Homeopathic candles: the best drugs, features of use, indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

Homeopathic candles: the best drugs, features of use, indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews
Homeopathic candles: the best drugs, features of use, indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

Despite the fact that the pharmacological industry is developing at a rapid pace, the popularity of homeopathic products is not decreasing. And all thanks to the natural composition of such drugs. In this article, we will discuss homeopathic suppositories, look at the types and tell you about the various features of such medicines.

What is the advantage of homeopathic suppositories

homeopathy in real life
homeopathy in real life

Despite the fact that many people are very biased towards this type of drug, its effectiveness is sometimes quite impressive. The main advantages of suppositories are as follows:

  • High efficiency due to fast absorption. Dissolving, the components of the suppository penetrate into the blood (not all, but many). However, they do not affect the liver and stomach of the patient.
  • The use of homeopathic suppositories avoids incompatibility with other drugs, as well as food products that enter the body orally.
  • Such a remedy is much easier to use for the treatment of young children and patients who are unconscious.
  • Suppositories work almost on a par with intramuscular injections (without having to give injections and endure pain).
  • Homeopathic candles for children help during the period of teething. They are easy to use, act quickly, bring the temperature in order and eliminate pain.

The use of such suppositories is widespread in various fields. The high efficiency of such candles has been proven in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Homeopathic suppositories in gynecology have proven themselves on the positive side. Women who are preparing for childbirth or have contraindications to other drugs speak positively about this method of treatment.

Children's suppositories "Viburkol"

homeopathic candles "Viburkol"
homeopathic candles "Viburkol"

The most popular among moms and dads are Viburkol suppositories. This product is manufactured by the German company Heel. In appearance, these are quite ordinary rectal suppositories for babies from birth. However, their composition is quite interesting and useful.

These are homeopathic candles for children. When teething, this is assistant No. 1. This drug is a universal "set" of properties that help relieve the suffering of the baby during the period of the appearance of the first teeth. In addition, these candles are used during colds in children, when the temperature rises and there is a general malaise of the body.(ache).

What is in the composition and how to take

homeopathic suppositories for children "Viburkol"
homeopathic suppositories for children "Viburkol"

After taking the drug, the child calms down, and the temperature goes down. After all, "Viburkol" has a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action. The composition of the drug includes the following components: chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, plantain, pulsatilla, as well as calcium carbonicum. Excipient - solid fat.

In one package 12 suppositories from white to yellowish color with a slightly sour smell (6 pieces 2 plates). Apply this drug according to the following scheme:

  • Children under 6 months of age, if symptoms of SARS occur, it is recommended to use up to 2 suppositories per day, previously divided in half for ease of administration.
  • Babies from six months can use up to 6 candles per day (in the presence of high temperature). If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees, then the recommended dose is 4 suppositories per day.
method of using rectal suppositories for young children
method of using rectal suppositories for young children

Homeopathic suppositories for teething help to quickly eliminate pain. Suppositories should be placed at regular intervals. For example, 4 candles a day every 6 hours or every 4 hours. The average course of taking the drug lasts from 3 to 14 days.

Small child
Small child

The drug is considered safe. There were no cases of overdose. During the period of use of "Viburkol", it is permissible to use othermedicines. Possible individual intolerance to the components of the drug. If this has been noticed, then its use should be discontinued. Homeopathic suppositories during teething have a quick effect and can be used to treat flatulence in infants. Store this medicine should be at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. You can buy it without a doctor's prescription, in almost every pharmacy.

"Tukofitomol" - homeopathy in gynecology

homeopathic suppositories "Tukofitomol"
homeopathic suppositories "Tukofitomol"

Often, women are overcome by problems such as erosion and colpitis. To treat such ailments, a serious approach is required, which implies costly treatment. But experienced doctors do not disdain domestic homeopathic preparations, which can work no worse than cool medicines.

