In case of severe bleeding associated with damage to soft tissues or internal organs, hemostatic drugs should be taken. One of the drugs that has been used in medical practice for many years is Dicinon. With menstruation lasting more than seven days, this medication is often prescribed to women. Let us consider in more detail the instructions for use and the effect of the drug.
Medication description
With bleeding of various origins, a drug such as Dicinon is often used as an "ambulance". Thanks to this remedy, it is possible not only to eliminate blood loss, but also to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve microcirculation, reduce the degree of capillary permeability and accelerate the process of blood clotting.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a drug produced by the Slovenian pharmaceutical company Lek and the Swiss brand Sandoz. The average cost of the drug in tablets is 370-400rubles.
Issue form
The drug with a hemostatic effect is produced in the form of tablets for oral use and a solution intended for injection. White tablets have a biconvex shape. Packed in blisters of 10 pieces. One package contains ten such blisters. Sterile solution for injection is packaged in glass ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml. The liquid is colorless, transparent. The package may contain 10 or 50 ampoules with the drug "Dicinon". For menstruation, the instructions for use recommend using the drug both in the form of tablets and in solution.
The manufacturer uses etamsylate as the active ingredient in the composition of the solution and tablets. The component is able to activate the formation of thromboplastin, which begins to form at the initial stage in the process of blood coagulation. The substance delays the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which increase the permeability of capillaries, enhances the adhesion of platelets to damaged vascular walls. Etamsylate significantly reduces bleeding time without increasing blood clotting.

The active substance of the drug "Dicinon" (during menstruation it is prescribed to stop bleeding) does not cause thrombosis, slows down the action of histamine and hyaluronic acid solvent, thereby reducing the permeability of capillary walls.
One tablet may contain 0.05 mg and 0.25 g of etamsylate. In 1 ml of solution for injection - 125 mg of the active ingredient.
Indications for appointment
A drug with a hemostatic effect can be prescribed for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. With heavy periods, Dicinon is used as an ambulance. The doctor determines the optimal medication regimen on an individual basis, depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

The medicine is also used in the following cases:
- for bleeding from internal organs;
- with frequent nosebleeds;
- with hemorrhagic diathesis;
- if necessary to prevent capillary bleeding;
- with severe blood loss due to thrombocytopenia;
- for dental bleeding;
- for pulmonary and intestinal bleeding;
- with fibroids;
- with cerebral infarction;
- with a high risk of postoperative bleeding.
Use in gynecological practice
With menstruation "Dicinon" instruction recommends using in pathological cases. Currently, many women are faced with such a problem as menorrhagia. This is heavy menstruation, in which a woman loses more than 80 ml of blood per day. Usually this condition is associated with a hormonal disorder, nervous strain, the presence of inflammatory processes, and the use of oral contraceptives.
Can I stop my period with Dicynon? Provided that the drug will be taken from the first day of menstruation in a certaindosage, it will be possible to stop the bleeding. However, experts still recommend resorting to this method only in the most extreme cases. Also, do not expect a sharp cessation of allocations.
In the presence of menstrual irregularities, you should initially undergo a medical examination to determine the causes of such a pathological condition. Only after that, the doctor can prescribe this drug in combination with other medicines.
Do expectant mothers prescribe medication?
In gynecological practice, Dicinon is most often prescribed for menstruation. Instructions for use and reviews of experts indicate that this medication is also successfully used to treat pregnant women.

Hemostatic drug is used for placental abruption and spotting spotting. Such pathological conditions threaten the expectant mother not only with serious problems with bearing the fetus, but also with abortion.
How to take Dicynon?
When menstruation is accompanied by heavy bleeding, it is recommended to start taking the medication from the fifth day of the cycle. The duration of such therapy should be at least 10 days. The dosage of the active substance is 250 mg. Multiplicity of application - 4 times a day. The manufacturer advises taking the pills with meals or immediately after the meal. Injections are administered to patients regardless of food intake.
Thanks to etamsylate, strengthening of the vascular walls and endometrium will occur, whichwill reduce their damage. This will significantly reduce the intensity of menstrual flow and minimize the risk of blood clots. If it is necessary to prolong therapy, the doctor should reduce the daily dosage.

The instruction also recommends using "Dicinon" during menstruation to eliminate heavy menstruation in girls in their teens. This phenomenon is usually associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background and is often considered quite normal. The installation cycle takes place over two years. The dosage of the hemostatic drug based on etamsylate in this case is selected strictly by a specialist.
"Dicinone" for prevention
In cases where "Dicinon" during menstruation is prescribed to prevent prolonged menstrual bleeding, it is necessary to take the drug already on the third day from the start of a new cycle. It is necessary to take 250 mg of etamsylate 3-4 times a day. After a few days of therapy, the woman will feel an improvement.
In order to delay the onset of the menstrual cycle by several days, it is necessary to start taking the drug with a hemostatic effect at least five days before the expected date of the start of menstruation. The dosage of etamsylate should be 500 mg at a time. That is, a woman needs to take two tablets of Dicinon three times a day. Please note that the next menstrual cycle may start earlier.
Hemostatic drug is contraindicated in people with severediseases of the hematopoietic system. The use of Dicinon during menstruation in women suffering from hypersensitivity to etamsylate or auxiliary components can only lead to a worsening of the condition.

It is forbidden to prescribe the drug in the following cases:
- for bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants;
- for thrombosis and thromboembolism;
- for lactose intolerance;
- for acute porphyria;
- with severe pathologies of the kidneys or liver;
- with increased blood clotting.
Side effects
During long-term treatment with this drug, various side effects may occur. The use of "Dicinon" during menstruation in some women causes a decrease in blood pressure, and the appearance of severe headaches. Allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching of the skin can occur with the injection of a hemostatic medication. Also, side effects include heartburn, increased sensitivity to odors, numbness of the extremities.
Interaction with other drugs
When injected, "Dicinon" should not be combined with any other drugs. The instruction allows you to add medication to solutions for drip administration. The remedy in question is combined with such hemostatic agents as aminocaproic acid and Vikasol. To eliminate the risk of thrombosis, experts strongly do not recommend at the same timetake Dicinon and Tranexam.
"Dicinon" during menstruation is taken by women of various age categories. The drug effectively eliminates heavy bleeding and unpleasant symptoms that occur with severe blood loss during menstruation. For the drug to really help, it should be started five days before the start of a new monthly cycle and continue therapy for another 5 days. Such a course will need to be repeated three times.
It is imperative to take into account the contraindications for use, which the manufacturer warns about. Otherwise, the condition can only get worse.
What to replace?
Special hemostatic drugs are considered first aid for large blood loss. Such funds are often used in gynecological practice, surgery, dentistry.

Hemostatic drugs include the following:
- "Vikasol". The active ingredient in this medication is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. The active ingredient is designed to stimulate the production of prothrombin. The medication is available in the form of tablets and an injection solution.
- Tranexam. The tablets and solution for injection contain tranexamic acid, which prevents the dissolution of proteins involved in the formation of blood clots (thrombi). The drug also has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
- Aminocaproic acid. Hemostatic,having an antihemorrhagic effect and contributing to a significant decrease in capillary permeability. Available in powder form for oral administration and solution for external and intravenous use.
- "Etamzilat". The main analogue of the drug "Dicinon". With menstruation and the threat of miscarriage, this medication is used quite often. May be administered to children in the form of a solution. It has an angioprotective and hemostatic effect.