothers. This medication in the form of suppositories is used at any stage of pregnancy, but only as directed by a doctor. The instruction of the drug says that after the first trimester it should not be used. Although experts say that with a properly selected therapy regimen, Betadine suppositories are completely safe for both the woman and the fetus.

"Betadine": reviews

With thrush (candidiasis), women are saved by various means. However, the most stable result of treatment is provided by drugs for local use - suppositories. The Hungarian-made Betadin vaginal suppositories have a pronounced therapeutic effect. According to reviews, this drug is able to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease quite quickly. On average, therapy lasts 7-10 days