So, what does this medicine consist of and how can it help a woman? The composition of "Tukofitomol" includes natural ingredients, namely: sea buckthorn oil, essences of arborvitae, konium, phytolyakki, maclura, mistletoe, meadowsweet and cocoa butter. The action of these components has a therapeutic effect in the following diseases in the female sphere:

  • Fibroids.
  • Condylomas.
  • Cyst.
  • Fibroma.
  • Polyps.
  • Irritable discharge from the genital tract.
  • Colpitis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Erosion.
  • Other inflammatory processes of the genital area in women.

The drug has a local effect. Using it, you can eliminate inflammatory processes and minimize pain. Homeopathic ReviewsCandles "Tukofitomol" are mostly positive. Many women share their discoveries, which were pleasantly surprised after using this remedy. There is a rapid onset of a positive effect in the treatment of the underlying problem. And also as a bonus, patients note improvements in other areas of the body. For example, some had stomach pain (of a chronic nature) or the fungus on their feet disappeared. These are miracles.

Use and contraindications of "Tukofitomol"

The drug has no obvious contraindications and side effects. The only time when you should not use these suppositories is only if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the remedy.

The drug has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, adaptogenic, and antitumor properties. It should be used in a course of 30 days. Every day, after the evening toilet, you need to put 1 candle (vaginally or rectally). The method of application is determined by the doctor or the patient, depending on his problem.

These homeopathic suppositories are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Their cost is low, which makes the purchase especially pleasant and affordable. Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Another miracle of homeopathy against women's problems - "Anti-K"

homeopathic suppositories "Anti-K"
homeopathic suppositories "Anti-K"

A natural product from the domestic medical and pharmaceutical company Adonis enjoys considerable popularity among knowledgeable people. After all, suppositories "Anti-K" -a real find and a truly healing elixir for the female genital area. The drug itself has a wide spectrum of action on the human body. The main purpose of the remedy is to strengthen immunity.

These suppositories have no side effects and contraindications, so they are easy to purchase at a pharmacy or a specialized store. Undoubtedly, the democratic price of this product pleases. The only time to refuse to buy such a product is the presence of individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

What is in the composition and what helps from

The composition of Anti-K suppositories is quite extensive, and most importantly, natural. This product contains:

  • Tea tree oil.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Fir oil.
  • Hypericum.
  • Essences of St. John's wort, arborvitae, wormwood, yarrow.
  • Cocoa butter.

The big plus of these suppositories is the absence of animal fats. Cocoa butter is used as a base, which has a lot of advantages (healing, anti-inflammatory effect).

Candles are used in the presence of "female" diseases, namely: vulvovaginitis, fungal colpitis, erosion, any other inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. In addition, suppositories are excellent in the treatment of hemorrhoids, fissures and ulcers of the rectum.

How to apply

Starting this drug is quite easy. The main thing is the systematic application without gaps. Then the effect will be most pronounced. Depending on the problem daily, after evening toilet,1 suppository is inserted rectally or vaginally.

The treatment period takes an average of 10 to 30 days. This drug is approved for use during pregnancy. Reviews of people who used this drug speak of its positive effect. Of the pluses, ease of use is also noted, after the introduction of a candle, there are no greasy marks on the underwear.

Users note that in the treatment of hemorrhoids, relief comes the very next day (with a mild form). Pain passes, cracks heal quickly (with hemorrhoids). The average course of application for those who have tried these homeopathic suppositories is 14 days.

When treating gynecological diseases, women note a rapid onset of a therapeutic effect. In the treatment of cervical erosion, patients used 1 suppository for 30 days. This is where homeopathy really helps. As a preventive measure, the use of suppositories in a course of 10 days is recommended.


This is not to say that homeopathy is a waste of money to treat serious problems. After all, sometimes you don’t know where you will find salvation from your sores. Judging by consumer reviews, homeopathic suppositories are sometimes not only not inferior, but also turn out to be more effective in the treatment of certain diseases. Stay he althy!
