When the respiratory tract is irritated, a protective reaction of the body occurs in the form of a cough. It can be both productive and unproductive. It is dry cough that brings the greatest discomfort. It can arise for a variety of reasons. For the treatment of this pathological phenomenon, Sinekod syrup is successfully used. Let's take a closer look at who is prescribed this medication and how to use it correctly.
Medication description
Debilitating dry cough necessarily requires medical treatment. This symptom usually occurs with infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract and allergies. Unlike a productive cough, with a dry cough, sputum is not separated, which negatively affects the healing process and can lead to the development of serious complications. For effective treatment, you should definitely use cough syrup.

"Sinekod" is a drug that has proven itself on the positive side in the treatment of unproductive cough. The medication should be used with extreme caution, because its therapeutic effect is based on the suppression of the cough reflex that occurs in the centers of the brain.
The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Novartis Consumer He alth (Switzerland). The average cost of syrup ranges from 240-360 rubles and depends on the volume of the bottle.
Issue form
The drug is produced in the form of syrup, tablets and cough drops. It was Sinekod in syrup that won the greatest popularity. The instruction says that the transparent liquid has a viscous consistency, a sweetish taste and a vanilla smell. The syrup is packaged in dark glass bottles of 100 and 200 ml. Each bottle with the drug is placed in a carton box.

Drops are packaged in 10 and 20 ml bottles with a dispenser. Red tablets look like dragees.
The powerful therapeutic effect of the syrup is provided by butamirate, an active substance that has pronounced antitussive properties. The component helps to stop severe coughing attacks of various etiologies. 1 ml of syrup contains 1.5 mg of butamirate. As part of the syrup "Sinekod" there are also auxiliary components: glycerol, benzoic acid, sodium saccharinate, vanillin and water. They will help to enhance the therapeutic effect of butamirate and give the medicine a pleasant taste.
1 ml of Sinekod drops contains 5 mg of active antitussive substance.
How it works
"Sinekod" (syrup, drops and tablets) refersto non-narcotic antitussive drugs of central action. The drug effectively suppresses bouts of debilitating unproductive cough and at the same time relieves inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is this that is perceived by the body as an irritant and leads to the appearance of a cough. In addition, the component is able to expand the lumen of the bronchi, which improves breathing and saturates the blood with oxygen.
The therapeutic effect on the background of taking the drug comes quickly enough. A huge advantage is that the drug does not accumulate in the respiratory organs and blood, which eliminates the risk of overdose.
Indications for appointment

According to the instructions, Sinekod syrup helps fight cough syndrome caused by the following pathologies:
- pharyngitis;
- bronchitis;
- whooping cough;
- tracheobronchitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchial asthma.
Manufacturer recommends using medication to relieve dry cough. The syrup will be effective even with smoker's syndrome. In certain cases, the drug may be prescribed to patients before surgery or diagnostic procedures.
Synekod dry type cough syrup should be used. If there is sputum separation, the suppression of the cough reflex can lead to the fact that it will accumulate in the lungs. This will cause the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms and the deterioration of the patient's condition.
How to take
Antitussivein the form of a syrup, it must be taken 20-30 minutes before meals. Shake the vial slightly before taking the medicine. The dosage of the drug is determined by the specialist, and it depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the condition. In order to correctly measure the required amount of syrup, you need to use a measuring cap. After use, it must be washed and dried. The syrup can be washed down with clean water.
In the form of syrup "Sinekod" can be given to children only from the age of three. For patients of the younger age category, antitussive medication is prescribed exclusively in the form of drops.

Children from three to six years old are given the drug three times a day, 5 ml (1 teaspoon). From the age of six, the dosage is increased to 10 ml of syrup per dose. Children over 12 years old can take "Sinekod" 15 ml. Multiplicity of application - 3 times a day. For adults, the medication is also prescribed 15 ml each and increase the number of applications per day up to 4 times.
The duration of such therapy should not exceed seven days. If during this time there is no improvement in the condition, you should seek help from a specialist who can choose another method of treatment. You cannot look for a replacement for an antitussive drug on your own.
Contraindications and side effects
Instruction "Sinekod" in syrup warns that the drug is not suitable for everyone. Before using the medicine, you must make sure that there are no contraindications. Prescribe the drug in syrup with antitussive actionprohibited in the following cases:
- with intolerance or hypersensitivity to any components in the composition;
- in the first trimester of pregnancy;
- for pulmonary hemorrhage;
- for patients under the age of three.
When exposed to the components of the drug, some patients may experience symptoms of side effects. The most common signs include headache, nausea, drowsiness, allergic skin reactions, and indigestion.
"Sinekod" in syrup has earned a lot of positive feedback from both professionals and patients. The drug really helps to quickly eliminate bouts of exhausting dry cough and significantly improve well-being. It should be borne in mind that it does not affect the process of cough treatment at all, but only eliminates the symptom of the inflammatory process itself.

Antitussive agent "Sinekod" is strong enough, so it is contraindicated to use it without consulting a specialist.
What to replace
Analogues of Sinekod syrup are selected in cases where the main medication did not have the proper therapeutic effect. You can replace the original medicine with such drugs as Codelac Neo, Stoptussin, Panatus, Ascoril, Omnitus.

The drug "Stoptussin" is suitable for the treatment of attacks of dry cough and helps to remove sputum. Codelac Neo, Panatus and Omnitushave an exclusively symptomatic effect and help to eliminate dry cough, like the original remedy "Sinekod" (syrup). In the reviews, experts say that the listed analogues are also quite effective.