A chemical compound with the molecular formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. Another name is propan-2-ol, medical alcohol. The liquid has a strong odor, is flammable, and is colorless.

Isopropyl alcohol has a number of chemical properties. It is able to dissolve in alcohol, ether, chloroform, water. This substance does not interact with s alts. Due to the property of disappearing well in a s alt-free environment, isopropyl alcohol is easy to isolate in water. It is enough to add sodium sulfate or ordinary table s alt. This is its main difference from methanol and ethanol. The informal name for this method is "s alting". Spend it to separate isopropyl alcohol into layers.
Isopropyl alcohol is produced in three ways:
- Indirect hydration is the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid. The result is a mixture of sulfate esters. They are also processed and get the right substance. The by-product is diisopropyl alcohol.
- Direct hydration is carried out in the liquid or gas phase. Acid catalysts must be present. Propylene and water are reacted. Both processes consist in the separation of isopropyl alcohol fromN2O.
- Hydrogenation of acetone. Use crude acetone. It is hydrogenated using copper and chromium oxides or using Raney nickel.

Isopropyl alcohol is widely used. Most often it is used in pharmaceuticals. In industry, it is used as a solvent. In the chemical industry, it is used to produce cumene. According to the results of last year, isopropyl alcohol is often used in cosmetics and in everyday life. This product is used as an additive in gasoline.
This alcohol is used in medicine as an effective disinfectant. They are treated with an injection site. It is also used as an antiseptic. Often used as a desiccant for otitis externa.
Isopropyl alcohol absolute differs from the usual degree of purification. It has the least amount of impurities. It dissolves resins and oils well, does not harm the paintwork. Because of this, it has become widespread in the automotive industry. It is often added to glass cleaner.
In laboratories, isopropyl alcohol is used as a preservative of biological origin. Use it for organics. It is a good alternative to synthetic preservatives such as formaldehyde.

Where to buy isopropyl alcohol? In wholesale warehouses. It is usually sold in large quantities. Despite its widespread use, it can causepoisoning. Therefore, every precaution must be taken when using antifreeze, glass cleaners, shaving lotions, and so on.
The peculiarity of isopropyl alcohol is that it does not penetrate into the body through the skin. But on the other hand, it is perfectly absorbed through the lungs and stomach. It has a depressant effect on the central nervous system 2 times stronger than ethanol. In the liver, it is processed into acetone, and then excreted through the urinary system. Treatment consists of gastric lavage. If dehydration or shock occurs, infusion therapy with sodium bicarbonate is carried out. Hemodialysis shows itself well.