Tracheitis pills: a list of effective drugs for a child and an adult

Tracheitis pills: a list of effective drugs for a child and an adult
Tracheitis pills: a list of effective drugs for a child and an adult

With the penetration of viral pathogens into the respiratory system, various colds develop. If the inflammatory process has touched the trachea, unpleasant symptoms occur in the form of a dry cough and fever. Special tablets for tracheitis, which reduce the intensity of coughing, will help to cope with the pathology. Let us consider in more detail which drugs have the most pronounced therapeutic effect.

Tracheitis - what kind of ailment

A disease such as tracheitis is characterized by an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the trachea, that is, in the upper respiratory tract. It occurs due to the penetration of viral or bacterial pathogens through the nasopharynx. Sometimes other catarrhal pathologies become the cause of the disease. Tracheitis can occur in acute and chronic form.

medicine for tracheitis
medicine for tracheitis

The main symptom of tracheitis is a dry exhausting cough. During the attack, there is no sputum production. In this case, the patient feels pain forsternum. Most often, attacks occur in the morning and evening. Cough becomes more intense with deep or abrupt entry, laughter, loud conversation. Sputum is formed on the 3-4th day. To alleviate these symptoms, you should choose the right medicine for tracheitis.

The body temperature in this disease rarely exceeds 38 °C. In adult patients, it may generally be of normal values. Children are more prone to fever and chills. Often there is hoarseness, sore throat.

How to treat tracheitis?

Pills and other forms of drugs are prescribed only after the patient has been examined. The specialist can make the final diagnosis on the basis of complaints, symptoms and examination of the patient. If a bacterial origin of the disease is suspected, a sputum test is mandatory to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to medications.

All therapy for tracheitis is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the pathology, improving the patient's well-being and increasing the body's defenses. Therefore, to get rid of the disease, complex therapy is usually prescribed. First of all, cough medicine is selected. Tracheitis is always accompanied by a dry paroxysmal cough. To relieve attacks, doctors recommend the use of antitussive drugs. These funds include "Gerbion" with plantain, "Sinekod", "Ascoril", "Tussin", "Erespal". Mucolytics in the form of "Ambrobene", "Lazolvan", "Gedelix", "ACC" will help to remove sputum.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed strictly by a specialist in the presence of certain indications. Help suchdrugs may be needed when the patient's condition worsens and inflammation develops.


Often used for tracheitis absorbable tablets in the form of lollipops and lozenges. Such drugs can have antiseptic, mucolytic and emollient effects. They allow you to quickly relieve bouts of dry cough and eliminate the feeling of irritation in the throat. They are prescribed for both adults and children. The most common lozenges for tracheitis include the following medicines:

  • Faryngosept.
  • Strepsils.
  • "Decatilene".
  • Neo-Angin.
  • "Trachisan".
  • "Lizobakt".
  • "Lazolvan".
  • Travisil.
  • "Doctor MOM".

Not all of the listed drugs can be used in pediatric practice. This should be taken into account when choosing tablets for the treatment of tracheitis in young patients.

"Sinekod": description of the drug

Get rid of a debilitating cough with tracheitis is possible only with the help of drugs that act directly on the cough centers. It is this medicine that is Sinekod. It also has a bronchodilatory effect, which allows it to be used for inflammation of the bronchi. The drug is available in the form of drops, syrup and tablets for oral use. It is important to remember that the medication can only be used to eliminate dry cough.

how to treat tracheitis pills
how to treat tracheitis pills

The drug has a number of contraindications for use, with which it is necessarybe sure to check it out. First of all, it should not be prescribed to people who have intolerance to any of the components in the composition. It is forbidden to take an antitussive agent for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The syrup is not prescribed for children under three years old, and drops - up to two months.

How to take?

"Sinekod" in tablets for tracheitis, a child is allowed to give from the age of six. Single dose - 1 tablet. Take an antitussive drug twice a day. From the age of 12, the medicine is prescribed 1 tablet three times a day. From the age of 18, "Sinekod" is taken 2 tablets three times a day. Tablets must not be chewed!

In case of overdose, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, migraine, drowsiness, allergic reactions may occur.

"Ascoril" for tracheitis

With a dry unproductive cough, you can use the drug "Ascoril". It has a mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The medicine contains guaifenazine, bromhexine and salbutamol. The product is available in the form of an expectorant syrup and tablets.

tracheitis tablets for treatment
tracheitis tablets for treatment

With the help of "Ascoril" it is possible to relieve spasm from the bronchi, make sputum more viscous, increase lung capacity, and facilitate the process of mucus discharge.

In the form of tablets, the drug can be prescribed to babies from the age of six. At one time, the child is given half a tablet. Children from 12 years of age are prescribed 1 pill three times a day. For an adult with tracheitis, the manufacturer recommends using Ascoril tablets in the same dosage.

Contraindications andside effects

Contraindications include cases where the patient has intolerance to the active or auxiliary components of the drug. It is forbidden to prescribe for liver or kidney failure, ulcers, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, heart disease. Pregnancy and lactation is also a contraindication.

