Nasal congestion is the main complaint of patients who visit an ENT. Such a symptom significantly worsens the quality of life and causes very unpleasant sensations. Local antimicrobial medicines will help restore normal breathing through the nose and the ability to distinguish odors. One of these means is Collargol. The instructions for this drug and reviews about it will be discussed in detail in the article.
Product description
Rhinitis is the first symptom of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses that develops against the background of a cold. Such a pathological phenomenon is often encountered by patients of all age categories. Many people think that it does not pose a serious danger, but in fact, in the absence of adequate therapy, even ordinary rhinitis can lead to serious complications.

Drug treatment of the common cold consists in the use of several types of drugs. Asantimicrobial agent, many doctors recommend the use of Collargol. Instructions for use says that this is a multifunctional medicine with many medicinal properties. A huge advantage is the absolute safety of this medication. The manufacturer allows its use in pediatric practice for the treatment of the smallest patients.
The product is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies TsHLS-VNIHFI and Pharmaceutical Procurement. The average cost of funds is 120-140 rubles.
Issue form
Instruction "Collargol" reports that the drug is available in the form of a powder, from which other forms of the drug are subsequently prepared. The powder is brown in color and packaged in small dark glass containers.
When selling, the pharmacist is always interested in what the drug will be used for. The concentration of the active substance will depend on this. As a result of dilution of the powder with distilled water, a clear solution is obtained, which has a brown tint and a slight odor. Such a drug can only be made in a pharmacy, where there is a special department involved in the manufacture of medicines.
The active ingredient in Collargol (nasal drops) is colloidal silver. It belongs to the category of antimicrobial and disinfecting substances. It is a suspension of the smallest charged particles of silver, diluted in highly purified water. The antibacterial and disinfectant properties of colloidal silver have been known since ancient times. Hippocrates. The substance helps create an environment in which pathogens cannot thrive.

According to research results, the sensitivity of bacteria to this component is higher than that of he althy cells. This means that the drug based on colloidal silver is completely safe for the human body.
Albumin is another active ingredient in Collargol. The instruction says that this is a plasma-substituting component that helps maintain colloid osmotic blood pressure.
Drug action
The therapeutic efficacy of the drug is based on the suppression of the vital activity of pathogens by blocking the production of enzymes. Sensitivity to colloidal silver is shown by streptococci, Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococci.
When it comes into contact with the nasal mucosa, the substance is able to precipitate proteins that form a protective film, under which the process of regeneration of damaged tissues takes place. After the treatment of the nasal cavity, the secretion of mucous and purulent secretion is significantly reduced. According to the instructions for use, Collargol has pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent properties.
Indications for appointment
A preparation based on colloidal silver is recommended for use in diseases associated with the development of an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. In this case, the disease can have both bacterial and viral etiology. Particularly effectivethe remedy will be in the treatment of sinusitis in children and adults.

Collargol (nose drops) should be used in the following cases:
- for protracted rhinitis of bacterial origin;
- with adenoiditis;
- with sinusitis, frontitis and ethmoiditis;
- with tonsillitis (as part of complex treatment).
This remedy will not cope with the symptoms of viral rhinitis. In addition to otolaryngology, a drug based on colloidal silver can be used to treat festering wounds, boils. In ophthalmic practice, I use the solution in the treatment of purulent forms of conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis.
How to apply?
Instruction "Collargol" warns that depending on the age of the patient, the concentration of the active substance is calculated. So, for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis in adults, a 5% solution of colloidal silver should be used. It must be instilled into the nose with a pipette of 3-6 drops. The procedure is repeated at least twice a day. In severe cases of the disease, it is recommended to treat the nasal cavity with an antiseptic solution up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is usually 4-6 days.
Pediatric use
In certain cases, a specialist may prescribe Collargol to the baby. For children, colloidal silver powder is diluted at a lower concentration. The smallest patients (babies) are allowed to treat the nasal passages with 1% drug.

From the age of three, you can use a 2% solution of Collargol. The duration of therapy and the frequency of use of the medication will depend on the age of the child and the diagnosis.
Contraindications, side effects
The drug is quite allergenic and is not suitable for patients with hypersensitivity to silver or albumin. Side effects develop only with prolonged use of Collargol. The instruction says that local allergic reactions most often occur in the form of itching, burning.

With the accumulation of the active substance in the tissues, argyrosis develops - a pathology characterized by pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the dosage and not use the medicine without first consulting with an ENT.
"Kollargol" is considered by many experts to be a very effective tool. With its help, you can quickly eliminate the symptoms of a bacterial rhinitis, acting directly on the causative agents of the disease.