Patients who adhere to the recommended dosage rarely experience any side effects. However, the manufacturer warns about the possibility of their development. You should abandon the use of "Ascoril" with the appearance of nausea, tremor, dizziness, severe headache, nervousness. With such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Erespal for tracheitis

The French drug "Erespal" will help to stop attacks of dry paroxysmal cough. The active ingredient in the composition is fenspiride hydrochloride. The substance has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid. Auxiliary components are components such as calcium hydrogen phosphate, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, titanium and silicon dioxide, povidone, glycerol, magnesium stearate. On sale you can see Erespal tablets and syrup.

tablets for adult tracheitis
tablets for adult tracheitis

For the treatment of tracheitis, Erespal tablets are prescribed, if necessary, to eliminate bronchospasm, reduce swelling of the tracheal mucosa. The drug helps to thin the sputum and quickly remove it from the respiratory tract. Also, the medicine is used for laryngitis,tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, whooping cough.

The tablets are white and biconvex. One package contains 30 pieces.

Application features

In the form of tablets, the drug is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age. For such patients, the medicine is available in syrup. Cough tablets (for tracheitis and other similar pathologies) are taken one at a time three times a day. In some cases, doctors prescribe a different treatment regimen. This is usually necessary if the patient has a history of chronic respiratory disease. The duration of therapy is 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

It is forbidden to prescribe the antitussive agent "Erespal" in case of hypersensitivity to fenspiride hydrochloride or auxiliary components, during pregnancy and lactation.

Undesirable effects during treatment with the drug are extremely rare. Certain symptoms may occur with intolerance to the components of the antitussive drug. Side effects include heart palpitations, headache, nausea, upset stool, drowsiness, skin allergic reactions.

Does "Lazolvan" help with tracheitis?

What pills to drink if you suffer from dry cough caused by tracheitis? One of the effective drugs is "Lazolvan". The composition of the drug contains ambroxol, which helps to enhance the effect of pulmonary surfactant, which contributes to the speedy discharge of sputum. In addition to tablets, the drug is produced in the form of a solution, syrup and lozenges. Tablets are flatyellowish tint and engraved on both sides. One pill contains 30 mg of the active ingredient.

tracheitis pills for a child
tracheitis pills for a child

Prescribe the drug in the form of tablets to patients from the age of six. The scheme and dosage is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. The tablet can be divided in half if necessary. Usually the dosage of the medicine for children of six years is 15 mg per dose. The duration of therapy is 5-7 days.

"Lazolvan" (in tablets) with tracheitis for a child can be replaced with lozenges. They are intended for resorption in the oral cavity. They have a pleasant minty taste and aroma. In this form, the drug is usually given to teenagers.

Are there any contraindications?

Pregnancy (first trimester), breastfeeding, sensitivity to any of the components - direct contraindications for the appointment of the drug "Lazolvan". If necessary, the doctor may recommend taking cough medicine for an expectant mother who is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. However, this is done with extreme caution.

If you do not follow the instructions regarding the use of the medication, various side effects may occur. These include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased sensation, hives, and itchy skin.

Pharingosept tablets

To eliminate irritation in the throat caused by a dry cough, lozenges should be used. The drug "Faringosept" has a pronounced therapeutic effect. They contain an active ingredientambazon, which is active against staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. The drug prevents further reproduction of pathogens.

cough tablets for tracheitis
cough tablets for tracheitis

Tracheitis tablets are successfully used in pediatric practice and are suitable for the treatment of adult patients. Faringosept can be used from the age of three. According to the instructions, babies are given 1 lozenge three times a day. This must be done after meals. Adults should use up to 5 tablets per day. It is allowed to prescribe Faringosept to expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

How is the drug tolerated?

According to numerous reviews from specialists and patients, Faringosept tablets rarely cause side effects. A negative reaction of the body is possible only with an increased sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug. In this case, symptoms such as itching of the skin, rashes, hyperemia, and urticaria may occur. In severe cases, Quincke's edema develops. Therefore, if ambazon is intolerant, treatment with this drug should be abandoned.

"Decatilene" for tracheitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea requires immediate treatment. Decatilene can be used as an antiseptic for the throat. With tracheitis for an adult, tablets are usually recommended to be taken as part of complex therapy. Dibucaine hydrochloride contained in the composition has an analgesic effect, and dequalinium chloride has a direct effect on the viability of bacteria. sensitivity to itshow fungi, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

tablets for tracheitis
tablets for tracheitis

Children "Decatilene" is also suitable for the treatment of various pathologies of the respiratory system. Tablets are prescribed for tracheitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis. According to the instructions, they can be used from the age of four.

Given the fact that tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, the manufacturer warns of contraindications and possible adverse reactions. If the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, there is a risk of allergic skin rashes, irritation of the oral mucosa.


According to the instructions, children from three years old with an acute course of the disease are prescribed to dissolve 1 tablet every three hours. After a decrease in the severity of the inflammatory process, the time interval is increased to 4 hours. Adults to eliminate pain and irritation in the throat are allowed to take the drug every 2 hours (in the acute period).


What to do if tracheitis is diagnosed? What pills will help overcome this disease? Doctors warn that for the treatment of such a disease, it is imperative to seek professional medical help. Self-medication can only make things worse.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge variety of medicines to help cope with this ailment. It can be syrups, solutions, lozenges and tablets. Dosage and regimenthe use of any drug should be determined only by a specialist. Most often, an integrated approach is used in treatment, which allows you to quickly get rid of dry cough and other symptoms of tracheitis.
